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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Remake of the classic Gerry Anderson series UFO is on the way...... I dunno. I love the original show heaps, even with its flaws, but I have concerns that a remake could , as usual, stuff things up....... Taksraven
  2. I mean, it probably will be a good escapist war film, but when they have the wankey attitude "You haven't seen WW2 until you see it through Tarentino's eyes" whatever it is they say, it leaves me a bit cold. Pitt was excellent in "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford". Fantastic film. Taksraven
  3. Two of the worst.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYT3zezajOM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjPfaPpFSjo And one of the best, although relatively obscure to those across the Atlantic I think.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ3KCBoFr5I Taksraven
  4. Sorry Hawk, I meant the ultimate version of Harvey.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02u2JCayKeY...feature=related Taksraven
  5. This rocks more than Spiderman..... Taksraven
  6. Coolest ever walking away from an explosion at 3:42 of this vid. Gotta love it. Taksraven
  7. :blink: :wacko: Taksraven
  8. Without trying to seem like too much of an old fart (but I'm going to anyway), to me it seems that there are a lot of people in the under-20 age group who seem to have little "general knowledge" about a lot of topics. Maybe this is just stuff that is learned with time and I should not be judging them. I dunno. Taksraven
  9. Totally forgot Thin Red Line. Not quite the same type of film as "All Quiet..." tone wise but still an outstanding film in its own way. Saving Private Ryan nearly makes it as a horrific portrayal of war but then stuffs it up with the general theme of hope and salvation, which is absolute garbage. Das Boot was brilliant too. The problem is that when you come out of the cinema after the extended version of the film (209 minutes), you really do feel like you have been stuck at the bottom of the ocean in a submarine for that long. God help anybody who has watched the 293 minute mini-series cut. (4 hours and 53 mins!!!) Taksraven
  10. Oh, don't get me wrong there. I certainly do not support fans having total influence and control over these films because I agree with you, they would probably be unprofitable crap. I would just be happier if they had followed the source material a bit more closely. Taksraven
  11. "Sexing up" the violence of WWII. What a fantastic idea. I think I will stick with "All Quiet on the Western Front". A more realistic portrayal of the horrors of war. (Yes, I know its about WWI, if anybody knows of a WWII equivalent, let me know) Taksraven
  12. Slightly OT, but this sort of thing makes me hope that Imagi have had their lawyers check out the legal status and ownership of Gatchaman outside of Japan, because they could potentially have to deal with many previous owners of the franchise and its elements in the West, including Saban Entertainment, ADV films, Sandy Frank, Turner Broadcasting and Urban Vision. I think its pretty safe to assume that they would at least have things sorted out with Tatsunoko. Taksraven
  13. Yep. This is one thing that they have ALWAYS got badly wrong in both films. The sort of thing that, when Starscream was in robot mode, you could still see clearly that he was a jet. I think it looked great. And the transformation process itself does look terrible, I don't care what sort of fancy computer programs they use to generate it. And how long does the transformation process take. I swear, that one of Optimus' transformation sequences early on in the film felt like it took about 15 seconds!!! To me, it seems like that they have transforming robots in this film franchise but they either don't know what to do with them or are not using enough imagination to make it interesting. They spend most of their time in robot mode and they never really utilise the ability to transform in combat itself. Taksraven
  14. Just out of interest, did any particular event instigate this trademark fight in court? (edit: actually, what would be fantastic would be if anybody could put together a timeline showing the legalities of the HG Vs everybody else business, right from when HG purchased the Macross rights, its a big ask but I am sure that a lot of us would love to see it) Taksraven
  15. Which Birdman theme? Technically there were two. :P Taksraven
  16. Nah, this is better.... Taksraven
  17. Exactly. I own the soundtrack to BOTP and to hear the tracks in stereo is awesome. Taksraven
  18. Some of his stuff was alright, but I still think that the absolute king of animated TV show theme's has to be Hoyt Curtin. Not a specialist in any type of animated series, he did them ALL. For me personally, Hoyt's standout soundtrack was to Battle of the Planets. And what made that really good was that the also retained most of the original Japanese music and complemented it with Hoyts stuff. And when I watched the original Gatchaman, it was great, but I missed Hoyts soundtrack contributions. Taksraven
  19. Maybe, but I thought that (according to the "robotech/HG legal thread") that HG did not have total international control of the Macross rights. I thought that they did not own the copyright in Australia, for example. Taksraven
  20. AAArrrgghhhhh!!! BB is watching us. Do it to Julia!!!! DO IT TO JULIA!!!!!!!!! AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! Taksraven
  21. How can you be absolutely sure about that?? Taksraven
  22. And while we are at it, best animated series theme here..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXEiMOFth7g...ec-HM-fresh+div and here.... and here...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr0aCQyhDKU Taksraven
  23. Aaaarrrggghhhhh!!! He did that bloody Ulysses 31 theme song. HELP!!!!!! BUT!!! On the website you have linked to the artist might include the extended version of the MASK theme but NOT the extended version of the Ulysses 31 theme which is EASILY FOUND as it has been floating around the net for years and it contains the brilliance of not one, not two, but THREE "Its me No No. Small robot you know" solo's. Truly classic stuff, eh. Go here to listen, if you think your ears will survive.... Taksraven
  24. Agree. Ignoring them is a great option but it can be infuriating for both parties involved. Taksraven
  25. I saw the Prisoner of Azcaban (wrong spelling, who cares) for the first time properly the other day. It was ok. The time travel bit was done fairly poorly tho. The thing I did like was the performance from Michael Gambon as Dumbledore. Never like Richard Harris in the role, he played it like some guy who was about to drop dead (oh wait, I see.......) but they let Michael play it differently and I was quite impressed. (Then again, I have always been impressed with Michael Gambons acting. The original Singing Detective. What a legend. Am I right, or am I right?) Taksraven
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