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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I have to agree with Roy Focker. To be a good Shadow Chronicles artist, THIS should be your reference point for the female anatomy...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF9QI18-Bpo Taksraven
  2. We did it last year anyway.... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ture+of+macross Put simply, the future is the movie and who knows what after that...... Taksraven
  3. most political SF fails miserably. the best political SF is 1984 and Brave New World. A lot of SF people think that "Star Trek" politics are a good idea. (and thats all i'm saying about politics.) taksraven
  4. Gotta love urban myths. But we live in an age where they are all being destroyed. Taksraven
  5. Only if you get cast as Rambo, then we would all go and see it. Taksraven
  6. Lets just pause for a second and imagine the bile and hatred that such an event would generate here. :lol: Taksraven
  7. Really enjoyed the teaser/trailer for this film. Like a little enclosed story rather than all the random shots from the film. Cool. I thought that the Dude looked pretty cool and healthy in the clip too. He looked like a train wreck in Iron man. Taksraven
  8. Nah, never read the book but i thoroughly enjoyed the film. And so did the other several hundred others in the cinema. Got a massive audience reaction (Laughter, cheering, cries of terror at the sight of Dina Meyers horrific breasts, etc......) and audience reaction like that is relatively rare in Australia. Taksraven
  9. Yeah, most of it is relatively old news now. Not sure about picking up the storyline again. Maybe that one would have been better left alone. Time will tell, I guess.. Taksraven
  10. Can't believe that I forgot this one. They need to make The Restaurant at the End of the Universe as a sequel to Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy that was done as a film a few years ago. The story goes that Hitch Hikers made a profit, but not enough of a profit to warrant another film. A pity. Taksraven
  11. I *really* want the track that starts at 1.12 of this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds8GsmcHiic Just a piece of orchestral "battle" music, but I love it.... Taksraven
  12. Yeah, the Star Wars is a nine film trilogy of trilogies stories has been floating around since at least the early 80's possibly earlier. I have not been able to ever track down a direct quote from Lucas himself saying that there was going to be nine films and I would be happy to know if such a quote exists. I certainly think that there is scope for it but as far as I know all written material set after Episode VI is considered "Expanded Universe", in other words, non-canon. Taksraven
  13. Yeah yeah, we all love Pikachu...... Taksraven
  14. Dunno. Started to watch the first ep but it seemed rather dull. Taksraven
  15. Great idea for a thread. I would have liked to have seen a film following on from Star Wars Episode 6. Taksraven
  16. The Mechwarrior 3:Pirates Moon expansion disk that made it so your mech had a spotlight to see with at nighttime. The previous game, Mech 2, had the "Light Amplification Mode" which was far superior. Very dodgy game development there. And also, the level in Pirates Moon when you had to jump over a gorge on your way to and from combat. How stupid was that? Taksraven
  17. Just as there is still Frontier stuff that is unavailable, esp. some of the orchestral stuff. Not happy about that. Grrrrrr. Taksraven
  18. I think that it was actually an ill-fated version of The Pirates of Penzance. But it is definitely evidence that we DONT always need more pirates. Taksraven
  19. You obviously have not seen "The Pirate Movie" AAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHH, what CRAP!!!! Taksraven
  20. Tentative dates set for the filming of Pirates of the Carribean 4. No thank you.... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/14719/fou...ing-next-april- And we don't need a Wall Street follow-up either.... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/14714/bar...s-street-sequel Taksraven
  21. OK, I'm going to recant everything positive I said about this project. After watching the 9 minute preview that has been made available due to comicon, which you can watch here I have decided that this show does not seem to have picked up on the spirit of the original show, has totally bastardised the concept and has generally screwed it up. It looks like The Prisoner mixed in with The Truman Show and Life on Mars and it looks to be a horrible combination. Very disappointed. I didn't want a shot for shot remake of the original but this looks like garbage. Taksraven (People not familiar with the original might enjoy it though.)
  22. Next you will want us to be saying "expendables" or "cannon fodder" instead of "Redshirts". You're sucking the fun out of it, dude! Taksraven
  23. It was a pretty cool as well as vicious looking Angel. Looks like a really nasty brawler. Taksraven
  24. I'll chuck this into an evangelion thread even though it is not related to the films. Can anybody identify this angel..... The pic has been floating around for years. Is it just a bit of random evangelion art, or was is planned to be an angel and not shot. Thanks. Taksraven I'm talking about the picture on the left, BTW.
  25. In a few weeks time they are going to show some footage from the film for free at IMAX cinemas around the world. Keep an eye out if you want to go. I'm going to wait to see the whole film. Taksraven
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