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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. What are the other two in your top three, if you don't mind me asking? Taksraven
  2. Reviews for this film are emerging. Garth from Dark Horizons seems to be fairly kind to it to me. The last line of his review, however, is VERY funny...... "As a cheesy, mindless kid blockbuster it's perfectly mediocre, those already labeling it a highlight of the Summer though need to seriously get their heads examined." Here is the rest, enjoy..... http://www.darkhorizons.com/reviews/949/G-...e-Rise-of-Cobra Taksraven
  3. Krusty is coming.......Krusty is coming........with food.....and water.......and to SMITE our enemies!!!!! Taksraven
  4. You reckon?? :rolleyes: Taksraven
  5. You could argue that about most popular entertainment. I was watching Eragon on TV the other night, and I was able to guess most of the major plot points and developments just by putting the film together from bits of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. You are right. Macross Frontier was not really groundbreaking but it did manage to turn a few conventions on their head, which is always a good thing. To me, Macross Frontier was good, and it was meant to be fun. It was a nice contrast after Macross Zero which was also good, but very dark. And I think that Frontier climaxed well in the last episode, throwing in as many old references as they could and creating what seemed to me to almost be a party atmosphere. Which was fair as the whole thing was meant to be a celebration of Macross. Taksraven
  6. I think that Zool was a bit of a blunder. An attempt to mimic Sonic the Hedgehog. Not really a bad game but most Amiga gamers were not really interested in that sort of thing. I think that most platform games are pretty childish actually. (I am such a snob) Taksraven
  7. The problem, however, is that this situation means that we are all really living in the past. As nice as it is to revisit the past, I still want to see new mythologies and new ideas. Does this mean that we are going to see new Automan on TV?? I hope not. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bagging out Tron or anything, i just want a more creative hollywood. Taksraven
  8. Bond. Gay Bond. On a different note, Dizman, what is the origin of your avatar, I love it. Taksraven
  9. How the hell did this situation arise?? Taksraven
  10. Agreed, most "childrens" entertainment that I see from time to time these days is so weak and mild, like it never wants to challenge anybody. Absolutely in agreement again. I dunno what the attraction is for Spongebob. It's not funny, not entertaining and in general is very stupid. (I think that there is a thing that you could call "good" stupid, but this is not it) Don't worry, chances are when your daughter does decide to pick up a book, it will probably be some drivel like the Twilight series, just like my daughter. When I was 15, I was picking up and reading books like Nineteen Eighty-Four and loving it, despite the fact that it was bleak, sad and with an incredibly depressing ending. Many kids, then and now, cannot cope with negativity in a story or a negative ending. Taksraven
  11. Yeah, I hated it in Macross Frontier when they started to do that to the Vajra, after they were portrayed as being so tough in the first few episodes. Taksraven
  12. I'm sure that some people would argue that "Custer's Revenge" as a video game was a bit of a mistake. But then again, in this instance, I think that the entire company, Mystique, was a mistake. Taksraven
  13. You missed the bit where the mirror sneezes. Very funny. Taksraven
  14. Nah, Mr Cranky's review of Spiceworld is much quicker and to the point. This, to me, qualifies as best ever. http://www.mrcranky.com/movies/spice-world And Matt Cale's old review on ruthlessreviews.com of Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever was just a page full of "Screw Flanders". That one was pretty good too.... Taksraven
  15. Yeah, you're on the right track with that. Alien3 was supposed to be a nightmarish production. Don't forget the crap about the original ending not being to the execs satisfaction, so they had to hire Sigourney to shave her hair again for a dumb reshoot. Also, the stories that guns were not allowed to be used in the third one because Sigourney did not want to be seen as a gun toting hero. (If that story was true, Sigourney must take a lot of the blame for the failure of the third film. The problem with the Alien franchise is that is lacks a single guiding influence. Every film has been written and shot by different people and as a result they have always been a struggle between style vs. substance since there is no real overriding idea about what should be happening. FOX just sees it as another cash-cow and they think that by putting the brand name on any old crap it will sell. Thats why I think it might be better if the franchise did not come back, rather than get another crap film to drag it through the mud. And, to all the "Ridley Scott can do no wrong" worshippers here, I just have one word. HANNIBAL! Taksraven
  16. They probably don't count, to be honest, but I find it interesting that since the success of Chicago, studio's have been falling over themselves to churn out musicals. A few years before Chicago they wanted to get a musical of RENT made, but the studio did not want to spend any money on it so the project was canned. After Chicago, the RENT film gets made, funny, eh. And we've already had the unneccesary Hairspray remake. Taksraven
  17. Three........TWO...........ONE...........
  18. I think that most people would rather look at the Gianna Michaels Veritech. Whoever she is. Taksraven
  19. A JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR REMAKE!!!! FFS!!! I know, Megan Fox as Mary and Johnny Depp as JC. It would work!!! http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/14788/uni...rist-superstar- Taksraven
  20. They were not great but they deserve to be part of the canon of the series. I dunno, as much as I would like to see another Alien film, my concerns about it being stuffed up (even with Ridley at the helm), is enough to make me think that the franchise is best left alone now. Maybe if the likes of Dan O'Bannon was back on board to script it I would be more hopeful. But even then he has written plenty of crap. Taksraven
  21. Maybe in episode 27 where it has the shot of the fleet lined up ready to attack, but I'm not sure. Anybody want to confirm or deny?? Edit: I was thinking it could have been seen in a shot like this one..... Taksraven
  22. There was dialogue in this film?? Next you will say that it had a plot too!!!!! :lol: Taksraven
  23. I think that I prefer that Macross operates like that. As nice as it would be to have new Macross on a more regular basis, it would probably hurt the quality of the show. Taksraven
  24. Story goes that Peter Benchley, the author of the novel, turned up on set to check things out and was so vocal in his displeasure as to how things were going that the director had to throw him off the set. Might be an urban legend though..... Taksraven
  25. I never ever thought or hoped that it would be better than the original. I guess that I hoped that it would be updated in such a way that it would at least be comparable to the original..... Taksraven
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