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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Totally disagree. I think that it has been a great year for SF in the movies, one of the best in a long time, despite the fact that there have been a few howlers. And its not over yet, there is still more SF to come.... Taksraven
  2. I have to say that this one totally slipped under my radar and it comes out tomorrow. Looks interesting too........ http://www.filminfocus.com/focusfeatures/film/9/ Taksraven
  3. This article is not directly relevant to this topic, but still relevant in the way that it looks at copyrights and how issues over them are becoming more and more of a headache to broader culture in general. Worth a look...... http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/6811a9d4-9b0f-11...?nclick_check=1 Taksraven
  4. Never sat though an entire Rambo film and I'm not going to start now. I would do less damage to my brain by stabbing it with a fork. Taksraven
  5. You've got that right, its flying about as well as John Denver...... Taksraven
  6. In other words.... Taksraven
  7. What about Watchmen as SF? Certainly has a lot of SF elements. Taksraven
  8. There we go. Back to the way it should be.....(by popular demand??) Taksraven
  9. MEMO's post was different to his normal type. I think he's losing it. Taksraven
  10. Even though I haven't seen it myself, a lot of people have also been enjoying the Sam Rockwell film Moon, which you failed to include. Taksraven
  11. We've also got Avatar and Tron Legacy coming out at years end. This poll is waaaay too premature. Taksraven
  12. NEWS.COM.AU reported the death today of one of the stars of the 1976 Australian classic film, Mr Percival. Check out the article here. He made a big contribution to the Australian film industry and he will be sadly missed.... Taksraven
  13. LOL. Verrry cool. Thanks for that. Taksraven
  14. What he said. Taksraven :ph34r:
  15. Don't think that I have posted the link for this brilliant music-related comedy skit before. Hope you like it.... Taksraven
  16. You forgot to add "EXTERMINATE!!!" Anybody here capable of photoshopping into creation a HG Dalek saying the appropriate slogans. I think that most HG people and RT fans seem to have the uncompromising and unreasonable attitude of a Dalek. Taksraven
  17. I have to say, thank christ for this Mechwarrior HG news from the viewpoint that it gives us a slightly different angle to talk about things, it was getting pretty stagnant here. (and probably will again) Taksraven
  18. Thats the thing I would be wondering about as I don't know how the legal process would work in this case. If the gamemakers said "screw you" to HG, would it be up to them or up to HG to take this up in court. I really doubt that HG would be game enough to pursue this in court as a ruling against them could be really damaging. Lets all dream of a scenario where HG pursues this into court and through their own stupidity loses all rights to Macross, etc. Unlikely but it would be verrrry nice. Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't HG gotten used to getting its own way by generally threatening to pursue legal action but not actually taking many things to court? Taksraven
  19. Good, but it sounds relatively mild. I imagined more of a potentially dangerous or painful experience if you clicked "YES" :lol: Taksraven
  20. Are you doubting the ability of Hollywood to make absolute shite?? Shame!! :lol: Taksraven
  21. But what would be the ideal fate for a person who who dared to click "YES"? Taksraven
  22. Always nice to talk to another local fan. We should organise a get together for Sydney fans. Not a convention, just a casual meet. I'll think about organising one and if I do I will post about it in the "Local Gathering" section. Yeah, for a long time the Cartoon Gallery was the place in Sydney to get anime. Not particularly cheap but they had good stock. I remember going in there every couple of weeks in the 90's to get the latest Evangelion release. (ADV films, related to the thread, please step back Mr Mod) :lol: Taksraven
  23. There used to be a shop here in Sydney called "The Cartoon Gallery". It started off selling animation cels and after a few years started to sell video's of animated programs. A few more years went by and they started to sell Anime video's and then Anime DVD's when they were released. After a few years of this the owner Michael Heins had to close the shop and now just operates a website selling anime DVD's. To me, it illustrates the need to adapt and have different business models ready to go if the one you are currently using fails. I think that this sort of thing is what companies like ADV have to pay attention to. Taksraven
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