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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Who cares about Clara when Handles was such a great companion for The Time of the Doctor??!!
  2. I was a bit underwhelmed by the story. A bit of a mish-mash. The Daleks and Cybermen both need to be set up as deadly enemies again in the series, cause at the moment they are both a bit of a joke. Moffett can do really well at times, but not all the time of course. As far as actual regeneration sequences go, I liked it. Much faster and less drawn out than normal. This is a critical point for the series. Switching back to such an older Doctor might put off some of the younger fans. It needs to be handled well.
  3. More Nazi zombie fun? I'm there!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PztxqPl4GmY
  4. Meh, at the end of the day, Jackson knows that most of the audience have *not* read the books, so what's the point in getting worked up about it?
  5. Some people here need one of these..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMr8yCbGqN8
  6. I was one of the few who enjoyed the large amount of character development in the last film, so I was disappointed that there wasn't nearly as much in this film. Still enjoyed it though. Killer ending for a movie. (I bet some execs weren't happy with it ending the way it did).
  7. What-ever. You keep shifting the goal-posts and you don't know what you are talking about anyway.
  8. They are also the number one supplier of arms to the rest of the world too, with most of them going to "developing" countries. Kind of balances out, doesn't it?
  9. I live in a middle class area and have a middle class background, but I work in an area that is at a *very low* socio-economic level. I work with an increasing level of students with refugee backgrounds from Africa, Asia and Europe. I don't want to say too much more because the mods are going to lose it because we are going all political here but, trust me, I know what I am talking about when I say a large proportion of the upper class in my *city*, let alone country, couldn't give a stuff about the students I teach. In fact, the prejudice against refugees and lower socio-economic classes here goes all the way up to the current serving right-wing Prime Minister.
  10. Your point being?? More people need to be hit over the head with this fact than you could ever believe, especially a lot of the dumb as dog shiit kids I teach. They spend most of their lives being indoctrinated in the other direction and you are going to whine about a film that tells it like it is? Believe me when I say that a more subtle message would be lost on a lot of the under 25's today.
  11. The Holiday season sucks. You suck, your friends and family suck, I suck, we all suck. Wise up Sucker.......
  12. Yeah, Supergirl. You are a funny guy......
  13. Just the other week I was adding Peter as Lawrence of Arabia to the Anti-hero thread. Now he's gone. RIP, a true legend.
  14. I think that Cruise has this type of old-fashioned movie star "charisma", which helps him get through a lot of roles. That's not to say he can't act, but it does mean that at times in some films he can use this charisma to get him through. I think that Jimmy Stewart had a similar sort of charisma. His acting wasn't always that great, but he just had that twinkle in his eye and a lot of style. Jack Nicholson has it too. (Although Jack is also an outstanding actor and can win awards for it.)
  15. T.E. Lawrence from Lawrence of Arabia. A bit trickier since this is an account based on a real person. And there has been a lot of criticism levelled at how the real man was portrayed in this film. But, as a character portrayed by Peter O'Toole in this film, he is clearly an anti-hero. A man of *many* contradictions (as evidenced by the opinion of those at his funeral at the start of the film), his actual motivations are never really explained. Basically, he sets out to aid the Arabs in their revolt against the Turks during World War One. He is often in direct conflict with those commanding him as well as those he works with and tried to help. Indeed, he ends up killing several people that he probably would have liked to consider "friends" as he ruthlessly tries to achieve his goals. By the end of the conflict he has not achieved what he set out to do and he is ultimately alone. A freedom fighter, a ruthless butcher and murderer (the way he leads an attack on retreating/surrendering Turkish soldiers has to be seen to be believed) , a "shameless self promoter", by the end of the film he is nearly as enigmatic as he seems at the start.
  16. Negativity?? Here??? What-choo talkin' 'bout Dobber!! LOL....!! Yeah, it does look pretty good. Always expect great visuals from the "Brothers" at least.
  17. Nah. If this movie had been called Frozone and featured this dude, I would be THERE in a heartbeat.....
  19. Their release schedule really sucks too. No excuse to take so long to get it ALL out..... This “original” version, it is planned for release in 6 volumes, with Vol. 1 (episodes 1 -4) scheduled out on 2/27/2014 Following that, the succeeding volumes will be released as follows: Volume 2 in April 2014 Volume 3 in June 2014 Volume 4 in August 2014 Volume 5 in October 2014 Volume 6 in December 2014(include 6 episodes.Premium version.Price is higher than other DVD and Blu-ray)
  20. Hopefully they use the English subs off the Japanese discs. It will be painful to watch if everything is changed to "Argo" and "Wildstar".
  21. Thanks for that..... We need a random Youtube thread.
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