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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. It looks like they are drawing from most of it, and since all of the versions of GITS are slightly different.......well..... It's actually a lot like Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy in that way. I think in the blurb for the first Dirk Gently novel it described Douglas Adams as being the "author of all of the different and wildly conflicting versions of HHGTTG". That's ok though. I predict that this will possibly be more of an "origin" story. It is Hollywood, and we know how much they like them. I also predict that there will be shitloads more exposition than any other version of GITS. Hollywood, once again. I don't think that this movie should have to be a slave to the previous versions of the story, that would suck. There is nothing wrong with it following it's own path. There's nothing wrong with being surprised.
  2. To be honest, I think they have the leitmotif's of Bats, Supes and WW nailed down pretty well in this movie series. Distinctive and can be blended together well.
  3. Unless things really pick up for this in the home media/streaming market, this movie could be the last one for a while.
  4. They have alternate heads so you can switch em round and confuse the sarge....
  5. I think that the Nolan films gave the best representation of a bat-signal. Messy as hell and useless if you don't have clouds to reflect off.....
  6. From J. Jonah Jameson to Commissioner Gordon. LOL.
  7. Star Trek 50th anniversary in five days? Does anybody care? I think that Doctor Who had a bigger celebration of it's 50th. LOL
  8. I've still think the design is fine, it's just a pity that they put out a trailer with shoddy rendering, etc It looks like a demo for a trailer, not the final product.
  9. That's all well and good when you are going up against a bigger target (like a capital ship), but in dogfighting you want a narrower range of attack to really get the guy right in front of you. That or X-Wings should have a central blaster down the center line of the ship to help ensure that the pilot does not miss. How good would it be if they used their variable capabilities the same way as Valks, constantly switching between modes. That would look great.
  10. Simple review. Not as bad as they say, but still riddled with problems. Needed more work at the scriptwriting stage (like most movies these days it looks like they started filming on a second or third draft, *sigh*) and it looks like editing is becoming a lost art. And despite what a lot of people say, I enjoyed the movie more when it became more serious towards the end.
  11. Everybody hates it. I like it. A more inspiring piece of music probably would have helped the overall presentation, but the choice of shots was nice.
  12. I think that the popularity of this game has surprised the media/general public simply due to the fact that a lot of people didn't know how popular Pokemon is. If you're above a certain age range the game/show means little to you and all of a sudden its popularity is being shoved in everyone's faces. But yeah, this is just a fad as well.
  13. There were also rumors of a remake of The Black Hole being in early development at Disney as well but I think the plug was quietly pulled on that after the Star Wars purchase.
  14. Can you imagine the screams if they changed the Andromeda *too* much.
  15. I don't think I agree that they were going with a "harder" SF approach with TMP, but they certainly tried a different approach. I think they got bogged down with a lot of the Special Effects which was a pity 'cause the best thing about TMP was the character interactions. They put out a DVD version a few years ago that added some more character interaction and tightened up a few things like elements of the special effects and that was pretty good. It's not out on Blu-Ray though because the remastered and new effects were not rendered in HD. A pity.
  16. Wow. A Star Trek Vs. The Rest Of Science Fiction debate. That's gonna end well. The thing that gave Star Trek a real boost in the really early days in the 60's was the fact that a lot of the writers they employed were proper literary SF writers, some of which had a half-decent understanding of science. That was why, for many of the episodes in the Original Series (but definitely not all) the quality of the writing was a notch above its contemporaries (Yes, I'm looking at you, Lost In Space) and it was a tradition that did hold on for a while in the more modern versions of the show, but by the time you got to DS9 and Voyager things were getting very outlandish overall. By the time we got to the original series of Trek films it was all completely character and action driven and the reboot/alternative universe films we are getting today are only trying to maintain that tradition. "Proper" science is completely out the window. (But don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the new films) While I'm mentioning Lost In Space, in some internet press all three remaining fans of that show have been whinging that 2016 is also their 50th anniversary and world couldn't give a crap apparently, LOL.
  17. Welcome to Hollywood. A pretty accurate description of the situation these days.....
  18. "Pandering to a female audience"?? OH, GOD FORBID, THEY ARE DEVELOPING SOME DECENT FEMALE CHARACTERS IN THE STAR WARS FRANCHISE THESE DAYS!!!!!! Seriously, how many female "characters" were in the original trilogy?? How many had more than one or two lines?? And the situation was nearly as bad in the prequel trilogy. Now they are doing something to improve on that (not by a huge amount, mind you) and we are going to whine about it? Really??
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