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Everything posted by scott8539

  1. WOW!! very sweet ride.
  2. can we see a full render please.
  3. do you think i could get a small sample of misa talking?i just got a lipsynk program for my 3d misa,this thing takes wav files.on the voice fx if i can find the right carrierwave it should come out a lot better.
  4. i just tryed it with a vocoder but still sounds like a cylon.but yet i still keep looking!!if i come up with anything ill let you know.
  5. http://s96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/scott8539/ some of my doings.
  6. got 3 going your way nanashi.
  7. if you want i can export the c4d to 3ds.you may lose some uv-maps.
  8. thanks agian mechmaster
  9. to hikuro,what are you using for the zentraedi voice fx.that is if your going to do it that way.
  10. you sure put a lot of time in this and its paying off bigtime.i would eat my own feet to get a copy of that model
  11. to mechmaster,what would i use to convert iff to jpeg?im having to remap the models i import to poser.thanks.
  12. one more.monster destroid by mechmaster test2_300.zip
  13. i made a quick one.model by machmaster. test300.zip
  14. that is a beautiful ship!do you plan on doing the other zentraedi ships?
  15. yes 1 out of 30.im going to redo it from a differant angle.
  16. maingun test
  17. this is misa,almost got here uniform ready.
  18. thanks dante74,i aint gots nothin to shoot at.im hoping with all these models that people make they can upload them here at macross world to share or sell to the fans.
  19. the new sdf1 arms and vf1s battlemode.i've tryed to transform the vf1s into fighter mode but it did'nt look right.anyone outthere who can donate a vf-1 in fightermode.
  20. im doing my own animations i need anime soundfx old school type explosions,transforming,lazer,ship background noise stuff like that.
  21. i changed the arms with parts from the vf1s.looks ok.i've not found anything for the vents yet.will post a new pic soon.
  22. looks good like a ps2 game.will this be just in air or can you transform and fight on the ground?
  23. here it is transformed.did a lot of tweeking too.
  24. thanks mechmaster,i almost got it to transform but i cant get the maingun and the leggs to sit right.i'll get it sometime later.if you have anymore to abandon i can give them a good home if you take requests for projects i'd like to see the macross bridge.i cant find anything on it or i would try to make it.thanks agian for the models there sweet!
  25. couple things going on here.used a fisheye lens camera and a sky dome background.+ i dont think the sdf1 is true scale but its close.
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