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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Ahh, the 80s and 90s were some "awesome" days for B-Movies. I guess it depends on your POV and how much pain you can tolerate.
  2. Kind of, sort of related to the old Street Fighter Alpha 3 menu. Well, not really.
  3. Just saw it a while ago. Liked it a whole lot and was well worth the price of admission. I'm not a DiCaprio fan, but he got his chops down just right in this flick. The rest of the cast I felt was quite cool also.
  4. The funny part with Blizzard's older games was that they specifically asked the user if you wanted to install a spawned copy for such a use. I still remember seeing that option for installations of Diablo, Warcraft 2, and Starcraft. At the time I didn't know what it meant.
  5. If Starcraft 2 actually came out with in 2-3 years of the first one, I would have been all over it. I used to play the original alot with the Protoss. But these days I've drifted far away from traditional RTS games. I don't see anything with SC2 to make me climb back on. It just seems the same but with new graphics. Wonder how it will do in South Korea though. From what I gathered, it's pretty hardcore Starcraft there. As far as the no LAN support... Why? It disgusts me when I hear developers strip features out from sequels. Oh, Modern Warfare 2, nice of you to come by.
  6. JSI and their F-14 "Spotcats." Captain, bring it home...
  7. I spent alot of time on Jane's Longbow 2, and it was a big eye opener how very differently you have to fly a helo. Alot of pilot error induced crashes in that game when I first started! But I stuck with it and learned to have fun. The last helo game I played was Apache Vs Havoc. That came out in '99 or '00. So it's been a while. I don't mind if it gets simplified to a degree, but I do want a bit more realistic settings available. Combat helo sims are a much rarer breed than WWII fighter or modern jet sims.
  8. If something is not that bad, it's still bad, man
  9. It's not that Hawx was supposed to be an arcadey flight combat game. It's the titles coming out under "Tom Clancy's: _____" are, IMO, utter shite. I haven't been impressed by anything coming out under that Tom Clancy label since Rainbow 6: Rogue Spear and its expansions. Ace Combat, IMO, reigns its domain. I don't see any any worthwhile competition. It would be nice for it to be otherwise but I don't see the developers of Ace Combat being worried anytime soon. As far as the old Jane's flight sims of the late 90s, yeah I loved them also. I bought Fighter's Anthology after toying around with US Navy Fighters on my friend's rig. Next one I got from Jane's was Longbow 2, WWII Fighters, and then F/A-18. Out of all the Jane's sims, the one I poured the most time into was Longbow 2 and its take on the AH-64D. The style of flying was just so different from fixed wing and my threats were of a whole different thing altogether. Loved the idea of playing with the terrain and the dynamic campaign system.
  10. The 4th one? I really disliked the idea of resurrecting the dead main character. From there on, it felt like too much a departure from either of the first 2 movies. But of the first 4 movies, Alien 3 is where I reserve most of my "dislike." I was a kid and didn't get to see it in theaters. But in the mid-early 80s, when I saw Alien, I loved it for the suspense. Aliens? Loved it for its action and great characters. In hindsight, it helps I guess when you have R.Scott and J.Cameron in charge of those respective movies. But anyways, I really loved Aliens, the favorite of the franchise for me. Cpl.Hicks was a great character and they went through alot of effort in rescuing Newt. So, when my Dad rented the tape for Alien 3, I was very excited. But to my horror, in the first few minutes of the film, they kill Hicks and Newt. They're dead. Ripley crys a minute. Movie moves on as if nothing happened. Excuse me? They took an awesome, surviving character, the last of the Colonial Marines sent in, took the little girl that everyone took great pains to save, and killed them both off in the lamest possible way in a movie? "Yeah, a beam fell on him and she drowned. Oops." The moment that happened in the movie, the rest of it was cast in a hugely negative light for me. I stuck around with my Dad to watch the rest of it, but left it with a great dislike.
  11. I used to love Phantasy Star games so much. 1, 2, and the last one which was 4, I think. 3 had some cool ideas but it just didn't grab me. Maybe because the whole Generations thing meant you never kept most of the characters and you never hear what happened to the last Generation after you stopped playing. Never heard from again.
  12. I haven't watched this flick but from what I've heard about how bad this movie was, a "jinx" from Megan Fox alone couldn't have wrecked it. Too many wrong things happening with this movie. Is it as bad as Bloodrayne? Bloodrayne 2? (Yes, there was a sequel) Or worse than Dungeon Siege: In The Name Of The King?
  13. You are talking about the publisher that had taken the Rainbow Six game franchise and "streamlined" and "dumbified" them years ago. When I saw it was coming out under Ubisoft / "Tom Clancy" I didn't have much hope of anything. Heh, makes me think of the good 'ol days of Red Storm Entertainment with the Rainbow 6 / Rogue Spear days of FPS gaming That died with the advent of R6: Lockdown.
  14. That's all that needs to be said. 1 and 2, the rest are trash.
  15. It doesn't mean that will represent the score of the movie. On a semi-related note, I recall people mentioning in the AvP2 trailer the use of the recognizable Motion Detector pings from Aliens, which AvP2 has no resemblence to in theme, setting, style. As for Predators, I'm a bit apprehensive. The trailer seems like they're going for that vibe from the Predator, which is quite okay, IMO. A bunch of elite dudes in the middle of a jungle (alien world in this case) that are going to get off'ed. But I wonder about how this will turn out, especially with the Predators themselves. There's going to be lots of 'em, hence the title and trailer with the tons of laser targetters on the character. I wonder if Predators are going to be made fodder. In the first 2 Predator movies, 1 Predator with the use of skill and technology wreaked alot of havoc and kills. Just waiting to see how they approach the Predators' aptitude in those abilities. 1 Predator in the first 2 flicks caused alot death and mayhem against large groups of professionals. Now you're telling me we have a movie with LOTS of Predators going against a bunch of tough guys who are all alone on an alien planet?
  16. I still have Bridge Commander and at one point had all the SFC games + Expansions, but all I have left now is SFC3 from that series. Had alot of fun with them, and you are very right with the mod community. Bridge Commander has a great number of mods that have improved the game overall, especially with appearances and "canon" tweaks. SFC3 has a great number of mods to itself. For a while I was testing and playing the DomWars mod by Pelican for that game, getting into the multiplayer campaigns. It's amazing what fans will do for free in practically any PC game, especially if given the proper tools to do so.
  17. Another look for the good 'ol "Sh*tty Kitty"
  18. This has long been a sore point for me once I started playing more. The variety of Starships in a fight, especially for PvP, is ridiculously small. There have been numerous threads popping up that had different suggestions to allow lower tier ships to be used late in the game. I had a couple myself. #1 #2 "rant" For inspiration, clip from DS9 on the Dominion War - Every conceivable ship thrown into a fleet engagement. Old Mirandas still fought because they were needed. They fought alongside Galaxies, Excelsiors, Nebulas, etc. STO just doesn't have that varied feel at all, especially if you were hardcore into PvP like I was (as a KDF player, I only PvP'ed).
  19. I was a very hardcore Klingon faction player, but I'm not liking how much effort Cryptic is putting into the KDF to make it on par with the Federation. Customization is about as bad as when the game went live still. Player population for the KDF has plummetted. I canx my sub but I still have a few months left on my account. I pretty much just troll around at their o-forums (it's in my name afterall ). I'll resub if what I see with Season 2 in July blows me away as far as the Klingons go, but as of right now, not impressed with their efforts. If Season 2 doesn't wow me, I'll uninstall for good and never look back. Giving EVE Online a go right now, since my old standby, LOTRO, is going F2P (and not to my liking). Also got a working edition of X-Com via Steam. Ahh, the good 'ol days of Squad & Turn Based Strategy games
  20. And it's always good stuff
  21. I was more of a Galaxy Rangers type of kid back in the day
  22. Maybe about a month ago they improved T4+ Fed Cruiser turn rate just a tad bit (1 pt, IIRC). Makes it a whole lot better.
  23. Alot of changes. I'll see how it it goes, especially for PvP since that's where I spend my time.
  24. Fleets, Guilds, etc., whatever you want to call 'em, of course come in all sorts of flavors. The Hardcore players in one extreme, and the very Casual players. I've been in both in other MMOs, and don't like the extremes. Hardcore ones, as you said yourself, are pretty demanding since alot of them put alot of time in. The good thing is that they're usually d**n good and very active in supporting each other. The very Casual types? Very easy going, laid back, no pressure. You may get a few guys that are on when you do get to play, so you're pretty tight knit in that small group. But it's a pain in the a** to get alot of them on for a particularly big task, but then again, that falls onto the guild leadership coordinating things, really. In general, I keep out of guilds and stay with a small group of people I know and have played with. The last game where I was really into guilds was in SWG, when I was in one of those RP Imperial Trooper guilds That was actually very fun in its own way, until Sony nuked the game Back into STO: My main has long been a BG5 Science Officer, transitioned out of the Bird of Prey and back onto the Negv'har. Not enough Battlecruisers in the KDF faction, really. Somebody needs to keep the others alive. My Fed alt I got to RA5 a while ago. That toon is a Tactical Officer on a Star Cruiser. Again, built for support, but I did have my fun earlier in a Escorts with that character. But this is Star Trek. When it comes to warships, Cruisers dominate my imagination. I've been experimenting alot with different builds, different styles of play. PvP makes you do that anyways. Other than the still prevalent (and cheesey) SNB+VM lameness, you have to watch out for Target Subsystem attacks, in particular to Shields or Engines. Not enough power devoted into them, and that system shuts down for a while.
  25. They go through the trouble of making an Angel Birds VF-1, yet they won't bother with a very minor tweak of Roy's TV VF-1S?
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