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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Ta-dum-tisssssshhh!!! Oh the wit! It's perfectly natural for L.A. to be targetted in various shows. It's a recognized, huge city. As far as movies go, the only other place worse to live in would be Tokyo. Tokyo & L.A. attract way too many movie disasters. Everything from Aliens to Godzilla or whatever. You can't have a disaster movie without showing L.A. getting plastered by something.
  2. I like the show quite a bit. Hope they can go somewhere great with it. It's the first TV show I've followed in 8 years.
  3. My modded Fallout New Vegas game. "For a safer Mojave"
  4. Hey, Hollywood loves the USMC every now and then, alright? As far as the ACUs, the trailers show fairly accurate Marine uniforms. They did show one part where there were Soldiers, the portion where there was a lady on a bus. Otherwise it had alot of Marines in Desert MARPAT and Interceptor vests.
  5. Took my time and finally beat Fallout: New Vegas. Went with an independent NV route while keeping friendly to the NCR until the last minute. Unfortunately by playing as a goody-two-shoes, I came across the glaring problem of not enough bad guys to perforate with hot lead. My next toon will be Death Incarnate. If it breathes, it dies If it moves, it dies (not sure if Ghouls breathe)
  6. The subjects of Zombie Apocalypse Survival 101 and Basic Firearms are interrelated. Can't have the former without the latter. Well, you can, but your odds of making it are helluva lot lower Swords? While cool and all, also not requiring ammo, they're still what I'd call a backup weapon, and in that role, a pistol is superior. They'd never be my first means of taking out zombies because you'd have to be close to use it. And if you're close to attack with a sword, so are the zombies. Smooth move Metamucil! As for guns in a Zombie Apocalypse? Pistols? A .45 caliber pistol is my ideal. I own a USP45 and am quite happy with it. Compromise of hitting AND knockback power. Not to mention in the USA, their ammo is readily found. Though I prefer .45, I wouldn't complain if you threw me a 9mm pistol. It just wouldn't reassure me the same way a .45 would. Revolvers? Nice and reliable but capacity and reloading will be an issue for me. Rifles? Kind of hard to go wrong here, but I lean towards Carbines & Assault Rifles due to flexibility. My time in the military has made me very familiar with the M16, so anything related to that family of weapons I'll be inclined towards. Shotguns? Not knowledgeable on the subject, so no comment. Ammo? Prefer to use weapons that you can find ammo readily for, at least here in the USA. 9mm, .45, 5.56mm, 7.62, etc. Exotic guns that use exotic rounds are not ideal, IMO. What good is a weapon you will rely on in scarce supplies if you can't even find the ammo for it?
  7. How about the 'ol A-1 Skyraider? I've read off and on about using props for low intensity conflicts / COIN. I recall even a while back the idea of getting such aircraft for the Iraqi Air Force as low cost, interim plane suited for what was going on out there. Not sure how far that idea went.
  8. Been playing Fallout: New Vegas for a few days now after coming back from Idaho. I read about the bugs (hey, it is Obsidian Ent. after all) but heard about the gameplay that's improved upon from Fallout 3. So I took the gamble and dove in. Right now I'm Lv22. Specializing in Guns, Repair, a bit of Lockpicking, and Barter. Playing mostly a good-guy and seem to have found myself being favored by the NCR. I appreciate what Obsidian's doing with the open game world since I tend to ignore main quests. I also like the larger amount of weapons (esp. those in Guns category) in the vanilla version of the game compared to FO3, so that's a great plus. Not to mention the nods to the modding community by including their ideas into FONV such as the weapon mod kits. Speaking of mods, I got loaded in something to include a Tommy Gun w/ Drum Magazine. A bit too strong on DPS/DAM but it's a fun weapon. All I need is a dark pinstripe suit and a suitable hat, cigarettes, and a violin case. Another thing I'm really looking forward to with the PC version is when the mod community gets to grips with this game. The mod / fans of Fallout 3 have been very good to that game, and I'm anticipating good stuff to be coming down the road for FONV also.
  9. Enjoyed the show last night. Post Apocalyptic movies are a longtime fave of mine, and Zombie filled settings are still in that alley. When I was watching last night, it dawned on me on how nothing like this was done for TV/Cable before. Just surprised nobody's tried before until now. Still, it's been a long while since I watched a zombie flick. Seeing if I can still remember all the survival rules and if they apply to a TV series like this You know what? That's a movie idea right there. Horror-Comedy? A twist with Little Red Riding Hood?
  10. I loaded up Fallout 1 on my PC for some nostalgic fun. Anyways, Fallout 1 & 2 usually had good humor. Even in combat. Some UI quotes from Fallout 1 for some combat feedback, which I found opening certain game files with Notepad. "The attack crushes the temple. Good night, Gracie" "Unfortunately, his spine is now clearly visible from the front" "knocking him to the ground like a bowling pin in a league game" "The intense pain of having a leg removed causes him to quit" "sadly, he is too busy feeling the rush of air on the brain to notice death approaching" "Ouch! That had to hurt" "and he's not wearing a cup, either" "He mumbles "Mother", as his eyes roll into the back of his head" "sadly, she doesn't get to pray to her gods before she meets them" "She takes it like a man. That is to say, it hurts" "Her childbearing days are in trouble as she collapses in a limp heap" "Now this young child will never really experience life" (ANYTHING can be killed in Fallout 1 & 2 ) "The Brahmin is most upset with this udderly devastating attack" tacky, but fun... "The wound causes severe blindness, as if there is any other kind" "You get a nice view of your body as your head sails through the air" "You cup your groin and fall to the floor in pain" "There are not enough words in the universe to describe the pain your are feeling at this moment" On the subject of Fallout series, someone uploaded a clip for the , which was using the same engine as 1.Also, for the ones still doing Fallout 3, just putting good word out for a mod on it called " ," all in an effort to deal a variety of death in the wastes.
  11. Some random Fallout news. The voice acting cast for the soon-to-arrive Fallout: New Vegas is out. Some noticeable names there and some returning ones. Ron Perlman is back again to do his narration, something he's done for every Fallout game since the first which was out in around '97. Michael Dorn (Worf from Star Trek) is back again as Marcus, a character he voiced in FO2 back in '98.
  12. I'm still quite confused about what happened, but...
  13. Ahh, Wonder Woman on the TV. Flashbacks as a little kid watching Linda Carter in those reruns. Hmm...
  14. Well, I just recently got Civ 5 and ARMAII:Combined Operations. My freetime is officially kaput. Civ5 feels pretty different from past versions but still has the "1 more turn addiction" of a good turn-based game. ARMAII is a refreshing change of pace and much more massive scope as far as FPS games go. Has a learning curve to it for proficiency, which I do like.
  15. Commitments around the world. Simple as that. What nation makes a large chunk of the military power of NATO? We also have the continued military commitment to our European allies. Alongside older commitments with units in South Korea and Japan. Operations in Africa, i.e. Horn of Africa, but that usually makes no headlines. Commitments for years in Iraq and Afghanistan. And during all this time with combat operations in OIF & OEF, we still help maintain the watch in Europe and watching what China and North Korea do. The aircraft carriers are a big example. SecDef Gates wondered why the US Navy needed the amount of carriers that it currently has, when in comparison to other navies that at best have 2 with many wishing they had even 1. But he was trumped when told that the military has all these commitments around the world and is still expected to handle these demands. Those carriers have traditionally been in very high demand by the Presidents to go to hot spots ASAP, despite having regular rotations to exercises and deployments around the world. Not to mention they do require downtime for high level maintenance. As long as the US has a strong enough need to capably fulfill these worldwide military commitments, you need the strong force. Either that or downsize and sacrifice what the military force can actually do and scale to what the US wants to commit to.
  16. I dunno man. I don't dive into economics and all that, but... Go tell the politicians at DC not to worry about the amount of money sunk into the advanced (but dead end) F-22's program. Go tell a bunch of those Generals in the USAF that staked alot of the service's future onto that jet to only see it get a Limited Edition / Collector's Edition run. Alot of stuff got sacrificed or put on the backburner for the Raptor. And now that the fine Raptor is really here, the USAF can only replace a fraction of the F-15 Eagle fleet it was intended to take over for. It's just sad to see something that was hoped, developed for to be a "Air Dominance Fighter" (because Air Superiority Fighter is so... Cold War) run into flypaper and unable to escape. Even though I serve in a different branch, despite the operational commitments the US military has around the world, I'd like to have known that the USAF has a large fleet of the most advanced fighter in the world crewed by well trained pilots.
  17. It just boggles my mind how the F-22 program has lawndarted for various reasons. The years of work, ungodly amounts of money poured into the program, ungodly costs per jet... and the Raptor's hit the brick wall. So much for those fancy recruiting posters highlighting the F-22. The Air Force can't even get enough Raptors to replace even half the F-15 Eagles they were intended to replace. It's a huge bust, IMO.
  18. I dusted off my trusty 'ol PS2 for Persona 3:FES. I also got Persona 4 laying around. Amazingly, I didn't get to finish P3, and with P4? Never started. Got sent overseas for a bit. Just saw them in a box after moving recently, so I figured, "What the hell."
  19. To me, that still means nothing has changed. I don't know exactly what all has happened since last I dove into a related thread like this, but yeah, the fact that I still can't find official subbed / dubbed Macross stuff in the US means nothing has changed at all. And from what I have seen so far with newer releases / blu-ray releases / etc., BW seems no intention to even put in english subs to their Japanese releases. So I'm kind of stuck in a rut if I'd like to pay BW money for their shows.
  20. It has been YEARS since I dived into one of these threads. And unfortunately nothing has changed, especially for BW.
  21. What's with the Apache doing a Barrel Roll? Anyways, I'll be a Tomcat driver with this title (again).
  22. If this movie is half as decent as I hope it to be, the world will explode. Better yet, what will the BODY COUNT will be at the end!
  23. Falling under "Politics" tab is just about right in this. Just the idea of An tankers servicing US military aircraft around the world is... interesting.
  24. You know what the bad part is? Somebody had the idea and the balls to think this was a good idea to make this movie. Even better when you consider that he had to do a sales pitch to multiple people, who then gave the movie a green light.
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