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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. A little dark humor: If your cigs don't kill you the regular air will!
  2. The game's coming out earlier than I thought. I'll wait for some reviews to see how they pulled it off. I haven't played a FF game since FF VII and haven't liked any of their entries of late so I'm approaching with caution.
  3. I live over in Mira Mesa. My roommate woke me up at about 10 a.m. and she said I better check the news. Let's just say I promptly started packing essentials and loaded stuff into the car. To my joy I noticed I had a flat tire <_< I put the spare on and called the duty officer at work to see if we were required and they said not to. I was ready to hit the road as soon as the authorities said so and thankfully it hasn't crept all the way to our part yet.
  4. I can't alter my uniform at work. Against regs and my gunny will have my @$$ <_
  5. I'll be dressed up... in my uniform... at work <_
  6. For you Corsair fans... Trumpeter 1/32 F4U-1D It's a pretty new kit and it's the first place I've seen with screenshots of it, granted a fully assembled kit on display. Big scale + Ugly gull-winged fighter = Badass
  7. Starfox is a rail shooter. Rogue leader you had perfect freedom over your manuvers. Still I wish we could get some good old space shooters back in the tiefighter, freespace, and wingcommander tradition. Freelancer was total trash as a space shooter...... Rogue Leader was not completely free. To my displeasure in trying the game at a local store I found that there's a boundary that bounces me back. In the X-Wing/TIE Fighter games you didn't have that and I promptly put down the controller. I don't like flying in little bubbles. Despite the graphics TIE Fighter's the best SW fighter game, IMO. After all, you get to grind the Rebel scum underneath the heel of the Imperial war machine. Outstanding campaign and a chance to fly alongside Darth Vader. How cool is that?
  8. Ah yes, the thing's also called the Maneater. Just look at the intake. Bad for a plane captain or the men at the cats...
  9. My favorite prop driven aircraft is the F-4U Corsair. Big, ugly, powerful. The Mustang would be my favorite but I lean towards Naval aircraft. As for jets, I absolutely love the F-14 Tomcat. Big, PRETTY, and powerful! Thinking of a carrier flight deck with only Hornets turns my bowels badly
  10. IIRC this game falls in line in the Rogue Squadron games of what I call "rail shooters with a wee bit more freedom." It looks nice but I'll avoid it. Time to load up TIE Fighter in my old computer
  11. Haven't heard of Zillion in ages. I loved the 1st one on the Sega Master System.
  12. Voyager was a good show? What?!?
  13. Graham, you need to post this pic on the front of MW world for a couple of weeks. You might scare the timid and faint of heart/cojones though.
  14. Hmm, Buck Rodgers. I forgot about that show. Erin Gray comes readily from my childhood memories of that show B)
  15. The only gun I own right now is a USP45 which I adore. I plan on getting a MIL-Spec 1911. No fancy stuff/add-ons for it, just whatever the US military used back in the day. My Dad owned one long ago and I had the pleasure of shooting it as a kid at the range. Despite what some say of it, I like the M16A2. Light and because of thorough training in the USMC with it I'm comfortable with it. Still, I wouldn't mind going to 7.62mm for a battle rifle. The only other weapons experience I have are the following from boot camp and MCT (Marine Combat Training) from way then. - M249 SAW- The one I had to carry jammed alot. Then again, all these weapons alotted for training are worn like an old whore. - M60E3- It was alright. Get a good stable position and even a 135lb person like me can keep it fairly stable. I'd like to try the M240G that replaced the '60 as the Corps' GPMG. From some of the guys coming back from Iraq, they had nothing but good things to say of the 240G. - Mk.19 40mm Grenade Launcher- Felt cool but I'll be damned if I lug around anything of that behemoth. I joined in '93 and the Sgt. giving the class on this was a Gulf War I vet. He said their Humvee broke down in the middle of nowhere so he and his 3 buddies dismounted the Mk.19 and lugged this bas**rd back to camp... with the ammo! I felt exhausted just hearing of the story! - M203 40mm Gren.Launcher- Didn't get to fire it enough times <_< Also, in the manuals at the time there were 40mm flechette rounds for the thing. It'd be a good idea to bring those back... - M2HB .50 Cal HMG- If there's any doubt, Ma Deuce it out I say. She's heavy for sure but Ma Deuce will take care of you. Was an absolute joy to fire. Since I'm a PMI and now a Staff Sergeant I get to qualify with the M9 pistol. Let's just say I wish to leave no comment on this POS weapon. I also like the M1 Garand which I tried from a friend. I love the thing but the .30-06 ammo does get expensive, especially for a semi-auto rifle.
  16. Toys, eh? I'm getting myself the following: - 1/48 Low-Vis + FAST Pack set - A MIL-Spec 1911 to go along with my USP45. No spitwad 9mm's for me. - and a life. ... kinda expensive but since the girl left me <_< I suddenly found myself with lots of time and money... P.S.- Lightning 06, hope you have a good experience with the USAF.
  17. Oh yeah, forgot about her... I really loved the character's attitude in that movie! The machinegunner, no less!
  18. I just looked it up on Amazon. Listing price is supposed to be $119.98 U.S. but they're selling it there for $83.99. Seems okay pricewise considering I bought my Band of Brothers DVD set for about $86.
  19. For the new BSG, I dunno. The original is so stuck into my head from watching the syndicated episodes as a kid (even when moved to the USA and didn't speak English). I tend to dislike remakes but I'm curious as to how this will come out. For the DVD set I'm very likely to get it. The tin can container (I presume) has the face of a Cylon on it B) Edited to add: I never watched the BSG 1980(?) but from the bad things I heard I guess my fragile little mind at the time probably couldn't handle it. I believe I never should...
  20. I was watching some BSG episodes today on Sci-Fi and I guess they're doing it to publicize the DVD release as well as the *ahem* "revised BSG." I know there are some Galactica fans on this board and I'm giving a heads up.
  21. I haven't watched the fourth movie. No interest after the third movie. No.3 pissed me off when I first saw it in junior high. Killing off Hicks and Newt from Aliens turned me off real quick.
  22. There's too many things I like to do or follow up on besides Macross: -Draw- I can do machinery very well but people is where I have problems. I just can't seem to keep them from looking awkward and natural-looking. -Models- ... only military subjects will do. Cars and other civillian subjects are boorriiing. Modern AFVs and aircraft are on my list but WWII AFVs & aircraft are tops. Large scale German panzers is my current thing like this 1/15 Panther I'm gathering the courage to build... -Video Games- For my computer I play alot of Combat Mission (both Beyond Overlord and Barbarossa To Berlin). I also play a mod'ed up Medieval Total War set in the rise of ancient Rome. Beating a vastly larger Gallic army with a smaller Roman army is great fun! I also have a PS2 and am playing Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII.
  23. I'm hoping for the best on this upcoming movie. This movie franchise can't go out the way it did with the last movie.
  24. I really like that samurai helmet (kabuto?) emblem on the UNAF valk. Too bad it's on the inboard side. I really hate seeing nice emblems tucked away like that.
  25. Sorry buddy, ate it for the sake of "Macross Completeness/Loyalty," and it gave me the runs. M7 has some merits, don't get me wrong. But my list of things I detest from it far outweigh the good. P.S.- I refuse to listen to his song. If you suffer the runs due to M7, the fix is easy. Watch some episodes of Macross from Animeigo.
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