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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Well, the knowledge and experience gained from the Comanche can still be used in other future applications. I'm not an engineer or anything but the experience from this program isn't simply deleted or something. All the talk of fancy weaponry like the F-22, Cobra Rattlers, and Death Star Lasers is fine and dandy. How about all this big money do something tangible for the ground pounders: * MORE body armor/SAPI protection available. Currently the infantrymen get the priority on the inadequate amount of body armor, and rightly so. But the support troops need this too with the blur in what's supposed to be a frontline area or the rear. Flak jackets are available for all and they're decent against fragments. But catch a round and you've got trouble. * MORE infantrymen and ensuring their thorough training and proper equipment. The quality of our infantrymen is currently great and I have no problem with that. A bunch of our problems in the Sunni Triangle could use a good dose of more boots on the ground for constant patrols. There's just not enough infantrymen and we've become too dependent on mechanized and armored formations. * Make sure the next service rifle is up to snuff and we get alot of it quickly. The Army has already been field testing Heckler & Koch's XM-8 which itself is based on the German G-36. I've read the soldiers really like the rifle out there. The Army has also given the XM-8 for testing with the other services. After all, we don't need 2-3 different service rifles running around. ** I really do hope the 6.8mm round replaces the 5.56mm. The military's actually considering dropping the 5.56 for the 6.8. Sounds like a good balance between the miniscule 5.56 and the overkill NATO 7.62 as the round for our next service rifle. * The USMC's fleet of CH-46's are older than most of the experienced SNCO's in their commands. The CH-53's aren't that far behind but are pushing along pretty good for now. Now, the Osprey is supposed to do the job, but well, that's another bedtime story
  2. Warmaker

    Would you buy it?

    I would get it if it had a couple conditions: #1 Lots of details and features. As much as possible and the kitchen sink #2 Cost! The 1/48's are expensive enough. 1/18 is more than twice the size of the 1/48 and I can't imagine how much more expensive a well made valk would be. #3 Good, sturdy construction. If it's VERY well made with lots of features I'm willing to save up money to get one and put a waiver on condition #2. #4 The first set of 1/18 valks would be from the TV series. How about a CF -1A or Millia's VF-1J? I'm getting tired of the DYRL schemes and will hang myself if I see another. A transformable 1/18 valk would be expensive as hell but it better be the end all, be all of valks for the big money.
  3. I loved TOS when I watched the reruns as a kid. The Federation back then weren't as goodey-two-shoes as in TNG and later. Or was it simply Kirk's way of doing things...? Though I love TOS, I believe TNG as a whole was better. DS9 comes next for me but the first couple of seasons seemed dull to me. It picked up about halfway in its run. Voyager interested me at first but it didn't hold me for long. Enterprise? I've only watched a few episodes at the beginning but that was it. Anyone remember that ER meets Star Trek series? That didn't last too long, lol!
  4. Since USN BB's aren't in the picture anymore the SSBN's have taken their spot in the naming standards, i.e. USS Ohio. Just some random stuff.
  5. I think I remember seeing that months ago. I could've sworn it was a USAF Eagle with the blasted main wing. I believe they said it goes to show that if you go fast enough with the right pitch, you could still limp. Also, take a look at how wide the fuselage of the F-15 is. It's been a while since I saw that special, so...
  6. "Beavis, I have seen the top of the mountain... and it is good."
  7. I'll have to wear the sunglasses for Milla
  8. For that vinyl statue of Yuna she really needs to drop that blue half-skirt. Hey wait a minute, that sounded kinda perverted...
  9. To me it seems the US Navy's carrier decks were filled with everything a CV/CVNBG could need in the days of Desert Shield/Storm. Tomcats, Hornets, Intruders, etc. Speaking of the Intruder, the USN still hasn't found a real replacement for that workhorse. The drill now is to put a boatload of external tanks (short legs of the Hornet) and give the warriors 1-2 arrows in their quiver for any strikes. Except for the Bombcats of course. Nowadays I swear the big wigs for the Navy are driven to have the decks/hangars filled with nothing but Hornets and their derivatives. Then there's the whole mess with the Super Bug. Then there's the Prowler's replacement, the E/A-18G Growler <_< Rooiiiggghhht. Sorry to the Prowler fans for that little tid bit if they didn't know. Hellohikaru, about that weird kitbash of the Super Hornet, you're forgetting one more thing to put on the wings. A pair of KC-130 Inflight Refueling Pods and Drogues.
  10. Army of Darkness was great! "Good, bad... I'm the guy with the gun" "Shop smart, shop S-mart!" Total Recall: more of Arnie's one-liners (After Arnie shoots Sharon Stone's character in the head) "Consider that a divorce!" ... not to mention I thought Stone looked hot in the movie, BTW. Any of the old Godzilla movies were good fun too. God bless that man in the rubber suit! The 80's were a great spawning ground of bad sci-fi films, that's for sure. Also, I depart with some of my favorite parts of Spaceballs: "So, I see your schwartz is as big as mine. Yogurt has taught you well." Mel Brooks:"You didn't see anything, did you?" Officer:"No sir, I didn't see you playing with your dolls again." And best of all.... LUDICROUS SPEED!!!
  11. Active duty US Marine. Joined in 1993 and still going with a one year gap as a civilian in 1999-2000...long story, basically I'm a retread. Just like any type of living it's great at times and it has it's moments of, "What the hell was I thinking?" Semper Fidelis!
  12. Sounds like an paintful piece of old entertaining material.... sign me up! Now... if I could only find that damn SW special. Please, Abombz, in the name of all that does not suck, I highly suggest you don't pick up that Star Wars special...
  13. Empire Strikes Back, hands down for me. RotJ would be better if they didn't have those damn Ewoks. I saw the movie in theater as a kid and back then I didn't like them.
  14. Well, checked the link out and saw the list. The list is ridiculous. I actually hate the Fast & Furious franchise but I'm surprised with the inclusion of the die-cast cars. My friend bought the set for his son and there's nothing offensive on them. It's not like there's naked chicks laid out on the hood. They're CARS, for God's sake! Next thing you know the only thing a boy can get at Toys R Us is a box of pink panties. My friends, the pussification of America is well underway
  15. So, when's the Deathwing Terminator with an Assault Cannon? Nice custom, btw!
  16. Regarding the US military and it's old M16's... there was an article at the Marines' website www.usmc.mil In it there's a short bit of US Marine and German MP's crosstraining in each others' weapons and tactics. Djibouti!!! I've also heard of the US Army's testing of H&K's XM8. Sounds interesting and it's an obvious nod to the Germans' G36 with tweaks for us quirky Americans. If the Army does adopt the thing as a service rifle the Marines will likely have to follow suit for the sake of logistics. The military really doesn't need 2 types of service rifles running around. Not to mention the parts.
  17. I hope they release it for N.America. I loved FM3. Too bad the series before FM3 was never brought over.
  18. True, true. A copy of the 1/48 Strike is still expensive enough to learn the ropes of modelling on. Experimenting on an original kit is insane. If you're getting one of these with a no sh!t dedication to improving your modelling skills then I guess it's cool to get one and put it away until the time's right.
  19. Anubis, just a slight correction regarding X-Wing vs TIE Fighter (XvT). Compared to its predecessors (X-W and T/F), it's main advantage was multiplayer. It did have a single player campaign. The expansion, Balance of Power gave more of the same with about 2 extra craft, one of which was the B-Wing. X-Wing: Alliance has a skirmish/mission generator. It's not fancy and isn't powerful but it's better than running the same scripted missions over and over. I wish the X-Wing series of space shooters continued. The Rogue series never did it for me despite the better graphics *yawn* As for flight sims, which kept the dust off my controller, I too love the WWII era games. Not too complicated. No worries about avionics. I still have a dear spot in my heart for European Air War but since I have a new computer I need to get IL-2 & Forgotten Battles.
  20. I heard about this a long time ago. The US Army was having a trial for advanced assault rifles but I can't remember the year. All I remember was that this Steyr flechette assault rifle was one of the entries. In the end nobody got anything out of it since none were selected. That trial was the last time this flechette rifle was seen, I believe.
  21. End of the World Get ready for some good laughs!
  22. The Red Baron! He wasn't too shabby a combat pilot too! As for the Angel Birds, the color scheme just seems too hokey to me.
  23. lol! You're not the only one!
  24. Getting your hands on a fighter will be expensive enough. Weapons are going to be stripped off for civillians. What will kill you financially is the cost to upkeep the thing if you plan on (or are even allowed to?) fly it. - Maintenance personnel being hired. There's a HUUUUGE difference in the complexity in working on the electrical systems of a Cessna and a Hornet. Older aircraft from the 60's-70's from what I've seen typically have complex electrical schematics to modern ones like the Hornet. These days they're trying to make it simpler for the maintainer, even going so far as the jet telling you what's wrong with it to an extent. Qualified, licensed personnel will cost you. In the US, you'll need some guys with FAA, AMP, etc. licenses. - Cost of replacement parts. This is what kills you and what makes modern aircraft so expensive. A refurbished Inertial Navigation Unit (I won't tell the type) costs about $250,000 US! I've seen little 8"x5" panels cost $6,000 US! Let's not even talk about the avionics and powerplants! - Fuel. I'm not sure how much fuel costs but if you're an avid fan of using your afterburners...
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