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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Ah, the X-Wing series. Yeah, LA decided after XWA there will be no more games of the type set in the original trilogy period. Reason being the major push of crappy games set in Ep.I in 1998. There were hopes among us Larry Holland/Totally Games fans for an Imperial expansion pack for XWA, giving a revamp to what was done with TIE Fighter/Defender of the Empire. I don't count the Rogue Squadron series of games into the X-Wing series. I remember trying out RS and was immediately turned off by the "bubble" where the battle takes place and sends me back 180 degrees without my command. Felt more like a rail shooter with a little lee-way. Next thing: Uninstall. Yes, the wreath of the X-Wing series was cast into the water in 1998.
  2. What Conan thread would be complete without a Conan quote? Mongol Leader: "We have won again. That is good! But what is best in life?" Mongol: "The open steppe, fleet horse, falcon on your wrist, wind in your hair." Mongol Leader: "Wrong! Conan, what is best in life?" Conan: "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!" Mongol Leader: "That is good!"
  3. Ah jeez. Makes me think of when I was a kid in the Philippines. My favorite toys were these huge Daimos and Voltes V toys.
  4. An MP-44/Sturmgewehr-44 would be nice but screw that. You want a friggin' MG-42 with a belt of ammo attached and wearing 2 more belts like Rambo. More menacing that way.
  5. Uhhhhhh... okay.... What exactly does this have to do with anything? Nothing really, let's move on. Speaking of weapons, I need to clean my pistol. I've been pretty lazy lately.
  6. I'm leaning to ward Lee's rendition. Not that Turner's was bad. I don't regularly follow comics but I did follow Lee's little run with Batman recently. As for the story it seemed ok. I enjoyed Superman's appearance in the run. Like I said, I didn't follow comics too much.
  7. Ahh, this thread is still alive! "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!"
  8. I saw the 1st series in stores but what annoyed me was they were essentially the same figure but repainted to different Space Marine Chapters. That was lame. The Series 3 & 4 from the above link look considerably better. I kind of like the one for the Crimson Fists. He's got the old school Mk.VI armor. If he only had the old style Bolter. Makes me nostalgic from playing in the Rogue Trader ruleset and the 2nd ed.
  9. 76% pure! I thought I was going to score much lower. As for knowing Japanese history, specifically Feudal Japan and a bit on WWII, it's because I watched a bunch of movies. Japanese language, subtitled and all. My favorites are Samurai movies. You can't beat a bunch of guys running around in a battlefield with swords, pikes, arrows, and muskets all over the place. My favorite was this limited series by NHK on Oda Nobunaga (1992 or 1993?). I can't tell you how many Fridays I gave up to watch that thing at 9p.m. That kicked alot of ***.
  10. It's not about how successful you are or how many enemies of the Emperor you destroy... it's all about how good you look while doing it! I guess...
  11. Ugh, the TIE Bomber? I'm sorry man, but from my experience in X-Wing vs TIE Fighter and X-Wing:Alliance has shown me one thing when flying a TIE Bomber: I am better off surviving trying to fly a Gremlin in space combat!
  12. Dude, I would be soooo down with the Buck Rodgers fighter if they send it to me along with Col.Deering from the 1st Season! Oh yeah!
  13. I don't like too many out there, but: I have a soft spot for the Vipers from Battlestar Galactica. I liked the fighters from Space: Above & Beyond. Star Wars has a bunch of fighters I like, movies and from the numerous games. - The X-Wing is a no-brainer. God bless whoever made this design. - Y-Wings are cool in their slow, suicidal "torpedo bomber" own way. - TIE Defender - Missile Boat - TIE Interceptor- Next to the X-Wing, my favorite starfighter, esp. in the games like X-Wing vs TIE Fighter and X-Wing:Alliance. Truly skilled pilots don't need no stinkin' shields. - I want to drop in the B-Wing for an honorable mention! Not because they're cool or anything like that. It's just that they look like perfect crosshairs to line up in my TIE's sights! "I have you now!" Now for Starships: - Imperial Star Destroyer (My favorite) - Super Star Destroyer - Yamato (Space one!) - USS Enterprise-A (Pretty and classical look) - USS Enterprise-E (For the technologically advanced look for the Feds) - Klingon Vorcha Attack Cruisers - Klingon B'Rel Bird of Prey (and K'Vort. They're practically the same but the latter's larger) - Meltran ships from DYRL
  14. Home made, improvised, rockets? How safe is that, especially with 4 of those things a couple of inches off the top of your head? If it goes off it'll leave more than a bald spot!
  15. Great little video! I've seen in a documentary Killer Whales as far South as the Antartic, picking off unfortunate animals not paying attention in the breaks in ice.
  16. I believe I see what you mean. It's towards the back. As to what it fires, definitely not RPGs. The tubes are too small and the RPG-7's we're all used to picturing is front-loaded.
  17. "I'd hit it!" lol!
  18. I've never seen the special. I'm curious now. Kind of like kids..."Now whatever you do, don't touch that!" I want to see it so I can have my eyes bleed.
  19. Just wondering if anyone has had trouble d/l'ing the huge client file. I can't seem to connect in numerous attempts in the past 3-4 days.
  20. This title has me intrigued a bit and I will follow others' comments when the game comes out here in the US. I kind of want to make an Elf like Deedlit from Lodoss War. One very minor quibble I have is the artwork they used for the ads here in the US, at least the first one that I saw in the current issue of Computer Gaming World. It seems they opted for a more Western artwork than the fabulous artwork that I saw for Asia. Hell, the homepage's wallpapers look better than the US ads.
  21. I've seen a bunch of the Dragon figures (12 inch stuff), namely their WWII and some modern boxed figures. The details are crazy and the somewhat recent addition of worn gear and faded uniforms gives them a more realistic touch. Not to mention better details as time has gone on. They have an insane amount for WWII German subjects. That's where alot of money is and the same could be said for WWII models. But the others nationalities have some nice representations like the "Tom" 101st Airborne. I remember seeing one they released a while back that looked like John Wayne's depiction of a US Airborne officer in The Longest Day. Another nice one they had was a figure with the likeness of Michael Caine's German Fallschirmjager officer from The Eagle Has Landed, complete with his FJ uniform as well as his Polish Paratrooper disguise. Good movie, too. Speaking of the scale, for those guys with their WWII Germans there's a Tiger I out but it's expensive. Field of Armor's 1/6 Tiger I Kit Review from a store I check all the time The second link has pictures of the beast. You have to put it together but I saw you can buy a more expensive, preassembled Tiger. The thing is freaking huuuge!
  22. I've moved on to other games after about 1-2 months of CoD. It's a great game and I don't play FPS that much anymore. The missions feel great and they do a great job of immersion. I really enjoyed the 101st Airborne's first missions, but I really want to chime in for the British Airborne. The game's depiction for taking and holding the bridge (Op.Pegasus?) was riveting, chaotic, and exciting. Never mind that I got killed more times than I could count but starting over each time did not annoy me one bit. Rarely does that happen for me on numerous restarts. I had 3 beefs against CoD: 1. It was waaay to short. It was a very good ride but it was too short. 2. All the immoble machineguns were MG42's. Surely there's space for having Allied positions with their respective MGs like the Bren, M1919, etc. Not to mention unlimited ammo for these was annoying. 3. Simplification of armored warfare. Hit X tank Y times and it blows, regardless of where you hit it and what size gun your tank (or the Germans') was. You can take a grain of salt with what I said of No.3 since I play wargames alot and stuff like Combat Mission have made me a minor league Grog.
  23. Garand was Canadian? Didn't know that. As for the XM-8, I read somewhere that a bunch of people getting to test it out like it alot. All the other services got some of them to try out. The USMC has been looking at it but hasn't said they would take it as a new service rifle... because of that M16A4 thing I bet. I hope the Corps does take the 6.8mm XM-8. I like my M16A2 and I'm throughly trained with it, but that thing needs to go. Nice to see this thread resurrected.
  24. Drew Struzan Poster Page (Fansite) Well, ran the name of the artist and came up with this pretty good site that shows a good number of Struzan's work. The list of artwork the man has done is impressive as well as the quality. I still say the re-release of the DVD's should be his SE images for the individual cases. For the box itself, well hell, let the man make another design!
  25. Out of the ones shown here the Imperial/ISD looks cool. I for one would second the use of the Special Edition posters as covers for the individual cases. More than likely the released versions will be SE and the use of the SE posters would be well suited. That, and it won't be stomping around in the sensitive area of using original theatrical artwork with the SE versions. I liked the artwork of whomever made those pictures and it was the same guy who did the Eps. I/II posters. Not to mention the Indiana Jones DVD set artwork. Man did this guy have some prolific stuff...
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