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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Hanna Barbera? Some of their stuff was OK, but I didn't like them for most parts. They're the guys afterall who gave us BIIIIIRRRRRRDDDMAAANNN!!! Didn't they also give us the campy Superfriends? Oh well, at least Space Ghost was recycled for Space Ghost: Coast to Coast. Good stuff on that one
  2. Broom Race and Rubber Band fight, eh? Hmmm. Well, at least the artwork is always top notch. The artist had come a long way since his first issues.
  3. Interesting list Jemstone. You seem to remember grudges! Seriously, you remember some truly awful stuff that I completely forgot!
  4. My God! I despise most of the things you've mentioned! My list, in no order of priority: Macross 7 (I could rant, but...) Pokemon (Not as bad as the one below) Yu-g-oh (Ugh) Care Bears Jem Transformers (post movie) Sailor Moon (Short skirts can't save everything) Smurfs (anyone remember the Smurfs rap song from the late 80's?) He Man (The toys were cool, but the cartoon was strange. The animation was too stiff) King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (?) (The one where it was a football team that somehow switched with the real Arthur and his Knights. I had as a kid a good idea on what a knight should look like and fight. This wasn't it) I'm sure I'm missing more that I hated as a kid, but these are the ones I can spew out right now.
  5. Hornet vs Apache? I don't care, as long as they're on my side. As a matter 'o fact, any advanced gear either in the US or our Allies' TOE, and not for any opponents.
  6. Belldandy's cool and all. But I prefer the sleaze of Peorth AMG's a cool series
  7. A small Blazing Saddles moment: The black Sheriff arrives and prepares his speech: "Now, excuse me while I... whip this out." The whole town is shocked and you see all sorts of guns drawn and pointed at him
  8. "I bet she gives great helmet."
  9. It will soon be time for me to grind Rebel scum under the boot heel of the Imperial War Machine.
  10. If you download a fan made patch allowing you to use Terminators, Land Raiders, and the Orks, it'll allow you to play against the Orks. The Ork AI is VERY aggressive and doesn't slouch on their numbers on even the Standard setting. Yes, it's still the AI and can be defeated handily, but compared to the Space Marines' AI, it's a VAST difference. Example: My first 2v2 skirmish, my Dark Angels with an allied Blood Angel force against 2 opposing/allied Ork forces. I was holding my own against the Orks who came relentlessly. My Blood Angel allies did well early on but they eventually got stomped. They overextended their small numbers without setting up defenses/turrets to consolidate their gains. That left the Orks to combine for huge assaults against my forces and forced me to be completely be on the defensive.
  11. Sorry to disappoint you, but in the Demo, all the Space Marines are Codex. Yes, you can customize paint schemes and use paint schemes from various 1st Founding Chapters like the Dk.Angels, Space Wolves, Ultramarines, etc. But there are no specific chapter quirks. Which is unfortunate. Still, despite this, the game is fun. Hopefully, hardcore chapter fans will make Dark Angel, Space Wolves, etc. total conversions for the Marines somewhere down the Mod road.
  12. Any true, loyal servant to the Emperor will at least check the demo out. I did. It may not completely represent the table top/miniatures version of WH40K, but it gives me a chance to field a command of Space Marines without painting a set of miniatures... not that painting the miniatures isn't bad, it's just time consuming. And expensive nowadays. Dark Angels forever. In the old school black armor
  13. No, it's a FPS. The PC version is going to rock, and they're making an announcement about map and mod tools in the next few weeks! PC versions almost always rock over the console versions (Knights of the Old Republic, despite the wait!). I've already preordered SW:BF. Now, I haven't played the demo but after reading the difficulty of taking down an AT-ST, maybe it should be that way? Exception being you have the appropriate heavy weaponry/anti-vehicular weapons on hand. You shouldn't expect to reliably take a tank/AT-ST down with a pistol or blaster or stick... despite what RotJ (I spit on Ewoks) or Star Wars:Galaxies says.
  14. Bah! I guess I'm the only one here who prefers the M16A2 over the M4
  15. ... but not enough scorn to faithfully serve the US Military in WW2!
  16. I already preordered mine! EDIT: Sep 21st release? Aaaarrggghh! That's a month away!!!
  17. That's a good point that holds up when talking about Star Wars, but I don't remember any stories of Lucas consulting with Irvin Kershner for The Empire Strikes Back. And since Richard Marquand has been dead for 17 years, I think it's pretty safe to say that Lucas probably didn't pass along any ideas for a revamp of Return of the Jedi before the actual director of the film passed away. But the thing is... Star Wars is Georgie's creation. If he wanted things a certian way, he's free to do so since Star Wars is his creation. Now, like many here, I prefer the way events unfolded in the original versions of Star Wars. The idea of Han shooting first against Greedo lended alot to his "bad image" which was key to his character. But if Lucas wanted to change things around, then it's his call alone. Star Wars is his creation. What would have been nice is having 2 different sets. The original and the Special Edition. That would have been able to please both camps. Actually, it would be really interesting to see which of the 2 sets sold better. After all, there's no denying the original trilogy DVDs will sell.
  18. I shall use the Force to get into Amidala's pants. 'Nuff said!
  19. Nothing special to add with my reply but this: 32 pages and still going! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
  20. I really, really wanted to check Comic Con this year. The bad part is that I live in San Diego. The really, really bad part is that I had to work this weekend. Ugh
  21. I love Arnold and all, but Predator was more of a good action flick with a touch of Sci-Fi. I liked it, but it didn't do much for the Sci-Fi cause than any movie from the Star Trek/Star Wars franchises, for instance.
  22. Hey, my squadron's jet is there! Aircraft 22, VMFAT-101! Thanks for the clearer picture!
  23. Mr.Kerry, eh? heheheh. He was never going to get my vote so this is just another reason for me not to.
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