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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. I don't see any anime influence with the new designs. Like I said before, it reminds me a little of Batman:TAS and later styles of the shows.
  2. Why do I always hear this? Why is it so hard to believe that some of us actually have some taste, and don't waste our time with crap like this? Ya know, some of us actually do have IQ's above 80. And its a real shame to see Jamie Foxx flushing his new found respectability as an actor down the toilet with a shitty film like this. I don't know how long ago J.Foxx did Ray, but the filming for Stealth was at least well underway by the time of Summer 2004. I was on a Carrier Qualifications det around that time and we saw the film crew and actors there. Jessica Biel was quite popular with all the Sailors and Marines on board. Lots of grinning faces and dirty minds
  3. The "Stealth" prop was huge. I mean, it took up 50-60% more space in the hangar than a stowed F-14 or Prowler did. It also sat real high. I'm 5'5", and I could walk underneath the fuselage of that thing!
  4. The "new" style is nowhere near what Japanese animation does, I agree. The guy is probably sick of having seen Yu-Gi-Yo all over the place or something. Heck, I hate the bejeezus out of it also!
  5. The original character designs were perfectly fine. They're old as hell but I recall when I watched them in the 80's, I didn't care. Also, didn't they try making a new show with the original L.Toons characters a couple years back that fizzled? If that is true, then this is just another jab to try to "modernize" the old characters for a much newer generation. The 90s were nearly devoid of anything showing the original Looney Toons characters. Only Space Jam and a couple Marvin the Martian cameos. WB waited too long to reintroduce and stick with the characters. There's kids out there who have no idea who Bugs Bunny is... I was in shock and nearly convulsed As for that new Bugs Bunny design... OMGWTF are they thinking?!?
  6. George can do whatever he wants. He's the "alpha male." Seriously, there's other people who are normally behind the scenes who get small camera time for very minor characters. But then again, it is kind of funny to see Georgie in that outfit. I mean, no flannel...
  7. On the set of SW:Ep 3 (Joke) My favorite part, though I'll edit out the colorful words: Boier flings himself from his seat. "You want to know how to fix Darth Vader's cape, George?" He grabs a black overcoat from a nearby coat tree. "Watch," he says, tying the sleeves around his neck and clutching at the coat tails, causing them to swish around. "There. It's f*****g magic," he spits. "A sane man doesn't drop 400 million dollars on CGI effects when he could spend six dollars for black cape material at Wal-Mart, George!" Lucas narrows his eyes and spits a large wad of phlegm onto the carpet. "You want to join the ex-writing staff out on the streets, Tom? Gargling t****cles for cans of pork and beans? I'm the alpha male! Make me a cape, you son of a *****!" Lucas undoes his fly and prepares to urinate on Tom's desk. I decide to interrupt in an attempt to diffuse the situation. "Mr. Lucas?" I ask. "I'm here for the writing—" "Around here, you call me Darth Jesus," he interrupts. Lucas wheels around and staggers out of the room, and I follow.
  8. On the website, click on the right for their version of the making of Ep.3. Good stuff!
  9. Clicky! The courtroom/Batman just past midway through the page is great. Batman rules!
  10. The animation in WXIII is great but I'm still very disappointed in seeing practically nothing of the original characters. Even Det.Matsui doesn't get as much attention as his partner. No Patlabor goodness there, folks. Move along!
  11. I can't wait! I can't look at too many preview pics. Want to see as much of it for the first time in the theater. A couple more months, then everything will be "complete"
  12. In Mini-Pato, from what I recall, Capt.Goto also explains into great detail on how the anime-robot business functions with great humor.
  13. Not Dusty! Nooooooooo!
  14. Guns, cars, fanservice. And bullets. Lots of bullets. What more could you ask for?
  15. I used to really follow GSC. The manga and the few OVAs it spawned. What I really, really liked in the OVAs were the attention to detail of the guns!
  16. That Luke Skywalker figure looks pretty cool. "You will take me to your master."
  17. It's probably because video games aren't exactly a high profile thing. The only ones that complain about it are video gamers. The local news, newspapers, etc., to be honest, don't care about it. If it was MS, then it would be a different story.
  18. Heheh, a good example was this Lance Corporal I knew in NAS Millington in the mid '90s. Brand new Mustang and everything. Problem was, he barely had money for gas afterwards. Definitely didn't have much left in funds for a LOOOOONNNGGG time
  19. You can't have Theron with the Aeon style hair. It'll look stupid in film. Animation? Ok. With an actual actress? It won't look right. This is also the same reason that making film costumes exactly match comic book character outfits is usually a bad idea. You can't make it look right for most characters/outfits.
  20. Nice, really nice. To top it off, the sucker was BIG too!
  21. Odd. I thought her action scenes in Underworld were fantastic. Oozed style, confidence, and moved like a girl that wasn't about to trip over herself. I've also heard that the scenes of her with steely gaze while shooting firearms is actually her with steely gaze while shooting firearms-- a rarity supposedly, since most actors flinch to some degree. Supposedly that's also part of the reason for the sunglasses in Matrix-- to hide flinching eyes. Her physicality is pretty admirable, especially for an actress that can actually act. Kate Beckinsale can keep her steely gaze when I have her handcuffed to... Oops!
  22. Some quick tips (probably too soon) before your 1st float/cruise, but this was from my experience on a CV/CVN: a. Pack some extra toilet paper. I'm not kidding. That stuff is gold. Seriously, I am not kidding. b. Extra bars of soap. Once that bar of soap falls onto the head's deck or in the showers, forget it, even if it's brand new. c. Have shower shoes/rubber slippers/chinelas(sp?), especially for the showers. Why the fuss with b & c for the showers? Watch out for the Jellyfish... especially once you've been out at sea long enough P.S.--- SKs are your friends. Treat them well. Oh, and the Flightline is a place, not a cord you get from a shop.
  23. Okay, I finally checked the link and looked at the pics. I have no problem right off the bat with Charlize Theron, I liked her alot in other flicks. My problem with her is this: She's wearing too much clothing for Aeon Flux! IIRC, Aeon had a long sleeved (but revealing) top, bikini-esque bottom, and maybe some really high boots. Ah, the childhood memories are sort of coming back. As for Theron being skinny... she's not really, it's just that she doesn't have a huge... rack. Even without a big *rack*, she looked really good in 2 Days in the Valley.
  24. Navy, huh? Congrats on making it through basic. Must've been cold as hell up there in this time of year. What's the saying? "Big grey and underway"...? Also, it has been my experience with AOs, both Marine and Navy, that they tend to be a rowdy, but tight-knit group
  25. Will she die repeatedly during the movie? I recall that in 1/2 the episodes Aeon got killed
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