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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Wow, I mean... WOW If that umbrella could make that Click & Hiss sound of a lightsaber when you open it up
  2. My list: 1) Empire Strikes Back (Still the best SW movie) 2) A New Hope (The Original) 3) Revenge of the Sith (Flawed, but still very enjoyable to watch) 4) Attack of the Clones (Jango Fett, Clone Troopers. Kaminoans I thought were cool) 5) Return of the Jedi (Good things here, but the Ewoks ruin the movie) 6) The Phantom Menace (Few redeeming qualities)
  3. Just reading the words "AMT Ertl" together made my bowels move in an uncomfortable manner. C**ppy models from a c**ppy manufacturer. Always was and still is. Amazing how long these guys have had the Star Wars license over here in the US.
  4. Actually, from what I understand, most players feel that its crap. And I am a current player. I still wonder why the hell I'm still aboard the leaking ship sometimes. Maybe I have a liking to pain. I dunno...
  5. I had the Darth Vader FX from MR before Ep.3 came out. When I had the chance to check it out, it was great. Until I swing it around. The sound effects feel very delayed or it doesn't happen at all. The only time it works right is when you hit something with the "blade." I would have returned it, but the package arrived just as I was leaving for 2 months for something work related. By the time I came back and checked it out, the warranty was no good.
  6. For everyday fans, it's not really an issue. Canon only becomes an issue when a fan comes to realize some fact given in a Star Wars product contradicts another well known fact. When such a contradiction occurs, it's really nice to know just how to resolve it using the canon policy. So what you're saying is that real fans are like sheep who need to be told what to think rather than deciding for themselves? Look at it this way in regards to "canon." In the Original Trilogy's beloved Galactic Civil War, the Empire vs Rebel Alliance, the story is about a hunted Rebellion trying to free the galaxy of Palpatine's Empire, which has a massive military and the resources and manpower to back it up. The Jedi for all intents and purposes, are dead. Master Yoda & Obi-Wan, the last Jedi, pin their hopes on a young moisture farmer named Luke. Emperor Palpatine rules the galaxy and Darth Vader is his apprentice. But we all know and love the basic story of the Original Trilogy. Let me show a series of games where creative liberties were taken but still lovingly adheres to Star Wars canon: The X-Wing series on the PC. Space combat felt like the movies: Rebel fighters were heavily armed & shielded, but few in numbers. The TIEs were fast, agile, decently armed, and were numerous. However, they were unshielded, making them unforgiving. Space battles & skirmishes showed what we would expect anything deriving from the movies: The Rebels fighting hit & run attacks, raids, ambushes against the might of the Imperial Navy, whose numerous, superior warships are constantly hunting for them. Large numbers of TIEs swarming around and desperate Alliance pilots trying to carry out their duties. The campaigns felt like extensions of the movies... example: A Rebel mission to raid an Imperial supply depot. Your X-Wings must enter the area, quickly clear the local TIEs so the Y-Wings can use their heavy ordnance to destroy the gun platforms. That would clear the way for several transports to enter the area, steal some supplies, and leave. As the transport leaves, the remaining supplies can be destroyed. This must be done quickly since it is expected that Imperial reinforcements will quickly respond, namely a Star Destroyer with a full compliment of starfighters. The Alliance also can't afford needless losses: The player is penalized for high casualties in the raiding force. Now, let's look at a prime example of blatant disregard to Star Wars canon: Star Wars Galaxies. An MMORPG set in the Original Trilogy's Galactic Civil War. Here we have the Rebels actually outnumbering the Empire on most servers. AT-ATs are seen LESS often as a solar eclipse in real life, while Droidekas & Super Battle Droids from the Prequels litter the landscape. You can see more people wearing Clone Trooper armor than wearing Stormtrooper armor or other Rebel/Empire uniforms/equipment. In a setting where Jedi are practically dead with so many hopes riding on Luke Skywalker, the game is now full of player Jedi Knights and Masters. Does all this still make it Star Wars?
  7. Lucas is in a scene just before Anakin enters Palpatine's box seat at the "Opera." He's in the left of the screen wearing a purple outfit with a tall hat that has a sloped top. He's also talking to someone. After all these years, George finally makes a cameo in one of his Star Wars films.
  8. I've played many of the old space based Star Wars games, namely the X-Wing series (not the c**ppy Rogue Squadron games). The Tantive IV belongs to a class of small vessels called "Corellian Corvettes," proudly made in Corellia!
  9. I just linked it straight to HLJ. That's not a bad thing is it?
  10. If you remember, the pose Owen Lars had at the ending, standing on the sand dune, gazing at the Tatooine suns, is almost the same thing Luke does at ANH.
  11. Motivation? It's always fun to be the villain!
  12. But it is only through Anakin that the Sith will be destroyed. Palpatine could have gained his Empire without Anakin. I don't have the book of RotS with me right now (loaned out), but I do recall that Master Yoda realized that strength for strength, power for power, that even HE could not defeat Palpatine. Another realization Yoda made during the fight to make it worse was that the Sith had changed. The book went on about how the Sith, being out of the picture for so long, trained and plotted to have their Revenge. The Jedi it seemed whipped them bad long ago, but the book made it seem that the Jedi Order was trained for the last Jedi-Sith War. It even made a brief mention that some Jedi left the Order since it grew stale with no change even under Master Yoda's guidance. So the Sith hid, waited, and prepared while the Jedi Order just... didn't change with the times. So, the old Jedi Order, including someone as wise and powerful as Yoda, didn't have what it took to defeat the new Sith, i.e. Palpatine. Fast forward to Return of the Jedi, even Luke could have been easily defeated by Palpatine. But again, it is only through Anakin that Palpatine was destroyed. The Prophecy was fulfilled, but nobody, even Anakin himself, didn't know exactly how it was going to be fulfilled.
  13. She's real easy on the eyes. Too bad the Clones blasted her back to the age of KOTOR... repeatedly
  14. 10 pages, almost 12!
  15. 1/6 Medicom Darth Vader figure (Preorder HLJ) You'll never see this here in the US, since... their ROTJ Luke looks pretty good. Kotobukiya 1/7 Sandtrooper StarWarsShop.com used to have 2 other exclusive Kotobukiya Sandtrooper variants. These things are nearly 1 foot tall and look good.
  16. By the way, I realized something amusing when I was in the parking lot after the movie ended: Jango Fett gets the last laugh. Yes, Mace Windu screws him hard at Geonosis. But he gets his revenge on the Jedi through his Clones! With Palpatine giving the "Order 66" to the Clone Army, it's like Jango Fett reaching from the grave to slaughter the Jedi. From Attack Of The Clones, Jango Fett says to Obi-Wan: "They'll do their job." And boy do they do their job In a way, for the fans of Knights Of The Old Republic I & II, the Mandalorians exact a bit of revenge after so many years.
  17. Order 66, IMO, was something taught to the Clones before being released to the Republic. It wasn't encoded into their DNA since it wasn't necessary. What was encoded was their unquestionable loyalty to the Chancellor / Palpatine. With thorough training and loyalty, there's no need to whisper in the dark about these secret orders. It's probably as instinctive to them as picking up a blaster and pulling the trigger. Also, the Clonetroopers may have taken orders from the Senate and led by the Jedi during the Clone Wars. But the training and very nature made them always loyal to Palpatine. You also have to remember that the Clonetroopers are Clones of Jango Fett, a Mandalorian. And some of us know the nasty history between Mandalorians and the Jedi Order have been gloriously expanded upon in such places like Knights Of The Old Republic. As for the whole creating life bit, I don't believe that Darth Plagess (sp?) could have created Anakin (that whole Midichlorian mess). Palpatine said that Plagess taught his apprentice everything and there's alot of implying that Sidious was Plagess' apprentice. Once Sidious learned all that he wanted, he murdered his master. So, it could be a fair guess that Sidious created Anakin. As for not creating multiple "Anakins" who knows? This process could be very demanding in many ways that we don't know about. Sidious says to Yoda during their fight is that Anakin would become far more powerful than both of them. IMO, it would be so given time. Remember, Anakin was still quite young in Ep.3 with untold potential with the Force and the Dark Side. What's interesting is that Sidious would create, seduce to the Dark Side, and train someone who could destroy him. Maybe he felt that Vader could further the cause of the Sith more than he could? This despite the well known fact that betrayal is the very nature of the Sith?
  18. The JFK is a full fledged Fleet CVN, but then again, I'm not in the Navy.
  19. There's one thing aboard sea life on a Naval ship that I feared. "Jellyfish," for those in the know
  20. No he's not. He's EXACTLY what he is complaining about, except he hates Lucas for "raping his childhood". The "raping my childhood" fans are worse than the ones who dress up and bring lightsabers to the movies with them. They think Lucas, or Star Wars, or somebody owes them something for being a fan. When they don't get what they want, they bitch bitch bitch about how much everything sucks, and how bad Lucas is, and how every so called "apologist" has their faces buried in Lucas' ass. Its a frigging movie, grow up and get a life. Forget Phantom Menace. Star Wars fans are the worst thing to happen to Star Wars. I'll have to disagree. Wearing Stormtrooper Armor while waiting for Ep.3 is not a prerequisite to be a fan. Knowing every single detail, every name, the dimensions of the starcraft, etc., isn't a prerequisite to be a fan. Flaming away other people on Message Boards regarding Star Wars "facts" isn't a prerequisite either. A Star Wars fan can be someone who loves Star Wars, period. It could be some regular looking person down the street who happens to have and adore his Star Wars movie collection. Big fans, especially large groups of them, can keep a franchise alive. It is also a sign of how good your work in any medium was. Return of the Jedi was released in 1983.The Phantom Menace came out in 1999. There was a 16 year gap in between these movies. Without people who were fans of Star Wars, do you think the Prequels would have done well box office wise? If there were no fans, then the movies, the franchise, would nose dive harder than a fully laden jumbo jet running out of fuel 30k feet in the air. If there were no fans, who would care if an old franchise was resurrected after so many years? If there were no James Bond fans, would there have been any James Bond movies? If there were no Star Trek fans, would there have been so many movies and TV series? If ther were no Star Wars fans, would anyone have bought tickets into the numerous movies over the years? To put it simply, the fans, especially ones who hold onto something for so long, are your base. They're the ones who buy your products, watch your shows & movies, etc. If your movie had no fans, what does that say about your movie? Would Star Wars or Star Trek have gotten anywhere if they had no fanbase, people who gave a ****? They would have ended in the first movie/season/show. There would almost no chance of trying to "make a comeback" in the future.
  21. I can only explain it as Obi and Anakin being quite even at the last fight. It was Anakin's overconfidence that cause him to lose (i.e. attacking with his fancy jump from low ground in order to prove Obi's 'don't do it!' wrong). As for him smacking Dooku, its quite possible that Palps was f*cking around in the background like a good Sith should. The novel was very thorough with that explaination... Dooku was holding back... Palpatine told him to lose, and that he'd provide him with amnesty... If he had been at the top of his game, Anakin may have very well lost another arm. Didn't work out. Treachery and betrayal, as we all know, are true markings of a Sith!
  22. Luke I believe whines more in A New Hope alone By the way, a present to my fellow Star Wars fans over here. However, proceed with caution!!!
  23. I hate to sound very repetitive, but the blasted book discusses almost all these points I immediately think, "Why on Earth would they cut these segments out? They explain so much!" But then I remembered. The movie is pretty long already, at 2 hours 26 minutes. Still, I would gladly sit down an extra hour to see things fully fleshed out
  24. Dooku's time onscreen, fighting time, and demise ended much too quickly, I agree. For a character that had a critical role in AotC and the Clone Wars itself, it was disappointing a bit. The book gave him "alot of time," even though I knew he would be replaced by Anakin. I won't say too much for those who will check the book, but trust me, he does have a better showing. His hope on a future with the impending Empire and all the way through his betrayal by his own master... the very nature of the Sith. As for the Wookies & Kashyyyk, I liked how the movie showed some of the campaign since the book didn't even really discuss it too much. It was also nice to see camouflaged troopers instead of the traditional all white or white/colored Clone Trooper schemes.
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