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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Buck Rogers, eh? Makes me recall an old Chef Quote: "Hot? Hot as in Erin Grey hot as Colonel Deering in Season 1 of Buck Rogers?"
  2. I always did like the Japanese Sunburst design on the Tomcats' vertical stabs. Sweet looking!
  3. I might have to check the game out. The FF games have disappointed me ever since FF 7 and 3.
  4. Using work / duty clothing isn't fair!
  5. "... and this, this is the date of our wedding..." "Oh, that's nice...?!?" Welcome to the U S and A!
  6. So, me and a friend went and saw it today. It has been a LONG time since I was busting out in laughter repeatedly at a theater "I'll do it! I don't give a f**k!!!!" Lots of hilarious moments in that movie
  7. No paint job will ever make the Super Hornet look better than a Tomcat! A colorful scheme on a Super Hornet will still look worse than any low-visibility schemed Tomcat!
  8. I never get to enjoy Halloween. I'm always working night crew at my squadron
  9. I first saw his site in coming across links for his Stormtrooper in Japan thingie.
  10. I saw the "Flags" today after being secured from work today. It was great, IMO. It isn't "Saving Private Ryan" in the Pacific, nor is it John Wayne's "Sands of Iwo Jima." The battles are done well and look great. It may take a bit of getting used to for some in how the movie "jumps" back in forth from the battle, war bonds drive, to post war era, but it didn't bother me. Adam Beach, the same guy from "Windtalkers," gets a good amount of screentime among the 3 main characters / actors, and does the job well, IMO, considering how much I hated Windtalkers. Again, I was quite happy that it was it's own WWII movie. It wasn't some "artistic" movie like Thin Red Line. It wasn't a "Ryan" in the Pacific. It wasn't a remake of "Sands of Iwo Jima." "Flags of Our Fathers" to me stands by itself quite well among war movies that I've seen. Edit to add: The end credits also made alot of people stand still as they were preparing to leave or sit back down. Most of the audience was captured by what the end credits showed. The US Marine Corps finally gets a great movie after alot of years, and it isn't just another action flick. I foresee many of my fellow Gyrenes will go and check it out. "Semper Fidelis"
  11. The landing process was a total mess on that one. Lots of Marines got killed before even hitting the sand. Landing craft and such getting stuck on coral reefs, Marines swimming ashore, all while getting shot at by rifle, machinegun, and artillery fire. The resulting large numbers of dead Marines washing ashore was the first time pictures of American casualties were released by the gov't back home.
  12. Well, the Gyrene of me will win over. I'll have to see the movie tomorrow on the 20th. I hope it's good...
  13. The Great Pumpkin! Booyah!!!
  14. or Ryu AND Ken. Friends share, right?
  15. Best live action Street Fighter to date1!11!1
  16. I remember hearing the same also, but well... there's no news of it in a long, long time.
  17. The thing for me are these: * Of ALL war movies that I've seen or heard about that came out from the 1980's onwards, very, very, very few made the Pacific Theater of WWII the subject. WWII Europe by far takes the share, even going back to the 40's-50's. From the 80's onwards, there are more movies (of highly debious quality) that even use Desert Storm as the backdrop of a "story" than the Pacific Theater of WWII. * The US Marine Corps doesn't get much movies anymore. The 40's-60's brought in a bunch of USMC flicks, but very little onwards. There were a few Marine Vietnam flicks from the 80's (of dubious quality, naturally). Windtalkers for me was a HUGE disappointment. I'd like a chance to see a good USMC movie. If it's a good one, especially a WWII Marine movie with Iwo Jima, I know alot of Marines who'd dive in to see it. Iwo Jima holds alot of significance to the Marine Corps today. - About 1/4 of the Medals of Honor awarded to Marines in WWII was from their actions at Iwo Jima. - Regarding the Marines (plus 1 US Navy Corpsman) of the Flag Raising at Iwo Jima, you can look here for some small spoilers of the movie if your military history is bad. - If you look at any books on the Pacific Theater, WWII, or Marine Corps history, you will see a picture of the Flag Raising on Iwo Jima.
  18. Another one from the Great Froating Head himself!
  19. Wow, they're milking that franchise for what it's worth. Wait a minute, that sounded kind of perverted Anyways, this product's stupid.
  20. A Marine Corps movie? As a Marine, I hope it's decent. The last "Marine" movie, Windtalkers, was a total joke. The upcoming "Marine" movie via the WWE will go down the same road. Iwo Jima still holds alot of significance to Marines today. How the men of this flag raising fared in a very "non-Hollywood" way a good number of them, unfortunately. FYI: Adam Beach was the main Navajo Code Talker in Windtalkers.
  21. "...and if anyone ever asks you that you're a god, you say yes!!!"
  22. Money for the USAF is going into 2 things that you can easily guess, and not into airlift. Airlift is not "sexy" I guess. But tell that to the Army.
  23. Getting "off the ground" is such a relative term. Getting off as in, "flying in the sky under its own power" or "off the ground via maintenance jacks?"
  24. I'm going to hold off on these versions for now. Maybe they'll actually do a worthy version of the ORIGINAL Original Trilogy in the future... however long that may be
  25. C-130J models have the folddown HUD from the top of the Pilot & Copilot Positions. I recall seeing them way back in 1998-1999 in Ft.Worth, Texas. There was supposed to be a big get together for the military and various companies to show off their gear for purchase by the DOD (I was part of the traffic & security detail as a Corporal, and I had my right hand up in a salute position all day with all those eagles and stars roaming about from all the services). Lockheed brought over a C-130J model and parked it over at our flightline (I was with VMGR-234, Marine Reserve squadron flying KC-130T's). The pilot came down and was seeing if any of us Herc boys wanted to see the new bird. Went over there and met the Flight Engineer, a retired Marine Master Sergeant. It was interesting. The flight station was completely different from previous versions (esp. the OLD Marine variants). What got us the most was the folddown HUDs. We joked with the Flt.Engineer, "So, are Hercs going to be dropping bombs and firing missiles now?" Well, Hercs HAVE dropped bombs in the past, i.e. Daisycutters. BLU-82B Daisycutter GBU-43/B "Mother of all Bombs" I never saw the GBU-43/B, however.
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