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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Missiles? Then you're likely a Phalanx fan? 1/72 would be a very healthy size for most Destroids. Most of them are of comparable height to a standing Valkyrie. They have more mass so that means more plastic. I wouldn't mind if they costed a bit more due to that. But at 1/72, they're still small enough where they don't take up all your shelf space. They'll also be of the same scale as the other Hasegawa 1/72 Valkyries, so it'd be nice to have a shelf of completed Macross kits of the same scale composed of both Valks and Destroids. The only other catch is the Monster. That thing would still be quite big at 1/72 and would cost more. The licensed Destroid kits are old and small (IMO). It's time the "Grunts" get a new treatment!
  2. I have always loved the Macross TV Valkyrie paint schemes far more than the DYRL? ones. Really, changing the color of 2 small stripes doesn't cut it for me to merit a variant. Anyways... I also like Max & Millia's -1J's, esp. Max's since blue's my favorite color. The blue you used is right. It's medium in darkness and not light (baby blue Max -1J? Yuck! ). Overall, it looks great! The only thing that kind of stood out to me, and I'm probably just picky, is that your panel lining and weathering is quite a bit heavier, darker on the forearms in contrast to other sections of your Valk. So... we all know 1/48 Max / Millia -1J's are quite a bit uncommon and expensive. You gonna do a Millia -1J? That crimson valk is quite sexxxay if you pull it off.
  3. I too recall the Macross DYRL Homeworld Mod. Not sure if it ever was completed. As for space sims like Freespace, I never saw any Macross conversions. I do recall someone made VF-1A/J/S jet models and textures for X-Wing:Alliance. Naturally, transformation was impossible. This was released back in 2000-2001 and it looked ok for the time. No custom cockpits though.
  4. You got really lucky with that! But as for paying alot more, you better get the cell & poster. Regarding the poster, it's quite nice but it's folded. I recall a long time ago some of us were talking about the possibility of the poster being found / sold in a roll. Regardless, it looks great with the cutaway VF-1S Super Valkyrie and various ordnance.
  5. You guys got me interested in checking this show out. I need to find some DVDs with English Subtitling... bootlegs I guess, since there are no official English releases. I'd try the torrent thing but that's alot of disk space required.
  6. That's the big problem. Trek has been real lackluster with its shows for years. The last good Star Trek movie was... a long time ago.
  7. So it's a revamp of TOS main players? We'll see how that goes.
  8. I know Valks dominate Macross toys & models, but it'd be nice if Hasegawa did some 1/72 Destroids. Destroid model kits just aren't as abundant or are really old kits. There's still room to do newer Valkyrie models, but the sky's the limit with Destroids. Hmm... 1/72 Monster...
  9. I chose Macross TV. The story is more fleshed out and you see a much wider spectrum of things. You see much more in-depth story from the initial arrival, to the long quest back to Earth, the epic space battle over Earth (though DYRL? did this very well also), and of course the post-battle storylines with a decimated Earth and UN. What does DYRL? do well? - Refined, updated Character Designs (for most parts) by Haruhiko Mikomoto... Misa's hairstyle, for instance - Fancy animation - More Mari Ijima singing with a few more very recognizable Macross songs. - Another take on Max & Millia's fight, but both TV and DYRL? versions rock. - Meltran warships DYRL? has alot of good points, but it suffers from what other movies suffer if they're based on a TV series. Too much needs to be told and alot of things are skimmed over or almost ignored. Also: - Quamzin, a big player in the TV series, has what? 1 minute of screentime in DYRL? I don't think he says much or anything if at all in the movie. - Personally, I prefer Laplamiz's TV version more. - Character relationships, since it's a movie, takes a nosedive compared to the TV series, where it has a chance to show alot of events unfold. Again, it's a product of having to do alot of things in a very limited timespan.
  10. I'm trying to hunt down 1/48 Max & Millia -1J's I swear, I hope Yamato reissues these. Sometime soon.
  11. Let's try not to be vulgar, ok? Please, let's not scare the kiddies with "Elektra!"
  12. Oh no! Not "Robotechnology!"
  13. Regarding the Yammie 1/48 CF -1A decal sheet, what pilot name is listed there? Just making sure before I make a decision.
  14. The paint scheme is simple yet nice at the same time.
  15. A live action Wonder Woman. Hmmm...
  16. It makes more sense than Valkyries with Breastesesess
  17. Personally, I preferred the more widely varied color schemes of the TV series than DYRL?'s. In DYRL?, there weren't much differences. The only ones that were decent were: Roy's classic -1S CF Brown & White I immediately disliked the single stripe color difference between Hikaru, Max, and Kakizaki's -1A's. Even Hikaru's -1S felt like a pale imitation to Roy's yellow / black / white. The TV series had all the schemes I liked. Roy's -1S CF Brown & White Max's Blue -1J Millia's Red -1J Hikaru's White -1J (I think DYRL? had a white -1J for maybe a brief moment) I can't stand most of the DYRL? valks anymore, but then again, they're cheaper to buy nowadays. If you want a "relatively cheap" yammie to customize, then those are safe bets.
  18. Fulfillment of fantasies are a good thing!
  19. "Ladies and gentlemen of the 'supposed' jury, it does not make sense!"
  20. Kaifun can be stuffed in an artillery shell, fed into the breech of a Monster's cannon, and fired at the nearest enemy warship's hull!
  21. Misa or Minei? Misa, but it would be close. Misa's stable. A stable home life is terribly underrated to many. Seriously, it does alot of good for one's sanity to have an undramatic home if you deal with all kinds of stuff at work / duty, in the UN Spacy's case, war. Minmei's depiction in the TV series makes a better case for her than in DYRL? where it feels more abrupt due to the movie's time constaints. She does drift away in the TV series but comes back. ----- Off topic, if I was Max Jenius? After hookin' up with Miss 639, you'll have a hard time seeing me outside of duty Well, someone's got to prevent the house from burning down when your wife can't cook! Among other things...
  22. I gave it 4/5. The animation of the few minutes of new material was top notch. The music, especially for the end with bits from DYRL? is great. But as it's been said before by others, it could have been so much more, IMO.
  23. Hey joseph, where is this airshow taking place at, with MiG's, Hornets, and F-16s at the same place? Are they even in the same show? Oh, and again, the Russians are cheating with MiG Girls
  24. Hopefully the USAF gets a good deal out of the F-22. Replacing the F-15? Better do a d**n good job of it!
  25. All aircraft, given age, time, use & abuse, will wear and tear. Just like cars, they will demand more attention and maintenance. I used to know a Master Gunnery Sergeant (retired now) who was around when the USMC accepted the-then-new F/A-18 Hornets. They were told that the Hornets are easier to maintain and won't break much. Right. That's because they were new. Most things you get brand new you expect to be pretty reliable and hassle free. Yes, I know there's bugs and such which require airframe changes & modifications over an aircraft's service life. Well, fast forward to 2007. The Hornets require alot of maintenance now. They're about 20 years old and have seen alot of rigorous life on the carriers, and the maintenance hours to flight hours are going higher. Sounds familiar? That's just what the Tomcat went through. (As far as the "moron" that canceled the Tomcat and scrapped tooling for its parts, that's Dick Cheney when he was Sec.Def. years ago) I have some Sailor buddies who are Super Hornet maintainers. They like it, it hardly breaks. Of course, the thing is new. We'll see years down the road after the rigors of carrier life. As for the "Ease Of Maintenance," as a maintainer myself, that's a load of bulls**t. Given time and modifications, there will be all sorts of parts crammed into every space available to get in your way. If it's already like that when the aircraft just began production for the military, then I feel sorry for those guys that have to work on it There's always going to be something more complicated than it needs to be, on any aircraft (seriously, how complicated do you REALLY need to make an exterior lighting system? ). When I first entered service in the USMC, I was a KC-130 Electrician. Yes, we had our share of problems as maintainers, especially since some of the aircraft were approaching 40 years of service. Later, for a variety of reasons (and a looooonnngg story) I ended up being a Marine F/A-18 Electrician. It's not "easier." I gave up one set of problems maintaining a Hercules for another new set of problems on the Hornet... even if the Hornet was decades younger.
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