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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. That's the intent! Don't make me do it again!
  2. Has anyone else seen this? I bought it last week here in the USA and so far I like it, looking forward to the next. To be honest, I was surprised since I bought it due to the fancy packaging (weird reason, I know). The French title gave me hope for a drastically different setting for anime. No robots, no teen angst, and, heresy of heresies... no katanas in sight. The volume's buildup is slow (IMO) but not detrimentally bad. But I'm really digging the setting in Pre-Revolutionary France and character styles.
  3. F-16XL? I recall building a model of that version a loooonngg time ago in 1/72. But I've never seen a picture with that scheme you showed. The box art for the one I bought was a grey fuselage with a red, white, and blue vertical stab.
  4. These shoes are great countermeasures against snipers. The ridiculous color schemes combined with rapid movement of the feet will surely blind the sniper when he's trying to view you through the scope / sights. The brightness emanating from your feet will make him useless.
  5. As for the Tomcat looking good, it even looks fabulous on a catapult launch I have had the pleasure of being on the bow catapults when the remaining Tomcat squadrons are doing ops. When the Tomcats throttle up on the cats, just before launch, the jets tend to do a "lean." Similiar to how some cats rear back when they're pissed off. The nose landing gear compresses, and since the Tomcat has a rather long fuselage, the nose pitching down looks really pronounced. Also, both the Tomcats & Prowlers are both big jets... and really loud. You know when either type of squadrons are operating when the forward half of the ship is rumbling and shaking. I have had my work center on the deck just under and in the vicinity of the bow catapults. The constant noise from jets launching and the vibration got really old! It was "quieter" and less-headache-inducing being a Final Checker on the forward catapults
  6. These paint schemes for the YF-19 and VF-1 look far too "busy." They're cluttered with paint patterns that seem random. Not liking the look of those.
  7. You could do one of the canon Macross 7 schemes. You know, the more "infamous" one "Wow, I didn't know VF's could have a set of those..."
  8. ack! nevermind!
  9. That's 'cause it's fact!
  10. While browsing the 'net for 1/32 scale model images of F-14's, I somehow ran into this topic: B-17G Flying Fortress flying for Luftwaffe's KG 200 Certainly not your granddaddy's B17!
  11. You see a predominantly white with some green colored VF-1A's in the TV series, towards the last 1/3 of the whole show. IIRC, it's when Misa visits Alaska / Grand Cannon Base to visit the Admiral. You see maybe 2 of these green & white valks standing guard.
  12. A team in the USA now, eh? I've always been curious about this franchise, but not much of it gets over into the US, esp. the games. The only team that has gotten much exposure here is the original team in Japan.
  13. TV Valk schemes FTW!
  14. Great stuff... I know many have been dying to have the Max & Millia -1J's.
  15. The above emblem is the WWII emblem for the real life VMFA(AW)-225 "Vikings" squadron. Back then in WWII, it was VMF-225. For Macross purposes, the unit will be converted to UN Marine Fighter Attack Squadron; VMFA-225 "Deathdealers," utilizing the above WWII logo. Primary Color: Dark Brown Stripe / Trim: Off-white, like the patch above The emblem will replace the standard UN "Kite." ---------- The above emblem is for the current Marine squadron, VMFA-314 "Black Knights." For Macross purposes, it will be converted to UN Marine Fighter Attack Squadron; VMFA-314 "Black Knights" Primary Color: Black Stripe / Trim: Yellow Slogan to be painted onto the VF-1 legs and parts of the FAST Packs as well as GBP-1S Armor Systems: "Once a Knight is not enough!" The emblem will replace the standard UN "Kite."
  16. True, but not necessarily just against Lock-On (which looks awesome also, btw). The PC is the traditional home of hardcore flight sims, military or civilian oriented. Stuff like: Jane's WWII Fighters European Air War (I used to play this religously with "Enemy Coast Ahead" mod) Falcon 4.0 (and now Falcon: Allied Force) Jane's F-15 Jane's F/A-18 Longbow Gold (awesome late 90's sim) Apache vs Havoc IL-2 Sturmovik (considered the king of WWII flight sims still, especially with the numerous add-ons / expansions) MiG Alley (Korean War era flying goodness) Battle of Britain Etc. PC flight simmers also tend to be very dedicated to a flight sim for years and years. An extreme example is Falcon 4.0, which came out in 1998 and it still has a large following in the flight sim community. The major bugs have been worked out, open source released, and the fan community still produce mods to make the sim as real as it can get. Ace Combat is good for what it does on the consoles. My only gripe with the original Ace Combat was the lack of freedom of flight, even if it doesn't do ultra-realistic flight modelling. I'm curious to see how this version performs and plays on the 360. I'm sure my friend will snag this up.
  17. 6'4"? God****, you're tall! Makes for an imposing trooper!
  18. There's a big reason why the troopers drop like flies in the movies. Hero Syndrome Simply put, the major characters for the story / show cannot be killed off before they perform their purpose of the production. When the major characters (heroes or villains) get into combat against opposing forces, it's a simple rule... they can't die and will frequently wade through the enemy. Either that, everyone else drops around them but they themselves escape injury and death. Again, it's standard fare for books, TV shows, and movies. Action movies are notorious with "Hero Syndrome." - How many Germans did Tom Hanks' Capt.Miller kill in Saving Private Ryan? - How many badguys did Arnie kill as Matrix in the movie Commando? - How many NVA did Stallone's Rambo kill in Rambo II? How many Russians did he kill in Rambo II & III? - How many guys did J.Stratham kill in Transporter 1 & 2? The "elite forces" of the opposition in the show / book / etc. may be actually good in their "world" but if facing major characters, there's no hope for them! As for Star Wars, Stormtroopers and such are good against Rebels, but suck against the main heroes. In every engagement you see in the Original Trilogy, where Imperial ground forces are just matched against Rebel troops, they beat them badly in every single instance. - Ep.IV - Stormtroopers board the ship, facing Rebel troops who have the luxury of firing into a narrow corridor into the boarding Stormies who have to initially enter one by one. The Stormtroopers still continue to assault, driving the Rebels back, and commence with securing the ship. - Ep.V - Battle of Hoth. A huge array of conventional Rebel & Imperial forces fighting on the ground. Lopsided Imperial victory with some losses. - Ep.VI - Battle of Endor (ground). The Imperial Garrisson had everything under control until Ewok intervention... and I hate Ewoks ever since seeing them in the movies as a kid. In combat, the only times we see Stormies have problems is against the core heroes
  19. I played the original Ace Combat waaaaaaayyy back in the day on the PS1. I had fun with it and the various jets, but I was not amused with the flying. I'm also wondering how much flight freedom there will be, even if it's an arcadey game. Rolls, loops, etc.
  20. Looks great, very, very nice. But with this game, are we talking modern jets with few missiles or 300 missile loadouts?
  21. "Shoji Kawamori's mecha designs are nice and his directorial efforts were good to a point before he lost his mind..." I think I know where this guy things The Great Froating Head lost his mind P.S. - I looked up wikipedia and I did find "Itano Circus" and also a related, hilariously titled page for "Macross Missile Massacre."
  22. "Sir, this is supposed to be a talent show... so again... why are you here?"
  23. Milia kitchet "adventures," eh?
  24. Judging by the head design, I'm expecting Asuka from NGE will come jumping out of that cockpit.
  25. The ones with the Tomcat also look better
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