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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Tyrannosaurs in Tomcats. Cower in fear Not a CG doctored image! For realz!
  2. I don't follow the show but it's disappointing how a show will get butchered to come over here, especially for a broadcast.
  3. I can't wait to see how it turns out when they're finally done. They've been at it for years.
  4. "1st of The May on ESPN the Ocho!" I never bothered special strategies taking into account Psi-Combat. I use the K.I.S.S. method, "Keep It Simple Stupid." In other words, blow the crap out of everything, and / or burn it, stay in as much cover just in case an alien gets by or one of your boys gets hit by the alien "Dr.Mindbender." Have guys standing by to cover / overwatch against any alien movements and sneaky attempts. If the alien looks special, or I just don't like the way he looks, I used to be paranoid that they had psi-abilities. Send a rocket his direction. Matter solved. Hiccups due to mind control are actually pretty minimal, since the aliens are busy dodging fire, explosions, or shrapnel... or any combination of all 3. Yeah, the occasional trooper gets zapped by mind control, but not enough to make me hesitant. I play the same in the tactical game. I only get alarmed if the aliens start packing more heat than usual. We're X-Com. We kick a** and chew bubble gum but stocks of bubble gum are low or gone in some bases. But we have lots of ammo and guns. Lots 'o guns
  5. I'm not too fond of the Legacy era either but I did dig around for some info of the era. For one thing, non-humans and females are permitted in the Stormtroopers. The 501st "Vader's Fist," the Legion that marched into the Jedi Temple for Order 66 still exists and was the last of the pure clone formations. But in the Legacy era, it no longer has that pure clone distinction. The Empire isn't the same 'ol "Palpatine's Empire" though. It's still "bad" but with a touch of "softness"
  6. The ending was the worst. Not only was it so weak but it was sudden and abrupt. You don't get to find out what happens with your party members afterwards or what they intend to do... sort of. The ending just gives like a simple, single sentence for each... "Handmaiden makes babies!"... WEAK! Kind of like, "Okay, thanks for buying and playing KoTOR 2! Thanks for your money!" (Exit stage right) The other thing that bothered me was the glaringly bad quality of the cutscenes. Wow did those suck compared to the original game.
  7. I wonder, if Duke Nukem finally comes out, will it come out as polished and good as Daikatana?
  8. KoTOR II would have been great but it was blatantly rushed to be released in time for Ep.III when it hit the theaters. An interesting site is the KoTOR II / The Sith Lords Restoration Project. And KoTOR II: The Missing Content. It seems the devs for KoTOR II intended alot to be done with it. There were far more quests and places to visit in the works but they ran out of time. More quests, background, and alot of spoken character dialogue were intended and some actually sitting in the game but not utilized (check the site for more). Different possibilities as to how your party members turn out, depending on choices made in the game, more than what was officially done but not released (Atton Rand is a big example). In short, the devs for KoTOR II were ambitious, and I can't fault them for that. But they ran out of time and it wouldn't surprise me if Lucasarts was applying pressure for the game to be released in time for Ep.III, just like a bunch of other crap to be released at that same time. The game really could have used alot more dev time. Seeing what was left incomplete and how ambitious the plans were, makes me wonder how much better KoTOR II could have been.
  9. Well, they did make an Iron Eagle movie where they had WWII airplanes equipped with Missiles
  10. That is kind of weird. Iron Eagle (F-16's... sort of) had a slew of movies. But Top Gun was way better and it never had a sequel.
  11. NGPwned Never heard of that "revamp" referred in that way!
  12. The luxury that BioWare has with the KoTOR era of the first two games is that they have alot of leeway in creativity. The EU until very recently has done little in that area. Even with the events of KoTOR I & II in place, there's more than enough room for a good story and setting. Since there's no Clonetroopers / Stormtroopers in a KoTOR setting, I'll have to be a Mandalorian soldier. Bounty Hunting Mandos are so cliche to me One of the fun things from the KoTOR games was the description of Mandalorian weapons. Like how Mando's prefer overkilling, overcompensating firepower than "just-lethal-enough" weapons. The Mandalorian Ripper was a good one. It's too bad that the end-games were so focused on Jedi powers and such that the rest was simply forgotten.
  13. For me, that's not as much fun as getting on a rooftop, blasting a small hole on the roof, and dropping an incendiary grenade into the room below. Wait outside. Shoot the fleeing baddies. ---- Need smoke? Fire provides that, too! Can't root out some baddies at a tough position? Easy, burn them out!
  14. Fire. Lots of fire. And more explosions, too.
  15. There'll be more Valkyrie vs Valkyrie action, but not in the way most are used to. I mean, if Macross 7 gave us Valks with breastesesess, think of the "possibilities"
  16. The setting for SWG was fine, since very few Star Wars games even try to avoid making Jedi THE central point of the game. Alot of things killed SWG for me: the increased simplification of gameplay, killing the skillpoint system (it was awesome, I completely agree with Uxi here), killing the player-based economy in favor of loot drops while still saying Traders / Crafters were still keystones to the economy, bait & switch tactics by SOE, the awful SOE interaction with players, and the continous destruction of the Star Wars story. What was great with the old SWG was that the focus was on the rest of the people that made the Star Wars universe. My simple opinion: There's more to Star Wars than Lightsabers and increasingly ridiculous Force Powers (see upcoming Force Unleashed ). There were a bunch of us that yearned to be the soldiers of the Rebellion or Empire. I loved being a Stormtrooper / Scout Trooper. At SWG's height, there were a good number of "Trooper Guilds" that focused on the soldiers for the Empire or Rebellion, especially Imperial ones since there actually were a good number that loved donning the white armors of the Empire. A player Stormtrooper patrol through Mos Eisley or the deserts of Tatooine oozes just as much of a Star Wars feel as Luke Skywalker fighting Darth Vader.
  17. Robot Chicken + Lucas + Mark Hamill = Upcoming Spoof
  18. No, because he's "busy" with Rei. ... Wait a minute, I think that was the other production...
  19. Yeah, the only thing we heard even back then was BioWare working on an MMO. It wasn't even known if it was to be Star Wars-based or not. The article does bring valid points for people to believe that BioWare's MMO outing will be a Star Wars game. - Star Wars Galaxies... shot itself in the foot, stabbed itself in the abdomen, twisting the knife through it's own intestines. - KoTOR still carries weight in the Console and PC gaming community. The other wary thing with KoTOR was that it was tremendously buggy, even the first one. Combine that with the delegated work to Obisidian to do KoTOR II, it's cause for some concern. But hopefully they learn from their lesson (KoTOR), Obisidian's mistakes of bugginess and incompletion (KoTOR II), and from the atrocious mistakes made by SOE with Star Wars Galaxies for MMO's. I just pray... PRAY... that it isn't "WoW in Space."
  20. This rumor has been going around for more than a year. When I was still playing Star Wars Galaxies, us Star Wars fans contemplating leaving that abortion were trying to find a better ship to jump to. It was an interesting rumor, since KoTOR was a nice game. If BioWare does a Star Wars MMO, I'm thinking it'll be a success, due to the weight of name it carries. But I'm not sure how the mechanics will be. I'm thinking it will be simplified like the KoTOR games were or how World of Warcraft is to cash in on the big Star Wars name recognition and old KoTOR playerbase. I hope it's not a simple minded game, especially for an MMO where countless hours are spent. BioWare has not done any MMO games or big multiplayer games that I'm not aware of, so I'm curious to see how well they do in that regard.
  21. My Yamato Valks 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru VF-1S Roy VF-1J Max VF-1J Millia VF-1A C.Fodder x2 Super / Strike FAST Packs (extra accessories) x2 GBP accessory pack (Blue) x1 1/60 VF-1A C.Fodder VF-1J Max VF-1J Millia VF-1J Hikaru + GBP combo VF-1S Roy Quadluun Rau (Red) "Millia" In case you haven't noticed, I love the Max & Millia TV valks. The VF-1J is my favorite of VF-1 designs but the VF-1A CF still retains a nice place. TV Valk schemes FTW!
  22. If it doesn't come out as nice a deal for the USN, I'm sure the Navy can find a way out of it if someone tries to force it down their throats. From what I recall since the 60's, it wouldn't be the first time it was tried. The navalized F-111 is the biggest example and the Navy fought that tooth and nail to eventually get the Tomcat. Now that I think of it, I can't think of a Naval fighter that was forced successfully onto the USN as a multi-service jet since the 60's. The F-4 was accepted by the Navy first, I think. Same with the A-7's. And both platforms did appear in other services. I think the US Navy has that 1 trump card to say "No deal": Not suitable / safe for carrier operations I would be curious to see what the Navy would do if the JSF was cr** for carrier ops and had to say no. What platform would the go for and all that. Something new? Get more Super Hornets? The other interesting thing is with the USMC variants which are supposed to be VTOL capable. The Marines are supposed to be still with carrier air wings, but if their version isn't good to go for carrier ops but still suitable for land-based... well, it may be interesting.
  23. That's a big negative. It won't happen. Why? Because the Empire wouldn't have to face against the greatest power of any kind of storytelling: HERO SYNDROME!
  24. Other differences in Naval and completely Land Based aircraft. Naval aircraft must have strong airframes as well as tough landing gear. I've spent all my time with Naval aircraft but have had the pleasure of seeing up close USAF F-16's and F-15's. I didn't get to see the "guts and innards" of the jets but the landing gear on these two teen fighters are like twigs compared to Naval aircraft landing gear. Empty Weights F-4E 30k lbs A-7D 20k lbs F-15C 28k lbs F-16C 18k lbs F/A-18C 24k lbs F/A-18F 30k lbs F-14D 42k lbs EA-6B 34k lbs Naval aircraft on average are heavier than completely land based ones. I'm willing to bet it's because the airframes are built tougher. The combination of tougher airframes and tougher landing gear are some of the reasons Naval aircraft can operate from a carrier but adds alot of weight. They get beat alot, especially with hard landings on the flight deck.* The F-16 and F-15 are fine jets and have served the USAF well. But they're not capable of Naval operations. They'll snap like a twig on the cats and break in half on a trap Also, Naval aircraft tend to want good low speed handling for landing on a carrier. There was a whole big set of drama about high and low speeds for approaches on a carrier back in the 60's, which eventually led into the F-111 navalized version and finally into the Tomcat. * Even among Naval aircraft, some jets have a reputation for taking really bad feeling landings on the flight deck (making the ship shake). When I watch our Hornets take a bad landing, I glance and smile at our Airframers who now have to do a series of inspections and whatnot for popping maintenance codes relating to hard landings (and putting that jet up on jacks in the hangar. It's a big pain in the a**). I watched a Tomcat suffer the same, laugh at a Tomcat final checker near me. The ba**ard just smiles, and points... the Tomcat's coming straight to our forward catapults after landing and raising its tailhook. "Son of a b***!"
  25. Darth Vader had great lines in the Original Trilogy. One of my favorite parts was in ESB. Darth Vader: "The admiral is as clumsy as he is stupid." *Raises Adm.Ozzel on screen* Adm.Ozzel: "Ah, Lord Vader, we have just arr- ACK!!!" Darth Vader: "You have failed me for the last time, admiral." Adm.Ozzel: "ACKKK!!!" Darth Vader: "Captain Piett." Capt.Piett: *sideways, wary glance at his admiral* "Y-Yes Lord Vader." Darth Vader: "You are in command of the fleet now. Prepare for assault." Adm.Ozzel: *GASP*Collapse* Capt.Piett: "Yes my Lord." Darth Vader: "Do not fail me... Admiral."
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