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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. A mini-series, full-fledged TV series, movies, etc... it doesn't matter. Poor quality is poor quality, period! Not to mention the deep pockets and usually fancy presentation of Star Wars shows, this trailer looks like a serious step back in several different ways (IMO), stuff that I covered before in an earlier reply in addition to the quality of the CG.
  2. If they're going to make it CG, at least make it look decent. Like I said before, there are games that are over 10 years old with better cutscene quality than this.
  3. It's been a long time since I steadily played BF games but I never had stability issues with BF2 Spec Ops. The problem for me was how it eats my computer's performance even more than the regular BF2 game. BF2 Spec Ops was power hungry...
  4. Empire Strikes Back FTW? Oh, Pre-'82 Lucas wasn't necessarily all top notch. The Star Wars Christmas Special! It's always funny hearing about fans asking questions of this disaster to Lucasfilm officials at Star Wars conventions
  5. It's maybe an eventual possibility. Not sure. It's happening with Star Trek in a way. The TV shows are done right now with Enterprise splitting the usually unified fanbase. Movies? The last couple ones were lackluster. The games? Between Star Wars and Star Trek, ST games have averaged being far, far worse in recent years despite fewer releases.
  6. The scenes shown for the upcoming Clone Wars CG looks as good as the cutscenes from the expansion pack fro X-Wing vs TIE Fighter. A game released in 1996 or 1997
  7. That is true... but only for productions ever since the Prequels came out. I'll make it short. The Original Trilogy era productions got by real nicely with Lightsabers and such being used at a minimal. It made the very few Jedi (Luke, Obi-Wan) that we see as something special. The majority of the movie characters were not swinging Lightsabers unlike the Prequels. Despite this, the Original Trilogy still holds a higher place over the Prequels. I guess it's a matter of "Less is more" the way the Original Trilogy era treated the Force, Jedi, and Lightsabers, esp the movies. In the Prequel era, Jedi were a dime a dozen and died a dime a dozen. In the Original Trilogy era, Jedi were rare, special... mystical. In the Prequel Trilogy era, Jedi were everywhere and died all over the place. There was nothing mystical about a Jedi getting shot by "mere mortal Clones" repeatedly from behind. As I said in an earlier reply, there's far more to the Star Wars universe than Lightsabers and the Force.
  8. Looks is one thing. But can they at least act without someone standing 2 feet away from her onscreen with cue cards and her staring at the cards all the time while recording?
  9. Sorry to be the voice of dissent again Graham But the actual use of the Clone Wars era is just as restrictive as the now unused Original Trilogy / Galactic Civil War era. Practically every book, comic, game, etc set in the Clone Wars era is focused on the Jedi despite the richness and variety of the Republic Army and Navy. Clonetrooper armor + blasters and the preceding Star Destroyer designs. They're fabulous! But what does every Clone Wars era book, comic, game reduces itself to? Lightsabers swinging all over the place or ridiculously, increasingly overpowered Force abilities. And that's it, despite the large established background of the Republic. Even in books "centered" on the Republic Clonetroopers have Jedi taking the central role (Republic Commando books) What Lucasfilm / Lucasarts is doing with the rich possibilities of the Clone Wars is just as straight-jacketed as any perceived restrictions with the OT era.
  10. Well, there's numerous battles that can be covered since it was the huge Clone Wars and such. They could have even done the same with the Original Trilogy era / Galactic Civil War. As for the animation... bleh.
  11. Well, since we're talking Life Action Fighting Game Movies and SNK, how about a Live Action Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits! We're talking swords and s**t, here! You can't go wrong!
  12. Ah yes. There was the Mortal Kombat movies. Now I will say the 4 Words of Unholiness. Live Action Street Fighter
  13. I played BF2142 extensively after having a bit of time in BF2. For kicks and a different era, I went back to BF2. I then realized how much better the maps were in BF2. Granted, the maps were much more detailed with many, many more objects to slow a compy down. But the maps were very nice.
  14. I read / listened to one of those Tape + Storybook releases for Empire Strikes Back before seeing the actual movie while I was at school. Yeah, my family couldn't afford the luxury of seeing movies much at that time. Man, we lived in a rathole back then.
  15. I'll do one better. I'll borrow someone else's DVD when it comes out I wasn't impressed with the 2nd one. So I'll wait.
  16. I was born in 1975. In 1977, we couldn't see ANH from my hometown in the Philippines. In 1980, the same held true for ESB. In 1983, my family had moved to the San Francisco Bay Area (USA) by this time. At 8 years old, Return of the Jedi was the only (original) Original Trilogy movie that I would see in the theaters. I had seen the other movies on TV. Yes, US television used to show the movies every few months Anyways, I was loving RotJ. Luke finishes his training, we see Jabba the Hutt, the Imperial Biker Scouts / Scout Troopers, the space battle, and of course, the bada** Speederbike chase. Even the Prequels couldn't match the Speederbike chase and the speed and impending dangerous feel it brought. Of course, the Ewoks and some stupid actions very nearly destroyed the movie to my young eyes. Really, even as a kid I despised the Ewoks. The takedown of Boba Fett was lame also. My regret was not seeing the original versions of ANH or ESB in theaters. It was only slightly satisfied with seeing the Spec.Ed. in the late 90's. I caught Spec.Ed. ANH and ESB in the then big, brand new Edward's Theater in the southern end of Orange County. I still recall the scene where Obi-Wan asks Luke to join him and Luke's hesitant. Everything's quiet and then this fellow Marine stood up and yelled to the screen, "Come on Luke! DO IT!" For the Spec.Ed.ESB, seeing the AT-AT's onscreen was a blast, and renewed my belief that ESB was (and still is) the best Star Wars movie. I caught Spec.Ed.RotJ when I was stationed in Okinawa. It was a depressing time for me there, and the movie was a very great form of escape for me. The space battle was big still and the Speederbike chase was still top notch.
  17. Mr March, you have committed a grave sin by bringing up any of those movies that are highlighted in bold. To make matters worse, you put them all in the SAME sentence! A movie go'er and comic fan can only take so much before imploding from dismay. Your penance is to undergo a marathon and watch all these movies in one straight sit-down session on a Saturday afternoon. What better way to make up for the wrongs you have made by wasting your precious weekend time on utter trash movies
  18. My chief complaint is that gear I'm expected to carry around isn't any less bulky or as heavy than our predecessors in past decades or wars. If you take a look at pictures of servicemen "humping around" a full pack from the 80's, 70's, etc. and see modern ones, there's not that much difference. I was in 10th grade when Desert Shield / Storm took place. I recall seeing CNN videos of Soldiers and Marines marching through the desert with full loads and gear stacked upon gear on their packs. And that wasn't counting water and ammunition J.H.Christ, I can cram all kinds of cr*p in today's packs and even in the Vietnam-Era ALICE Packs we used to have as standard. So much s**t that my friends would say I looked like a walking pack. All they would see behind me is one massive pack, a rifle "hanging" from the side, and 2 little legs sticking out from below
  19. It's the same thing with infantry equipment The Army and Marine Corps always says that they try to find ways to make the infantryman's load lighter from anywhere between 60-100lbs (at least). They try to make items lighter to make the infantryman's life easier, right? Wrong. When they make gear lighter and / or more compact, it just means they try to cram more s**t onto your gear. Your pack, your load-bearing equipment, etc. End result? Your entire load still weighs the same. "Well, we got a new piece of gear that replaces these 3 old ones. Great, right?" "That's really nice. Say, there's more space in the pack now. Why don't we have them take this Field Use Mouse Trap that weighs 20 lbs also?" "BRILLIANT!" There's a saying that ever since a certain development of the Roman Legions, Gaius Marian's reforms, that most infantrymen's load has consistently stayed at 80 or so pounds. In the past, soldiers had attendants, servants, personal mules, etc. This meant a huge logistical trail and burden for each army. The Romans said, "Enough of this BS" and did away with it. Each Legionary carried all his gear for campaign himself. And it's been that way for most parts, especially with Western militaries.
  20. Blizzard is one of those rare game companies that people give time and the benefit of the doubt to. They tend to milk the time of development (understatement). But the end result is usually good. Diablo I & II, Warcraft I-III, World of Warcraft, Starcraft, and all their numerous expansion packs. I haven't played Warcraft III or WoW, but of those games, Diablo II was the only one that I tried that was buggy on release. And Blizzard furiously patched it and has continued to patch it for years. In retrospect, I now agree that they don't necessarily innovate as much, but they give their games alot of polish. I hear lots of different players comment on how polished WoW is compared to a bunch of other MMO's. They've done the job well for 10 or so years that the company's been around. Many fans have blind loyalty to Blizzard, and I think they deserve it. Side note regarding WoW: I never played it but I was pleased to see how well it did. I don't agree with some of elements they implemented for their MMORPG, but I was happy to see how a good company can do with a quality, polished product.
  21. Of course. That's where we get the video gaming term "Zerg Rush" from Hell, even non-RTS games use it, even on MMORPGs. From my memory of Starcraft, the background was the best part and how the 3 factions had enough nuances to stand apart for play preferences. I preferred the hi-tech Protoss and winning with finesse (if my spamming didn't work). As for system req., someone reminded me on another forum that Blizzard did have a track record of having system req's that shouldn't stress Average Joe's Compy. I'm not sure how World of Warcraft performs, but most of Blizzard's past products didn't require a workout for that little hamster on that wheel inside your Compy.
  22. So the idea with the "Sarah Connor Chronicles" is that SKYNET keeps sending Terminators back in time? Hmm.
  23. Another little twist if you're lame-hearted, there's a campaign option to play as the Aliens I haven't tried it yet, however, but noticed it when setting up a game.
  24. We'll see. I wonder how much innovation will go into Starcraft 2 or will they go a safe route with simply shinier graphics.
  25. That one's old. It came from my old squadron, VMGR-352 in the mid 90's
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