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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. I'm fine with the 5-disc blu-ray set also. That was a mammoth release.
  2. Oh GOD!!!! Oh, and speaking of Bill Murray...
  3. I like how they named the bird "Black Widow II," after the WWII P-61 Night Fighter. It wasn't a glorious name like Mustang, Thunderbolt, Hellcat, Corsair. But Lockheed never forgot the old bird's name.
  4. Ahh, Jessica Biel. I was with VMFAT-101 at the time, and we were on a carrier for a CQ detachment, but on this specific occasion, they were filming portions of Stealth on the ship. She was... sweet. The prop for the jet itself was huge. It made a Tomcat look small, which is an amazing feat in itself. We walked upright underneath the prop's fuselage.
  5. If you're going to pick a weapon, it depends on where you're at. That fancy gun you selected won't last you long. The ammo for that weapon isn't what I would call common in law enforcement or even military use in the USA, much less in civillian hands. And in a zombie apocalpyse? Bad, bad, bad. For the USA, .30-06, .45 ACP, 5.56mm/.223, and 9mm I'd say would be very common. Depending on what kind of places you get to sift through like police departments or military installations, 7.62mm NATO, .40 can be easily found. Now, for me? Due to experience and training, and ease of finding ammunition, I'd go for any full sized M-16 based weapon. I don't prefer carbines, but since the M4 family is practically the same, I have no problem using them. These weapons would be my primary. No fancy scopes or whatever. Just irons sights. Iron sights will never fail you at any situation. Tac light would be bonus. Secondary? I almost would go .45, which wouldn't be a bad choice, but for far more common ammo and high capacity, any of the good 9mm pistols would suffice. A Glock would suffice and I've had service experience with Beretta's M9 / 92F. And a knife also. I already have a Ka-Bar. But a bayonet for the M16 would be cool, too. A Maglight would also be nice for lumination without pointing my rifle at someone. It also is metal and sturdy, weighted enough to beat the bejezus out of anyone over the head with it.
  6. Haven't played anything Counterstrike in more than 10 years, but I'm wary about what you've described for CS:S. Sounds like some hacking going. In a decent FPS game, firing while doing any movement should cause inaccurate fire unless you're very close, and even then, it can be very dicey for alot of weapons. Even if I use something like an SMG or PDW for close ranged, mobile work, a decent FPS won't allow me to be firing accurately on the move. Some weapons could allow you to shoot decently "from the hip" but it's not that accurate. You still need to quickly come to a halt, get stabilized before even shooting with such weapons. As far as your reactions, just play more. Anytime I take a break from, let's say, Battlefield, I always suck. But get back into it and play a bunch, your reactions and awareness will go up eventually.
  7. LOL, maybe they'll sell Classic Mega Man as a DLC character for $15 USD!
  8. Well ladies and gentlemen, after our favorite killing alien race has had success with "Alien" and "Aliens" but suffering in everything else afterwards to include the AvP series, I'm looking forward to Prometheus. It simply cannot get as bad as the 1990s and onwards movies have been with the aliens. And Graham, the chances of seeing official Star Wars ANH in 3D, in the theaters, with the original vision of Lucas, i.e. "Han Shoots First!" is about as likely as World Peace beginning within our lifetimes
  9. Regarding Skyrim (PC version), overall the game is quite nice and very immersive. My only real gripe, but a huge gripe, is the UI. Simply put, I haven't seen such a clumsy, horrible, badly designed, inaccurate UI in any sort of game since the 90s. The UI is blatantly designed, optimized for console hand controllers. The second you hit TAB and it's obviously clear. It's tedious to equip items (don't get me started on the hotkey & favorites idiocy). Clicking on something with the UI, whether it be an item in the inventory or a dialogue option, is frequently dicey. I click on something but the game says I clicked on something completely different on the opposite end of the submenu. To see the status of my character, I have to dive between 2 submenus on polar opposite ends (stats / skills, active status effects). Bethesda I think forgot what a UI on the PC platform should go by. Stupid when you think that this company made its name on RPGs designed for the PC. For every step I make in trying to enjoy the game, Skyrim's UI slaps me across the face telling me to stop.
  10. It was on Fox alright, during the mid 90s. New shows had it really rough with that network. Honestly, the only new show that actually succeeded despite Fox's best efforts in screwing its time slots back and forth was the X-Files. I don't think Fox knew what the hell they were doing with those shows. Hell, I was really upset Bruce Campbell's "Brisco County Jr" was cut short. And yes, B5 and DS9 were still on. So was Star Trek Voyager Not sure if SAAB came on during those competing shows' times either. I've seen it jump back and forth, most especially on Friday nights. Supposedly a very tough time slot that only the X-Files thrived on.
  11. Heh, I dislike the "Press 'F' for action!" that's settling in with FPS. Never thought I'd see the day that happens in a BF game. GAH! Stab me in the heart!
  12. Raking in points as a traditional long-ranged, solo sniper has always been a low point scoring affair, I think. Just going from my time in BF2 and BF2142. Alot of points were raked in for support actions and capturing points. Relying only on sniping kills will net you good K/D ration but lacking in points. It didn't stop me from doing it once I was great at it, because I found myself being useful to the team doing Counter-Sniper or harassing the opposition. The only snipers I recall actually raking in great points were the insanely good ones. Sniper duels in a round was like a big game for me, and conceding defeat to someone felt better when I look up their stats later and see how damn good they were as one. I considered myself great in sniping in those games, but nowhere near in that upper echelon. Last night I actually got into a sort of Fire Support squad. I was Recon, we had an Engineer with Javelins, and a Support with a Russian PKP, and Assault. Rare that we actually had all the classes in the same squad, and even more rare that the squad leader wanted to do exactly the long ranged stuff we were doing. Sorta happened because we were doing some of the bigger, open maps (refinery one, also Caspian Border). I lased and spotted with SOFLAM and the Javelin raped any vehicle that came within range. The Support guy was feeding us ammo as well as suppressing nearby infantry, Assault finished them off with his rifle as well as healing us up and rez on the spot. I had the radio beacon up nearby, just in case. The marking of aircraft with SOFLAM and being hit by missiles regardless of Chaff / Flares does indeed work, and I had a chance to test it heavily in the refinery map. Some of the opposing pilots were messaging asking WTH was going on Very effective once the Engineers on the team (and you know there's lots of them) realized that they actually were hitting alot of aircraft that night. Life wasn't easy for air power, but Jets can get away with it still if they were smart: Fly in fast and hard, egress just as quickly. Helos? Those were the ones that were ripped apart since its in their nature to get in closer and not have the speed of jets. I got points for 10 target designating, 10 spot bonus (if destroyed), and 50 points for every hit the designated target receives. Still, I do wish Recon received more points for spotting and designation. Because even after alot of actual successful spotting and designation, I'm still way behind in points compared to if I was playing the other 3 classes (esp. Assault). Headshots do work. I go prone, pull out that big Russian PKP machine gun, aim at someone's chest, fire a short burst. The rising muzzle helps me get that headshot!
  13. That's pretty crazy a passenger aircraft had to do a belly landing. I would have figured the emergency landing gear extension would have taken cared of it, but not in this case.
  14. Recon: I agree after playing with the class a little more. Especially considering some of the tools available to the class with the TUGS (detector thingie), Radio Beacon. Combine that with the Semi-Auto Sniper Rifles and the fact that you need to keep at least somewhat close to your squad so they can actually benefit from your tools, it becomes that much more apparent that Designated Marksmen (DM) are the intent. There is one difference though. With the SOFLAM, which I've finally been toying with a bit now after ignoring it after unlocking it a long time ago. Essentially it's a laser designator to mark targets with. Whatever targets you lock with it (very fast lock, I should mention), you get 10 pts for designation, and if anyone on your team has a lockable fire and forget missile system such as the Javelin (maybe even the ATGMs for IFV), can't miss and will hit for alot more damage. Javelins won't even need to see the target, and a top attack will occur. It can lock and paint ground vehicles from pretty far, and air vehicles can be painted too, but at a shorter range. To top it off, aircraft painted like this and shot at with missiles, will suffer tremendously because their chaff and flares will not work. The missiles follow the laser designation, period. Jets are less vulnerable since they zoom in and out, but helos tend to linger around and can be raped by being marked with SOFLAM. I think in the future this will be very important since DICE intends to make aircraft more powerful. Also, you can leave the SOFLAM at a spot, point it at a busy section, and it will automatically acquire and paint targets. Not as efficiently as you can, but you can leave it alone for teammates to benefit. In addition, you can zoom in like binoculars to use as a spotting tool also. Edit to add: With the SOFLAM setup, you can step away from it and move away to a completely different area on the map. If you pull out the SOFLAM again, you get to see the remote controller. Use it and you can then view what the SOFLAM is seeing as well as still target with the device. All while being away from it. A safety note is that if you don't place the SOFLAM in a less conspicuous area, it draws alot of fire. So don't sit anywhere near it. You can see a video guide on this on YouTube (do a search for BF3 how to use SOFLAM). I've toyed with it a bit and it's quite nice. There's just a few negatives on that though. Right now, not many have ATGMs and Javelins unlocked. It'll work better with bigger server populations since somebody's bound to have unlocked ATGMs and Javelins. In addition, given enough time, more and more players will eventually unlock their Javelins and such. The battlefield can be even more dangerous for tanks, since there are some pretty slick Engineers who make tank killing their bread and butter with AT mines and RPGs / SMAWs already. Also, when it's on, you can see from a distance a faint red glow of the SOFLAM's laser. It's best to use it from an unexpected angle, not from the avenue of advance for your team. It's the most team oriented item in the game I have seen.
  15. Like it straight and black, eh?
  16. Guille Suits were in BF2 for the Snipers. It would've been really nice for BF3 with the abundance of vegetation. Sniping. I was very good in sniping with BF2 and BF2142, but I got proficient with it after alot of time in those games. I'm willing to do the same with BF3 with a better feel of the pacing, movements, and of course the maps. Then I can be more proficient with the sniping. Right now, if I play Recon, I'm with a UMP45. Also, Assault is by far the simplest, easiest, quickest one to get points in. In between dropping med packs, rez, as well as standard combat scores, you can rake in a tremendous amount of points in a short time span. EZ mode. Assault was the same easy way in BF2142, the first BF game where DICE trimmed down the classes. BF2 had seperate Assault and Medic classes, BF2142 was the first where DICE merged both. With BF3, you do have a decision to make with Assault. You can be the "medic" with some configuration (heal and rez). Or you can be a Grenadier. Assault Rifle + Grenade Launcher + Rez ability from Defib + Ammo trait = Flexible infantry killer with rez ability. It's one of my deadliest combos and very easy to play. The M320 Grenade Launcher oftenly has become my primary weapon, if I stick with a Support guy who feeds me ammo. With the Ammo trait, I can run around with 6 40mm Grenades. In areas with confined spaces, like Metro, I can do alot of damage with it. Oh, and the Taclights are insanely stupid. I've used them and they are not that damn bright, during daylight and even at a distance. It's stupid. BF3 makes Taclights seem like you're staring at the sun during high noon. They're effective at night / lowlight conditions. Shine them up close and that person is blind. It's also detrimental since it destroys someone's natural "nightvision" for a good long while until their eyes readjust to the darkness again. But at broad daylight? Even from a distance? No. No freaking way it works like that. The Asian equivalent of a Blonde Ditz moment.
  17. Been playing alot of BF3 on the PC lately. The graphics, map sizes, detail, etc. are outstanding. SP campaign is alright but a bit short, IMO. Still, I play BF games for the multiplayer and it still shines greatly in that regard. My stats suck like an awful vampire movie, but I'll catch on. It was the same back with BF2 and BF2142 for me. The mayhem with infantry and vehicles is gladly still there. As far as the teamplay element goes, it's still there but not at the same time. Players still naturally act with their squad or other teammates, but the team focus of efforts is gone. What I mean is that there's nowhere near as much coordination between squads anymore. Squads still move and fight together, which is damn important, but the squads, especially in pick-up-games with random players, have no coordination. IMO, that's because of DICE's inexplicable decision to remove the Commander. The Commander in BF2 and BF2142 was able to get the team organized and focused. The funny part is that a Commander was still able to do this even with completely random players on his team. Squad Leaders back then would still follow directions and get the squad to comply also, unless the Commander has proven himself to be an idiot.
  18. I got some beef with how some companies handle DLC. Like how content with the shipped game is literally locked away until you buy the DLC. Basically making you pay twice for a new title. Day 1 DLCs fall into that. And not to mention when a company releases an "expansion" almost every month. That screams cutting back on what should've been a complete game in an effort to milk customers even more.
  19. LOL at the Young Ones! It's been decades since I seen anything about 'em!
  20. LOL, my unit works next door to VMFA-232, the "Red Devils." The Marines, much less '232, don't fly Super Hornets Hell, the Red Devils don't even fly 2-seater legacy Hornets.
  21. Heh, I likes some Scarlett, TYVM!
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