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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. A 1/8 or 1/6 scale Alien Queen would be monstrous (excuse the pun)!
  2. But Godzilla can't use his Atomic Breath to make his line of sight attack if he can't even tell what's attacking him! As far as he can tell, he's getting pelted by huge artillery shells
  3. Since this thread's back at the forefront again, time to resume our Glorious Macross World of Nitpicking! As for Godzilla and his Atomic Burp vs Battleships, Battleships still have 1 significant advantage: The Battleship can fire indirectly, over obstacles and such (buildings, hills, etc). They can fire by multiple means: Map grids or someone spotting, for example. The Battleship doesn't need to see Godzilla, while Godzilla needs line of sight to strike his target.
  4. Mr March, you didn't have any good expectations earlier for this impending train wreck, right? I sure as heck didn't. I just love following up in this thread to see "teh goodness" that is the AvP series unfold (or fester) even more!
  5. Sweet, I'll be back in the states when this movie is released!
  6. Hmm... gummy. Sounds great!
  7. I think it's due to weathering plus the aircraft being recently wet (washdown, rain, etc). I'm leaning heavily towards this pic showing an old display Eagle. It's an F-15A, and I don't think the US is flying those models anymore. The surrounding ground of the jet is anything friendly towards active combat aircraft. The flightline is cracked with debris all over the place, begging a powerful engined aircraft to suck up FOD (rocks, etc) and take out the engines. That fence towards the nose also doesn't belong anywhere inside an active flightline.
  8. Those F-16 pilots must have alot of sore necks from flying. Sitting in on inclined seat but still having to look at the displays, instruments, HUD, etc.
  9. Digital camouflaged F/A-18C: VMFA-314 The camouflage is definitely doable, but it must be a pain in the rear to maintain, especially with parts being removed / cannibalized / etc. It looks great though, but it's not a normal scheme.
  10. The media does know about the importance of computers for daily life has increased. Tons of houses have 1, compared to say, 12-15 years ago. It's just they've been trying to fight the new technology and advancements. The record industry is a great example of it, treating the 'net like it's the apocalypse. Someone brought up earlier in this thread how Hollywood viewed the then-new dilemna of people recording shows on VHS being illegal decades ago. Some seem to view the 'net and recording devices (CD/DVD burners, or whatever you can store the files on) as their kryptonite. Screw 'em all to hell. It's a ship I would like to witness sinking.
  11. Yeah. Subtitles I think would be just much faster for releases. Besides, I've always been a subtitled fan over dubbed.
  12. The P-51 Mustang's naming stands out in American convention. The only other US made aircraft with a "horse" name is the OV-10 Bronco, AFAIK. Not sure how they came up with Mustang, but it sounds nice for such a great plane. US Navy a/c have some colorful ones also, but namely from what I recall on the Grumman birds. Wildcat - Grumman! - ok name Hellcat - Grumman! - nice name Tomcat - Grumman! - Anytime, Baby! Corsair - Not sure what exactly the Corsairs were named after for a long time, but it sounds great Crusader - ok name Intruder & Prowler - Grumman again - I really like Intruder as a name for a strike aircraft Avenger - Very good name, IMO Helldiver - Awesome name Skyhawk - Bland, but x3 better than Raptor!
  13. It doesn't surprise me that the US Congress wouldn't allow export of the F-22. I recall a while back that some developments in the JSF program were being withheld from other countries despite putting money and alot in stakes in the program (secret squirrel tech I guess), and this didn't make the British happy who threatened to walk out. I'm figuring this got sorted out since I haven't heard anything related to that in a while. But the F-22 is supposed to be the USAF's, All-American Baby. I figured the export sales of the F-22 to longtime, reliable allies would be a good thing. Build more, drive the cost of the line down from what I understand. I really figured the Japanese would have the best chance of getting an F-22 export. Good regional allies for decades, they have a long history of purchasing US aircraft. But Japan didn't get the approval for an export model. So I guess the American taxpayer will be paying alot for a small number of F-22's. P.S.- I'm still not fond of the F-22 having the name of "Raptor" It lacks flair and sounds overly generic. Lightning - Ok Thunderbolt - Cool Falcon - Cool Eagle - Powerful, sounds aggressive Warthog - Great Mustang - Awesome name Raptor - The Yawn
  14. It doesn't surprise me that manga is doing well. I see the large section in stores like Barnes & Noble with a bunch of people browsing or reading manga in those ailes. IMO, just as busy in the manga aisles as the periodicals section. I'm figuring it'll settle down a bit, but should still do ok. I'm happy these days to get manga from a major chain like Barnes & Noble than searching high and low through specific shops for them like I did in the 90s, pursuing titles like Appleseed, GitS, Gunsmith Cats, etc. The selection these days is immense compared to back then. And I still remember my good friend's comments about manga back in the mid 90s: "Why are you paying for a comic that hasn't even been colored?" I'm still paying for it and following it. My old faithful line, Blade of the Immortal, is still alive and kickin'! I'd done the same with Kosuke Fujishima's AMG. I love how his artwork progressed, but we're really stretching that storyline these days
  15. I'm liking the Zentraedi stuff. Don't see enough of them.
  16. If the companies can't make an official release over here in time, i.e. taking a Godawful 3-5 years, or not at all, then screw them. The fan community will take care of themselves like they have in the past.
  17. I've already ordered Boba Fett, but I'm still riding the fence on Jango. But thanks for the pics!
  18. The pirate life is the only way to go a bunch of times. To hell with waiting 3-5 years for a proper release on this side of the pond. I did enough of that BS in the 90s. To hell with waiting for a show that stands a good chance of not even coming over at all. Fansubs fill the void since the industry will not or moves too slowly to make it happen.
  19. Yeah, that was bad too. Video games could be the same way also, especially during the glorious 90s. After all, being an old Resident Evil fan, one cannot escape the fact that Jill Valentine was "the master of unlocking"...!!!!! P.S.- As for the clip you put up, this was golden: "Bye, bye, fu****s!" "OH, I'm FU***d!"
  20. Awesome voice acting. And some of my buddies wonder why I only watch subbed anime. The scene 1 minute into the clip is great, too
  21. The YF-21 takes priority? You're an exemplary MW'er!
  22. Sword of Productivity Killing +4
  23. Years ago I was digging around info for Robotech. Found some, but my main thing was the "Macross Saga" portion. So I searched for Macross and one of the results was MW. It was here that I discovered the evil truth (HG and all that)
  24. We won't be posting in this board if we don't read too much into things Isn't that a prerequisite somewhere if signing up here? I could've sworn that...
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