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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. That's great then! We're already a few steps closer to the Apocalypse!
  2. Not yet. Not until they make Live Action movies of Dragonball Z and Dead Or Alive. Or even Macross!
  3. While we have a virtual, all out furball going on between Predators, Aliens, Colonial Marines, Robocop, and even John McClane, more enter the fray. As a squad of Marines are close to being overrun by a swarm of Aliens and a few opportunistic Predators, John Rambo and John Matrix parachute in and saves them. Rambo unloads a deadly wall of fire from his M60 machinegun, screaming "Rrraaaahhhhh!!!" while Matrix skillfully utilizes his M203, blowing apart groups of Aliens and Preds. Matrix even throws his combat knife, impaling a Predator to a wall holding a series of hunting trophies (irony). Out of nowhere, more help arrives in a heroic, flying kick of an entry by Jean-Claude Van Damme that knocks away a pair of menacing Aliens. He lands, preparing to take on another group of the menacing creatures, but a Facehugger jumps out of nowhere, latching on to his a$$, and... does it's thing. /shedtear
  4. So they didn't pick a nice Chinese girl to play a Chinese character NVM that Zhang Ziyi has been in several martial arts themed movies already.
  5. Well, since this was a turn check, is the aircrew or whoever was in the cockpit fine? Hope they were. An airliner smashing through a wall is bad for one's health.
  6. I saw AvP from my roommate's DVD when I was in Yuma, Arizona. I'm glad I didn't waste money on it, but I question my roommate's taste. Not only did he purchase AvP, he also bought Elektra when it released on DVD Anyways, I saw what they ruined with AvP 1. I unfortunately have to file the events as "alternate universe" crap. Boy oh boy...
  7. I was able to "somehow" see this movie just yesterday My thoughts on it sounds just like many of you: The movie was too short, IMO. I didn't want it to end so quickly, I felt there was alot more to be done. The ending was a bit "meh" as was the quick conclusion. But everything before was great. The dark warehouse was an outstanding scene, and Will Smith sold it really well. The monsters I felt didn't really mesh well with the movie. It's not the design, it's just how the CGI was done made them negatively stand out.
  8. You don't need to read all the comics. The movies fill in most of the core stuff regarding the 2 franchises. Alien, Aliens, and the first Predator flick, all cover the core things you need to know about the Aliens, Predators, Weyland, and Colonial Marines. I haven't ready any single issue of Alien & Predator comics.
  9. I'm fully willing to forgive the comedy of AvP 1 & 2 if the 3rd one goes into the future with Colonial Marines and does it right. If so, I'll purge 1 & 2 out of my memory and hold up the 3rd along with the best of the two franchises.
  10. Well... the AvP series just keeps on getting better, eh? Right out of left field, too!
  11. Fixed! Edit to add: Who... or what... makes up Yamato's Quality Control Dept? A bunch of chimps and koalas?
  12. I recall seeing videos of this game long ago. It still rocks. So it didn't come over to the US? To bad. Maybe it would've influenced some kid to dream,"When I grow up, I'm going to be President of the United States... just like THIS!"
  13. You would figure, for an almost $200 toy, that Yamato would at least spell the YF-19's name right. Jeez...
  14. I would love to see more 1/60 enemy mecha, namely because the DYRL red / blue Q-Rau's are already made in that scale. What I would like to see follow up: Green Quadluun Rau (with the Millia in her SDFM pilot outfit... yum) Male Zentradi Power Armor (name I can't recall) Glaug (a maniacal Quamzin pilot figure is needed) Regult (boxed with accessories to make all the variants of the Regult) Zentradi fighter (can't recall name also) Like I said, 1/60 is ideal but these things would still be HUGE. Think of the scenes where you see VF-1's nearby Regults, the Regults tower over them. If Zentradi mecha gets brought in, they'd be much smaller scales in all likeliness, no more than 1/72 is my guess.
  15. Psshaw!!! You haven't seen a killer bike unless you've seen Megaforce's Attack Bikes! Rockets FTW!!!
  16. The last Aliens game I played was either Capcom's AvP or Playstation's Alien Trilogy. I had my fun either way.
  17. After the PC AvP games, no. Aliens related games have been dead for years now. I don't recall anymore in either console or PC formats. Edit to add: Spoke too soon. If you check on my link for Capcom's AvP arcade, the bottom of the wiki page lists various Aliens / AvP games, a bunch of which I've never heard of.
  18. Indeed. One of those things that smoothes over problems is the good 'ol fashioned technique of throwing money at the problem.
  19. FOILED AGAIN!!!! *Shakes fist x3* All this talk of AvP and classic Aliens makes me want to dig out a PC copy of that old game. I never tried it.
  20. *Macross World Nitpick Mode: ON* Yeah, but what about the acid blood splatter?
  21. Yeah, slicing Aliens with a Katana and getting away with it won't fly in any sort of Aliens movie. But M41 Pulse Rifles and Smart Guns? Oh yeah, that'll go nice. REALLY nice. Yep, it'd be nice to see Colonial Marines again. Sure would.
  22. Speaking of Aliens AND Predators, you guys remember Capcom's AvP in the arcade? I did. I blew alot of money in that fun game!
  23. It's hard to improve over an original. Raiders of the Lost Ark stands very well as an adventure movie to this day. On the way to Iraq, a bunch of us were gathered around someone's laptop, watching this movie. The 18, 19 year olds were into the movie just as much as the older ones were who saw it long ago. As for this upcoming Inday movie, I'm aboard with >ESO< on this. It may very well be good in the same way as Die Hard 4 was to it's own franchise, but it won't surpass the original. I can only hope this movie surpasses the original due to the big names involved, but that IMO is blindly reaching for something in the bag. But please... no screeching women or "Doctah Jones." But do include at least 1 scene with a "Wilhelm Scream." After all, the Indy movies do have a history of it
  24. I'm sorry, but this part sounds hilarious. I'd have to dig out and watch this scene
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