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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. TOS era Federation for me, not the TNG era. The Federation would like to be friends but they didn't have any problems with kicking your a** in a heartbeat. Not like the pus**fied TNG era Feds. Nothing like exploring the galaxy, kicking hostile alien a** at the drop of a hat, and screwing chicks while you do it. The Federation of Kirk's era > All
  2. I wonder... will this film have a black monolith pop in out of nowhere? That would be a sweet tribute to the film "2001."
  3. There is no rhyme or reason to uniform colors in SDF:M. It's only to set the characters apart from filler types. It gets streamlined a bit with DYRL? since you never see the pilots outside of flightsuits. The flightsuits are essentially the same with minor detail differences, i.e. squadron patch over the left breast. I don't recall seeing any of the males (excluding Global) in DYRL? sporting the male equivalent of the service uniform that the bridge crew wear, nothing like SDF:M. Definitely a far cry from the color-to-job rating in Star Trek's TNG onwards. Hooray for Red Shirts!
  4. Mamoru Oshii's hit or miss with me also. For one, he has been a big player in some older shows that I loved, like the Patlabor series and OVAs. On the other hand, stuff like the Ghost In The Shell movies were yawntastic to me, despite the nice animation. So I'll wait and see from a distance on this.
  5. If there's to be pilot figures, we need Unit 2 and an angry-crazed-looking Ohta figure to go with it. No compromise on that!
  6. Too bad I can't view the images from were I'm at. Curious to see what direction they're taking.
  7. The 1/10 Wave figs are expensive for that size, IMO. Unless my math is bad, 1/6 figures are 12 inches, right? BBTS's Appleseed Figure Prices For Comparison
  8. I don't have any Patlabor figs or model kits, so hooray for procastination! Can't wait to see a 1/24 Helldiver, Zero, and Griffon.
  9. I endores this endorsement! Macross Plus has some faults to me, but Macross II doesn't surpass it in my eyes.
  10. HOT TOYS Deunan & Briareos: Climbed aboard this rather late. I've watched the thread with little to not comment. Well, I'll bite. YAMATO 1/60 YF-21: My YF-19's lonely. Needs company. Besides, I like blue 1/60 VF-1 v2 series: Curious to see how this comes out. MEDICOM RAH 501st Legion Clonetrooper: I'm a fan of Clonetroopers and Stormtroopers, but this is it as far as repaints go from Medicom. The line ends here! RAH Jango Fett: I already have Boba Fett back home. Boba needs his pops for company. "Daaad! Taun Weeeeee is heargh!" SIDESHOW COLLECTIBLES Premium Format Scout Trooper w/ Speederbike: This looks great for me, the subject being one of the major redeeming qualities of RotJ. But, oh... my... GOD... roughly for $700 It's more of a desire than planning for it. /sob I have the bad feeling I'm forgetting something(s). I'll update when I remember.
  11. I haven't seen this picture before, pretty cool. And thanks guys for the extra info on CVs out there. Speaking of CVs, I remember a while ago of Japan's MSDF's interested in getting a small CV for its operations. But I think they backed off it, right? Japan's neighbors weren't relishing the idea of Japanese Carriers sailing the oceans again. GlobalSecurity.org: JMSDF Warships
  12. They sure were. Speaking of H.Mikimoto, alot of my favorite artwork of his came during this timeframe... in the years after DYRL? and FB2012, and before Macross 7. The era includes Macross II since it came in between FB2012 and Macross 7. His illustrations for the Macross franchise from these years are still, IMO, the best of anything from the franchise then and now, including Macross II in it's own "outcast fashion." The group illustrations are d**n good, especially those watercolor looking ones It's too bad that 90% of Macross II wasn't good for me, even as a Robotech fan when I saw this OVA in the mid-90s. I mean, they blew up the SDF-1!!!! P.S. - I almost forgot, I never watched the show, but I am familiar with the character designs of Gunbuster, which H.Mikimoto also did. I also found this entry in Gunbuster's entry at Wikipedia funny: SDF:M (1982-83): No jiggle DYRL? (1984): No jiggle FB2012 (1987): No jiggle Gunbuster (1988): Jiggle! Macross II (1992): *nods* Swaying Silvie Jiggle! Even more reason to bow to the awesomeness of Haruhiko Mikimoto
  13. #1 for me is Minmay. I haven't seen Macross Frontier yet, but from everything else in Macross, I don't care much for their singers. The only thing that I liked was Wendy Ryder from Macross II. Lousy personality if I recall from the show (long time since last viewing) but I did like her design by Haruhiko Mikimoto.
  14. Is India interested in only 1 CV? I'm curious since that while having 1 CV (super or not) is a boost to naval power, there will be periods where it will be down for lengthy periods. Every machine needs to go down for inspections, repairs (PMs), etc. I know US Navy CVs rotate since there are times where the boat is undergoing scheduled, lengthy rework. With as many CVs as the USN has, it's not a problem. But having only 1 CV, it will be down for certain periods of time, and you won't have its presence out there.
  15. I'm not fond of Macross II but there are 3 things from it that I like: 1) Silvie Gena 2) The UN Spacy dress uniform 3) VF-2SS That's it. What I would like to see: - resin kit / PVC figure of Silvie (swaying boobs mandatory BTW, not an option) - A 1/60 or 1/48 VF-2SS w/ SAP parts, please.
  16. I wish I was at home to scan you some examples from the nice "This Is Animation!" book for this movie. As far as color references go for the VF-2SS, from my fuzzy memory of the movie, book screencaps, and the Bandai -2SS kit's artwork, there is a blue-gray tint to the overall color of the VF. But just a very tiny touch of blue. So I'd pick your left most example. Stats? I can't recall seeing any official stats for the thing.
  17. Bah! You're complaining about no remote control for your Beta Player? Remember when TVs and such didn't have remotes? And you'd have to manually adjust the antennae all the time? And rotary phones?
  18. A .50 would do a number on a human target. I recall reading an AAR from a N.Guard unit about their gear. They were quite satisfied with the performance of .50 cal rifles in terms of physical and psychological damage. A single shot from a rifle hitting a man in the stomach and sending his upper torso to fall off does negative things for morale.
  19. More reasons why I love the Empire more than the Republic
  20. As a kid watching Robotech, I knew there had to be a Japanese version of it. I just thought it was a straight translation, even going so far to think that Robotech was originally one big Japanese show. What confused me later on was that my friend who frequented San Francisco's Japantown made mention to me about a "Macross movie" and described it. I still vividly recall his description of "Max & Miriya's" fight which was alot different from the Robotech form. What didn't help anymore was this great birthday present my Dad got me from Japantown... a 1/55 "Hikaru" Strike VF-1S. I sure as hell didn't know who Hikaru was or where this "Strike" armor came from, but it looked great. Fast forward. Only sometime after 2000 or 2001 after doing a search out of the blue for Macross did I come across this website. Only then did I "See The Light" of Macross Truth at MW I learned of all the cool things from Macross that were held back from release here in the USA. I learned of the differences of SDF:M to Robotech & the Macross Saga, especially after getting the Animeigo DVDs. I finally learned of and saw the bootleg DVD of DYRL? and wondered, "Why in the h*** didn't I get to see this movie long ago!?!" I'm happy to be a Lying Macross Purist
  21. From my sort of sparse reading of the Republic's past, for a long time before the late Republic, there had always been seperate militaries within the Republic's own member worlds / sectors. I think the Republic, at crisis, would draw upon these forces, in addition to the core Republic Navy. But bringing up the Republic Navy is interesting since you see it fluctuate alot during the franchise's history. In the far past of the KotOR / Sith - Mandalorian Wars era, the Republic Navy was THE spacefaring force of the Republic. You never see warships under the banner of something like the Trade Federation (which was a member of the Republic), Royal Naboo Security Forces, etc. All the goodguy warships have been clad in the Republic's red & white color pattern. All the crew & officers aboard those warships were uniform in appearance for the Republic Navy of the era: red & yellow. By the time of the Late Republic, from Chancellor Valorum's office and early on in Palpatine's office, the appearance of seperate, individual military forces within the Republic grew very strong. In Ep.II, most of these threatened to gather together and pool their forces to eventually form the CIS / Seperatist movement. The Republic overall wasn't in a position to resist. They had no army! The only thing they had was a smaller but still respectable Republic Navy. The R.Navy was still strong enough of a concern in Ep.I for the blockading Trade Federation forces around Naboo, who feared military (and political / legal) intervention by the Republic. Only Sidious' guarantees pursuaded the TF to keep going with the blockade and invasion. But when the Clone Wars comes full swing ahead, the Republic Navy is THE military force to fight against the CIS's forces. The strength of the Navy grew rapidly due to the scope and costs of the war. Surely the prestige of the Republic Navy grew along with the war. Outside of CIS member forces, you never hear of fleets or a strong group of ships fighting seperately for or directly under the Republic anymore (not in the movies). But Sidious is great with all the planning He knew that if he was going to form the Empire, he would have to grind down the powers most capable of openly defying him I think: Namely the ones that could form the CIS / Seperatist movement. These powers had the economic and industrial capability to easily produce a potent military force as you see in the Clone Wars. A force strong enough to resist a powerful, new Republic military (Navy and Grand Army). And when they were taken out or weakened from the war... snip... dead on Mustafar. The war is at an end. The Republic forces are left fully in charge and in war-time strengths. Then the Empire comes into being from the Republic. The Grand Army of the Republic now becomes the Stormtroopers. The powerful Republic Navy is now the Imperial Navy. Nobody left to stand up to Palpatine's Empire openly and in strength like the CIS was able to do against the Republic. Patience does have rewards
  22. The other things the book had the luxury of putting in or improving that the movie couldn't (time constraints): 1) Anakin's slower turning in the book compared to the almost abrupt nature in the movie. The book stretched it out. Small bits here and there, a seed of doubt here and another further down the road. For me, this was far more believable than, "I think I'll cut off Windu's hand now." 2) In the beginning, before Anakin & Obi-Wan face Count Dooku, you get to read into Dooku's smug thoughts on how the soon to exist Empire will be run with his leadership. His smug words of confidence to the 2 Jedi before fighting. Then him realizing that he's in serious s**t. 3) Qui-Gon's force spirit speaking to Master Yoda at the end. Before seeing the movie, I was really hoping to see Liam Neeson reprise his role as Qui-Gon for that scene, even if it was only his voice. 4) The groundwork for the Rebellion being laid, as far as the motivation and reasoning, if not necessarily outright buildup of forces. 5) The fight scene between the Jedi Masters and Palpatine was far more satisfying and drawn out in the book. What was great was the feeling that Palpatine was relieved the time had come to finally be discovered... on HIS terms... by the Jedi. How he relished the moment that he would finally begin to kill Jedi himself after waiting, planning, manipulating from the darkness for so long. 6) The fight between Palpatine and Yoda was d**n good in the book, and goes into detail why the Jedi never had a chance in beating the Sith this time around. Not against Palpatine. 7) The discussion between Anakin & Obi-Wan just after the Council meeting where Anakin is allowed in the Council but not as a Master. Obi-Wan, on secret orders of the Council asks Anakin to spy his old friend, Palpatine. Anakin's reaction on the Order asking him to breach trust and friendship for politics? Good stuff for the book. Shortly afterwards, the Gunship scene with Yoda, Windu, and Obi-Wan:
  23. /SadPanda
  24. I am at work right now, posting on MW. Productivity is overrated sometimes.
  25. Uxi, you're not the first one to make mention about Lucas' direction after ANH. That movie is still great. ESB many tout as the best SW movie of them all (which I agree with), and Lucas wasn't director. There's no doubt Lucas has the big picture and how things are supposed to go. But I heard he's real... "exact" in what the actors are supposed to do. Hayden Christensen: "I don't think doing this and saying this set of lines is great for this character, Mr.Lucas." George Lucas: "You'll do as I say! And around here you call me Darth Jesus!!!" Hayden Christensen: "Umm... ok, Mr.Lu-... umm, Darth Jesus." As for Revenge of the Sith itself, I had the misfortune of reading the novel by Matthew Stover before watching the movie. I was training in Yuma, AZ, and saw the book in a local store, and snagged it up. Part of the hype leading up to the release of the flick. Anyways, the book was great and I imagined how the movie would be like. I was disappionted the movie didn't have all the things the book had, but this sort of thing happens all the time. If anyone wants, I can PM 2 sections that blew away the movie's depiction of the same events. I still have the old one I sent to someone that asked about back in 2005
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