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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Warmaker

    Macross in Japan

    Too bad, I'd love to have seen an old pic of yours sporting the Focker-do
  2. Is, like, Keanu Reeves going to reprise his role also?
  3. A remake of Deathrace 2000?1!!/? Why? The original was great in a cheesey, very violent way. David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone FTW!
  4. Wonder how mod friendly it will be. Diablo 2 saw a healthy number of *gasp* non-hack mods In this day and age of mods with PC games, it can only mean good things.
  5. VF-1 for me. I cannot go wrong with the "original" VF. Classic design. Depending on the loadout, the VF-1 can look beefy and menacing, elegant and deadly, or bristling with weaponry. And it will look good regardless.
  6. Alot of you guys have such narrow-minded views. I'm for equal opportunity. ALL of them. "All of the above one at a time again, just to be sure."
  7. I'm not sold on the upcoming revisions of the 1/60 VF-1's (unless things like the Elintseeker come out), but Destroids have received almost no love at all. I'm quite interested in this, since it would be the first Destroid merchandise I'd ever own
  8. Stocks in Vaseline have jumped up in recent years As far as mainstream anime, I'm really surprised about it compared to the 80s and 90s. *Reminisce Mode On* No internet in the 80s meant that an anime fan really had to go out of the way to get their tapes. You needed a network of like-minded fans. It also helped by being in an area where there's a concentration of Japanese, i.e. San Francisco's Japantown. My best friend had it good since he lived in 'Frisco while I was out over in the East Bay. What little you could get though was relished because it was so hard to come by The 90s? The early 90s was at first similiar. If you were really lucky, you'd come across a specialty store that would carry some anime related goods. Usually for me in the San Francisco Bay Area, it was a comic book store that had a small section for anime stuff. Right around the mid 90s is when things really improved for anime availability in the US. Some big chain stores began carrying them. I recall Suncoast Movies (overpriced, but they usually carried lesser known titles), Tower Records, etc. would have a shelf of titles. The mid 90s was the time I finally got to collect titles (subbed, of course) of shows that I have seen on old copies of imported Newtype magazines. The biggest standouts for me were Record of Lodoss Wars, Patlabor OVAs, Patlabor 1 & 2 movies. I read about these shows in old Newtypes and dreamed of seeing them. The mid 90s gave me the chance to get them. The late 90s really improved on availability since the 'net let like-minded fans connect with each other much more easily and work things out. A good friend of mine when we were both still in the Marines was really into anime also, and had a shitload of tapes. He had a footlocker full of anime It was him that loaned me the subbed tapes of Evangelion and the subsequent movies. Now in the 2000s, we got it so good now that it's not even funny. Manga, anime, and other associated merchandise is within a few keystrokes reach. Big name stores carry them. Heck, I didn't get to know THE TRUTH OF ORIGINAL SDF:MACROSS AND DYRL until coming to Macross World "My eyes have been opened!" My only complaint with the "mainstream anime" is the occasional selection problems. Do you REALLY need an entire shelf filled with 1 or 2 titles / series? This is more of a problem in the big chain stores, but small stores to me have usually been balanced. That or the 'net.
  9. Nope, the VF-4 design just never took off with me.
  10. I don't care much about others' perception on anime who normally aren't into it. They know two shits about it or inaccurate third-hand information. I collect and watch my shows, to hell with those who don't follow it. I'm not here to convert. Just enjoy my anime. It's the same attitude I've had in the 80s, 90s, even through now. Maybe it's the old school anime fan attitude when anime was really underground in the West.
  11. I really like the look of the -19 but I really wish there were other schemes. Yamato's 25th anniv. -19 was laughable, especially with the detail errors that went into production.
  12. The 1/60 VF-1 Batt. mode looks superior proportion-wise than the 1/48. But that alone is not going to make me fork out even more money. I have a slew of 1/48 VF-1 toys, lots of armor to go around. Roy's Strike-1S, Hikaru VF-1J + GBP, Max & Millia, CF -1A, etc. I also tend to keep my VF-1 toys in Fighter mode. So, I have several major reasons to stay out of the new 1/60 VF-1 toys. I will be interested in VF-1 variants like the Super Ostrich, VF-1D, etc., since Yamato copped out and never did them in 1/48.
  13. I had a reply earlier about it as to what I thought that version would be. I can't bear to try. The regular version was too much for me to handle
  14. Turnaround times for movies to DVD are quick these days, and AvP2 was very quick on the turnaround
  15. Over at MCAS Miramar on June 18, we had a SNCO & Officer PME / Training for a guest speaker, Col Leon Williamson, USMC (ret). The WWII generation is passing through as the years pass, and it was nice to have him around. He was with VMSB-241, based at Midway, and participated in the battle flying SB2U-3 Vindicators. He was 1 of 2 survivors for the unit at Midway. Battle of Midway - 65th Anniv. Page He was awarded a Navy Cross and also participated in Guadalcanal.
  16. Hmm... needs more missiles. *nods head repeatedly*
  17. I want to see a remake of FLASH GORDON!11!! Recycle Queen's title theme of the older movie also! Why does Robocop need to be redone? The first one was great, though the sequels sucked hard. Red Dawn? That movie is a product of the 80s and the Cold War, a theme alot of the younger crowd have no connection with: Nuclear Fallout shelters, sirens blaring, drills (like ducking under a schooldesk will help), Big Bad Soviet Union, threat of Nuclear War, etc. Everyone was afraid of the possibility of WWIII, conventional or nuclear. I lived in and went to school in San Francisco in the 80s. With the military bases all around the Bay Area, EVERYONE knew that if WWIII kicked off, we'd get a couple dozen nukes coming our way courtesy of the Reds "just to be sure." The younger crowd again just won't connect with it and that nagging fear somewhere in our minds we all had back then of the possibility of WWIII. Heck, I came across a young girl in Best Buy looking at that Age of Conan MMO package. She didn't even know what I was talking about with Schwarzenneger doing the Conan movies in the early 80s. I had fun viewing Red Dawn back then. It had cheese, but it was good for what it was in the 80s. I don't see a good remake of this without screwing over the theme of the 80s version with today's Hollywood ideals.
  18. Roy would kick ass. He'd be able to do 2 things: * Go into Drunken Fighter Mode * His Super Special would be an airstrike with a VF-1S Also, what about teammates? Could you imagine a Millia & Max team? What kind of team special would they have? Or better yet, a Hikaru & Kakizaki duo. Except Hikaru gets more powerful when Kakizaki gets knocked out
  19. I'm seriously wondering how a Hollywood meeting would be like if it was composed of MW'ers brainstorming ideas for new movies...
  20. Oh my... you just brought the 80s movie theme back in my head! FLASH!!! Aaahhhh!!! Savior of the universe! :lol: Buck Rogers? I can only conjure images of Col.Deering from the 70s show. Wonder how that will cross over with a new version... Barbarella? Should be doable today. Just slap together some weird, weird, WEIRD plotline, put a hot, half-naked chick and sexual innuendo, and you're golden for a remake.
  21. Live action for: My Little Pony Galaxy Rangers Macron 1 Pole Position (Yes, the video game did get a short lived cartoon in the 80s) *ahem*... Jem (Which is scarily possible if you think about it) Ghostbusters (New live action?... Well, the franchise IS getting a new video game sometime soon) And last, but not least... Bionic Six!
  22. I'd pay to see that.
  23. Well, it can't be like the DBZ Live Action, can it?
  24. Of all the starships shown in the Prequels, the Delta-7 flown by Obi-Wan in Ep.II is the most fabulous looking. Simple, sleek, nice. So unlike the Jedi Interceptor from Ep.III where it looked like a Frankenstein creation.
  25. Can't go wrong with shark mouthed P-40's. I know it's late in reply but I never saw this thread before. In the second post made, there's a Corsair with 3 victory markings. 2 Japanese, 1 German. Did any US Corsair units ever fight against Germany? I'm wagering the remote chance that it did occur, it would be a USN formation.
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