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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. "You came here in that thing? You're braver than I thought!"
  2. I never had been impressed by TFU at any point in time, so I bypassed it. There are only 2 things that I'd like to see come back in glory as far as Star Wars video gaming goes: 1) A good RPG / MMORPG set in the SW universe. It's been years since KotOR came out, and KotOR II (from a different company) was ambitious but disastrous. SWG?... nah. A dramatic thread of disappointment in itself. Bioware's SW MMORPG I'm hoping comes out right. 2) A good SW space combat game. Not the forcibly limited, little "bubble arenas" of the Rogue Squadron / Rogue Leader games. No rail shooters. I'm talking about space combat games like they used to have in the 90s. Stuff like the X-Wing series and Freespace 2.
  3. One of my friends at my unit is into collecting the figures. It started when he bought some for his son and wound up getting a few for display and nostalgia purposes. He talks about it alot I did get a look at some of the stuff as well as passing through at Wal-mart or somefink. As you say, some of the scupts can be pretty far off. Better than the 80s and 90s, yes, but that stuff is 15-20+ years ago. As far as the "Imperial Trooper" figures that I've seen, the current Snowtrooper, Biker Scout / Scout Trooper look great. The Ep.III Clonetroopers are very hit or miss. Some look great like the newer Kashyyyk Trooper (camo'd scout) which is closer to the movie than the previous version which was an Imperial Scout Trooper painted in camo (cheap bast**ds). Some were horribly, horribly inaccurate like the older Commander Gree who's camo scheme looked nothing like the figure's (though to Hasbro's credit, they rectified it recently with a much better version). Another thing I noticed was Hasbro's gotten cheaper with the weapons. What I mean is that the blasters, especially on Clonetrooper and Imperial Trooper figures are smaller and skinnier now. The most blatant example are the Prequel Clones' blaster rifle. Older figures had a big, beefy blaster rifle. Newer figures carry toothpicks. Same thing with the blasters for the Imperials. They're even smaller than before, and they weren't that big to begin with. $$Cheap$$Cheap$$Cheap$$
  4. I'm not a big fan of the small SW figures, but I'd have to say they nailed the look of the Biker Scout / Scout Trooper just right with this. Especially in contrast to most of their Stormtroopers.
  5. Sub for me, no questions, no negotiations. I prefer it with my anime. Heck, I prefer it with any foreign film I watch. I even go so far as enjoy seeing characters in a movie speak their native language with subtitles coming out. For example, watching a WWII movie and... English soldiers speaking like Englishmen do, German soldiers speaking *German!*, and Japanese speaking *Japanese!* Anyways, back to subbing... I think there's a certain thing, a feel you could say, that gets lost when you replace the original voice actor. Especially if the dubbing VA is inferior. I've always gone with subbed anime ever since I collected it in earnest in the early 90s. I'd get dub if there clearly was no other alternative, but those chances were higher in the early 90s than they are now.
  6. **BAN RISK** MEGAFORCE!!!! "Deeds, not words!" "Rockets! Motorcycles! Motorcycles firing rockets! Coolness!"
  7. I tried it for a bit but turned away. The game has some good points and some bad points, but it depends on how you like your FPS's. GOOD + Great single-payer campaign / storyline. Like a good action movie. + Very good infantry oriented FPS. + Looks fabulous. + If you like CQB multiplayer maps, this game is great for it. BAD + Like most other SP campaigns on these types of games, absolutely linear storyline (can't be really helped, but it does annoy me). + Unless the devs have done something about it, if you like a great variety of multiplayer maps in terms of style, this game doesn't deliver. If you want a variety of more dense or open terrain, this game did not offer it. + Very good infantry oriented FPS at the cost of everything else. Maybe I've played too much BF2 / 2142 that had infantry, ground vehicles, air vehicles in the mix, but I did miss the wide scope in gameplay possibilities.
  8. The F-14's engines are more spread apart than an F-15's. It has a sort of "platypus" between the engines with the speedbrake. The F-15's engines are very close together and doesn't have that platypus
  9. Well, this thread has it all. Agent One is back. And we also have a pic with a Tyrannosaurus Rex flying a Tomcat
  10. As an aircraft electrician, the pitot static system is one of our babies to work on. It can be a REAL b**ch to just hook up a test set and seeing if it will pass. Because I can take this test set onto a perfectly good plane with no issues, and if I stick to the book limitations, it will fail most of the time. Repairs / replacements for the system usually is not that big a deal. But the troubleshooting and isolating the problem's a real pain in the rear since it takes FOREVER. It's one of those systems that electricians like to run away from when they hear of it
  11. I never did shoot-em-ups too much, even back in the 8-bit days. The only ones I recall doing were R-Type and my friend's M.U.S.H.A.
  12. Come on now! That's like saying, "Which do you want to get cut off? Your left nut or your right nut?" Both alternatives suck either way!
  13. Ahh, AvP 2. "In Space, No One Can See S**t Steam" Oh, excuse me for the bump.
  14. For me? 1/48 VF-1J with FAST Packs - "Max Jenius" My favorite color is blue, and I've always loved the look of the VF-1J as well as Max's blue scheme for the SDF:M show.
  15. You can't have a BotI anime without the violence and all of the manga. A bit of it is core to the story, such as what happens with Hyakurin and the series of events at the castle and the prisoners for a "special project." Not to mention Manji gets cut up good at certain points, as well as dicing up some other poor sap. Some of his fights get really, really messy
  16. I'll probably give this flick a chance then. I was a huge fan of the show, and it still is the last TV show I ever followed religously. Edit to add: I'm one of the guys that got the somewhat recent, repackaged X-Files series DVD set.
  17. I've been a HUGE fan of the manga since I first saw Vol.1 when I was in Okinawa back in 1996. Hoping this turns out good. I'm curious to see how well the violence transfers over. Yes, there's lots of slicing and dicing, but along with other things too. As for Manji's weapons, Hiroaki Samura takes alot of creative liberties for weapon designs, esp for special characters. Lastly, one of my favorite characters I'd like to see soon in this anime is Makie She pops up not too long after the manga series starts, so it's a good thing.
  18. It boggles me sometimes with the US military, richest in the world, goes for the obviously inferior choices at certain times.
  19. After reading a few of the comments here, I'll go hunt a copy down for my PC. I've been a fan of Bioware long before KotOR, going back to Baldur's Gate. They're usually one of those dev teams that know how to get it down right. Maybe a hiccup here and there, but good in the end. So, off to hunt for one.
  20. To talk about this game. The point of your useless post is for me to give you some sh!t.
  21. Trainer: "How's the rest of the costume going?" Stevie (fat guy only wearing Stormtrooper helmet): "Well, a couple of the parts need to be bigger. Actually, most of the parts need to be bigger." Trainer: "Or Stevie needs to be smaller." Thanks Dave for finding this video. It's full of greatness!
  22. I'm kind of surprised. I was hoping a real comprehensive mag as far as toys go that Yamato is into, and not necessarily their own stuff. I was actually hoping they'd do something like Tamiya Modelling Magazine, though that one is a monthly release. I thought it would focus purely on Tamiya products, but they run the gamut of modelling subjects. Build-ups, reviews, ads, etc. They even have stuff from their competitors in there such as DML and Hasegawa
  23. So how nice is this magazine so far? Does it have alot of pages considering it's only less than a handful of issues / year?
  24. Yeah, I always liked Ryu's theme ever since SF2 when I was learning to use that character.
  25. Ah, sweet. Of course, one of our fave characters needs to make things interesting in his own way
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