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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Frank Miller Reinvents "Buck Rogers" Yeah, I watched the reruns of the 70s version of the show. I actually liked it as a kid My thoughts on this matter is this: Will Col.Deering be hot? I loved Erin Grey in that series
  2. Just want to toss this in, whether or not it truly belongs to this thread. "ROBOTEEECHH, TO THE RESCUEEEEE!!!!!"
  3. That's why it's up to MW'ers to enlighten our wayward brothers. Since the Hoary Froating Head demands it.
  4. I saw that a while back on YouTube. Simple, nice little take. As I commented on that video, he **is** the god***n captain! Can't go wrong with this either. A bit old, but still fun. "Jesus, Bones, give him the brandy!"
  5. Maybe they'll do stunts in the air as they blaze away at the hapless humans down below? When they land, there will be a score of 1-10 displayed showing the difficulty of the Terminator's stunt, plus a Kill-meter.
  6. It was just a couple points to bring Anakin's fall to be more believable. ANYTHING extra would have done wonders instead of the "all-of-the-sudden I'll join the Dark Side" Anakin of RotS. Afterall, Lucas' movie (actually, movies) pretty much glossed or skipped over any character development, went straight for action and effects. And the end result is... the Prequel movies.
  7. I liked the old version of SWG myself, I preferred the deeper gameplay elements and not the gutted, oversimplified version that was the NGE version. Far more character customization in skillsets, stats, and combat. The economy was truly player run and not heavily influenced by loot equipment. Craftin was just as essential to the game and community as combat. I have yet to see a subsequent MMO (including the later version of SWG itself) where a player could be totally absorbed into non-combat aspects of a game and still find lots of things to do. 100% dedicated crafters / merchants. 100% dedicated Entertainers. Etc. And the community needed each other. But that is another thread in itself with a long history. As for SW:TOR, one of the Bioware guys posted over here regarding the Microtransactions thing. Basically they're saying nothing "official" has been announced over the business model. But they are vague enough to neither confirm or deny any of the concerns and worries people have brought up. My cynical take? : There will be MT. Bioware & EA were testing the waters to see what they could get away with. They didn't deny there will be MT's in the game. The backlash over the MT model has been immediate and furious. The original thread here went to 100 pages in a few hours. The thread was closed and a new one started due to the 100 page count. Despite the Bioware rep making the update, there is still fury about the prospect. I'm watching this unfold at a distance now. It's going to be an amusing circus act to watch between EA, Bioware, and the fans of this game.
  8. A sample from the RotS novel, and a key moment handled far better in the book.
  9. Microtransaction based? That is so god-d**n weak. I loved Bioware's past efforts, but this is BS. The MMO won't be based on what you've played / accomplished / accumulated with your character. Just buy great items / gear / etc. I've tried another MMO where this is the form of business they try, and I've come to despise it. Let me clarify why I despise this model: Point A: Want to go to a desirable area? Higher end regions? Pay a little money for it to just access it. Point B: Want to accumulate some specific gear? Pay a little money for it, or go do Point A. Better yet, some of these desirable items will be "bound" to the player who looted it. So he can't give / trade / sell this "exclusive" item to someone who hasn't done Points A and / or B. Point C: Unlock new skills or higher levels? Pay some $$$ for it. Maybe tied into Point A since free regions won't give you the experience you need to do it in this lifetime. Free regions will be "low level" stuff. The game may be FREE to play, but I guarantee you, if you want anything decent or to go anywhere for great development, **you WILL pay alot in the end**. Mark my words on this. Bioware will hook alot of highly desirable things to a "Cash Shop" sort of deal. Again, mark my words. I've been very loyal to Bioware's products in the past, but this bit of news, as well as some comments they made regarding gameplay in the recent PC Gamer article (rather big article too) has turned me away from this. My high level of Star Wars nerdness / fandom won't be able to repel BS of this magnitude Edit to add again: With a subscription model, EVERYONE is on a level playing field. Someone said it best in one of the comments posted in the link: "Free to play, pay to win" I'm figuring some of you would think I'm overreacting to this bit of news, but when this MMO goes live and utilizes this form of business, you WILL pay far, far, far more money per month than what you'd be doing with a subscription based model. GUARANTEED. The company will make it's money on you, despite you believing you're playing the game for free. The trick with Microtransactions is that the purchases are actually cheap. But you need them in quantity. They will hook you bit, by bit, by bit. Like leaving a trail of food for the mouse to take notice of and be lead away for some other purpose. If you think you're going in for a much more affordable MMO experience than regular subscription MMOs, you are sadly mistaken. Or, you could play the Microtransaction MMO and not use any of the "Cash Shop" perks / purchases. You **can** do it, but you will be in an extremely weaker position than those that shell out alot of money. Your gear, stats, character, etc. will be inferior regardless of how much hard work, time put in, and good game savvy you have, compared to someone that shells out alot of extra money. Very, very big deal in Player vs Player situations.
  10. Wait... I don't remember that scene! I'd have to look The RotS book, without the limitations a movie production has to face, handled it far, far better. Anakin Skywalker's fall was much slower, much more believable. I made the unfortunate choice to buy the book before the movie came out. The book handled it so nicely that the movie felt clumsy and abrupt.
  11. They got the original Ghostbuster actors involved, along with a few of the other actors. Not all, but some of them. A big plus was Bill Murray I would have thought he would decline contributing towards this.
  12. Not fond of this series. HOWEVER, if there is ever an episode where Jar Jar faces a "mishap" where a prototype AT-AT accidentally steps on him, then I will declare the series as Godly.
  13. We'll see how this goes. Normally, games based from movies are horrid. But I hope this turns out for the better. We may not get a proper Ghostbusters movie sequel anymore, but hopefully this game gets enough love to entice the old fans.
  14. No, not stopping. Just a few minutes mooorree.....
  15. Hahaha! There was a thread in the "Movies and TV Series" subforum here where the discussion drifted towards unmanned combat aircraft. I'm a firm believer that it is coming whether we like it or not, disregarding the pretty image of a pilot in an airplane with a white scarf doing battle with another pilot in the sky like some sort of knight. Like Cavalrymen fading away for newer forms of weapons and warfare. Technology grows fast, and so too can new doctrines in warfare involving these things in the future.
  16. I'm guessing the disc wouldn't even skip. Because it's... umm... stuck due to something
  17. No more AVP please. Just... just let them go their own seperate ways. But it makes me curious to see how Hollywood would a**rape the 2 franchises separately instead of them being in 1 convenient target. I brought the Aliens DVD to work, so that our young applicants can watch stuff while they wait. Surprising how a 22 year old movie like Aliens still keeps people's attention, regardless of age
  18. Heh, I remember building a 1/72 model kit of an F/A-18 in a very similar paint scheme. The main thing I recall of the scheme was it didn't have the gold pattern.
  19. Sakura's still sporting the school girl outfit? Isn't SF4 set quite a decent amount of time after SFA3?
  20. Nice little read. Too bad the video's gone. As great as the -15 is, it of course was only a matter of time.
  21. Only if they bring back the "You're the best around" song with it
  22. Troopers > Jedi That is all
  23. I beg to differ. The gameplay and combat of the original Fallout games were great and were adored by the fans. When these were out in the late 90s, the Fallout games were considered among the best PC RPGs you could get. The turn-based play DID allow alot of control. Every turn you make a decision and series of actions. No different from a more real-time system, just done in another style. If "most people" didn't like the turn-based play of Fallout enough, then nobody would ever remember this series and lament how long it has been to receive a sequel. Fallout Tactics came out sometime around 2000 or 2001, but it wasn't considered a "true" Fallout game. We had been clamoring for an RPG, not a FF Tactics ripoff. Also, the reason Oblivion did so well was it was a damn good RPG overall, especially on a PC. It helped that the graphics were great, but the biggest draws were the open ended play and freedom of exploration. That is the bread and butter of the Elder Scroll series. Truly open worlds for exploration on RPGs are actually very uncommon, even today. Oblivion's predecessor, Morrowind from several years ago, had the same core aspects. Morrowind's predecessor, Daggerfall from the late 90s, had the same core aspects. Throughout each of "The Elder Scrolls" games, it has always been the same... open ended play and freedom of exploration. They were games that rewarded you for traveling off the beaten path. They all had essentially the same combat system. Each of these games were well received. There's nothing new Oblivion did for the Elder Scrolls series, but it wasn't as bug infested as the release versions of her predecessors, that's for sure!
  24. Me wants Proton Pack with the power-up sound effects. That is all. Carry on.
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