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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. I still remember, at least in the S.F. Bay Area, that guys would have a small crowd around the SF2 arcade game. There'd be a line of quarters on the top panel of the machine. They all somehow can tell who's quarter it was that was next. I recall dudes cutting school for SF2.
  2. That sucker's huge! Nice work!
  3. No Shin-Shoryuken? *Heart Attack*
  4. Only if you're more a fan of the newer Star Wars productions. The Original Trilogy? Jedi formed a good portion of the story, but yet you see so little of them compared to "conventional" stuff. You saw more starfighter combat in the older movies. You saw more ground troops fighting in the older movies. Capital ships made far more appearances in the older movies. Basically, you saw the bulk of the fighting... the action done by "Average Joes" of the Rebellion and Empire. The majority of heroes and villains in the Original Trilogy were not Force using / lightsaber wielding characters. Han Solo, Chewie, Lando, etc... all major characters, yet weren't Jedi. The Empire? Except for the very last portions of Return of the Jedi, you saw only 1 badguy using lightsabers and the Force. Vader, and that was it, until Palpatine shows up waaaaaayyy later. Matter 'o fact, the amount of times you saw lightsabers swinging, or the application of the Force, whether it be for training or actual combat was rare in the Original Trilogy. Yet the feeling of how great Jedi were in the Original Trilogy was never diminished. I'll even venture out and say that the Prequels and later Star Wars productions lowered the value of Jedi. A simple trooper with a blaster and good 'ol fashioned deception is enough to kill full-fledged Jedi Knights and Masters. The look of horror, shock, and surprise from the supposedly powerful Jedi when they see Clonetroopers turn on them was priceless... further lowering the worth of Jedi. Even with so little depiction of Jedi in the Original Trilogy, you'd still easily find out that the Original Trilogy still surpasses the later stuff.
  5. Reminds me of the mid-early 90s when the X-Files was a new thing: Friday nights at 9pm. I had forsaken some good Friday night outs with the boys for getting my X-Files fix. I had to make up for it on Saturdays though! The X-Files still is the last TV show I religiously followed.
  6. Judging from some of the machine designs in the trailer, I hope it's not a Transformers movie renamed "Terminator"
  7. True... OH SO TRUE! Food for thought: Possibly in the future some Hollywood schmuck will think it will be a good idea to *completely* remake A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi Redone in ways that make the Special Edition seem like a good thing!
  8. You're asking for originality from them... a desire to try to show something different from Star Wars. It will not happen. No intestinal fortitude / balls / whatever from Lucasfilm to do something different or innovative now.
  9. In general for hardcore flight sim fans (count me in), the years have generally been very lean since 2000. The amoung of good flight sims coming out have been very small. Not like the 90s. Those were some very prime years for flight sim fans. Jane's Longbow, WWII Fighters, European Air War, Falcon 4.0, Jane's F/A-18, etc., etc. The only thing that stays on the radar is the flight sim community that's churns out updates / mods / unofficial patches for older games. For example, Falcon 4.0 came out in '98 but still goes strong with a great community. They churned out extensive unofficial patches and mods. The game still stands strong today, especially with the fully Dynamic Campaign system it sports. Very few games in all, even today, have a fully Dynamic Campaign. Lastly, it's a bit old, but I just found this one out: Aliens: Colonial Marines is coming out soon via Sega. Should be hitting PC, PS3, 360 formats. Well, if Hollywood refuses to give me a decent Aliens movie in recent years *cough* laughable AvP series *cough*, then hopefully the video game industry can do us right (Oops, others have beat me on the Colonial Marines news)
  10. Thanks for the pics. I've been sitting on the sidelines watching the new VF-25 toys for a while. Heck, I haven't even watched MFrontier yet. (ducks from thrown tomato) But thanks to this blue valk, I'm biting. Besides, Valks are best in blue. Max's VF-1J, YF-21, etc
  11. **shudder** Hey, is that hair sticking out of there? If an entire cast of spandex-clad actors isn't scary enough, imagine the colors if they were 100% faithful to comics? Every superhero group would look like a Rainbow factory. As for Wolverine, a couple more "bubs" would fit just nicely.
  12. Very, very few comic costumes come across as looking decent in a live action movie. Going from one medium to another is the problem, especially a costume with intricate and abnormal designs. Two great examples I've seen come off right is Batman and Superman. Batman because it's been done so much for decades and has been relentlessly tweaked for the era. Superman since it's really quite simple in implementation. Can you imagine the recent X-Men movies if they tried implementing the comic costumes for the heroes and villains?
  13. Nope. If there were, I most definitely would have scoped it out.
  14. There's T-800s running around in the trailer, which were a later war development. Infiltrators overall were a later development, with the T-800s being the newest, best of these performing the role. Even the first movie blatantly says it with Reese's revelation of the future and describing the Terminators overall. I was griping originally about the guys producing the props and such as being lazy. Now thanks to you, I'm leaning also towards the writers being lazy since they're disregarding what's been established in the movies
  15. The whole thing about disregard with the past equipment speaks volumes, IMO about their laziness to continue the image and feel of the war. Every instance of the future war with the machines shown in previous movies, most especially Terminator 1 & 2, including a **TV series** has shown the futuristic plasma weaponry. Practically EVERY machine has had them. HK's, non-infiltration Terminators. Even the Terminator that got into Kyle Reese's compound in his flashback whipped out a machine-gun sized one. In Terminator 2, we see entire groups of Terminators roaming the battlefield with them, some even with two. In every instance, we see the humans in the future having mostly small-arms sized versions, but a few mounted ones (like the one on the trucks). Sure, I can recall seeing someone with what looked like a G-3 Battle Rifle in the first movie inside the compound, but the plasma weapons were still predominant. I can deal with the fact that old conventional weaponry will be the weapon of choice at the onset of actual, active resistance against Skynet. That's what's only accessible until humans can get their hands on plasma weaponry of their own or from conversions. If we have T-800's rolling around, then plasma weapons should be like all over the place like finding candy in a store. Again, even the TV series tried to do it right!
  16. The Tomcat may have been obsolete, but it doesn't change the fact that it is an enormous but gorgeous bird
  17. Not to mention it's a conventional weapon / bullets. And we all know regular 'ol bullets harm T-800's like taking down a Tank with a Water Baloon Every instance of conventional small arms munitions used in the movies and TV series do SQUAT to Terminators. Yeah, no wonder humanity's getting it's a** kicked. Because apparently John Connor forgot about that minor bit of detail even after getting chased by Terminators as a kid. Or unless conventional munitions can tear apart the machines, incl. Terminators. But then again, what point would there have been with the previous movies if a mere shotgun / assault rifle / pea shooter could take T-800's down? Ok, back to what I originally brought up. A bit irritating that the movie isn't faithful to the equipment. I mean, even a mere *TV series* has been able to try to bring that feel and imagery of the movies when they showed the warfare in the future. Bunch of lazy-a** special effects & props crew in the movie. "Well, we're too lazy to build up props like the futuristic weapons from the previous movies and TV series. So we'll just borrow these same, 30 year old gun props used by every movie before. Think of the money we'll save!!!!!"
  18. You know, something bothered me when watching the fighting scenes from the Terminator Salvation trailer. Compare the weapons and weapon effects from there to the ones established from the first 2 movies, namely this from Terminator 2. Heck, even Kyle Reese's flashbacks to the future war in the first Terminator movie. Even the tries to be closer to the earlier movies. So we go from these futuristic weapons from the earlier movies to M4 Carbines? I can deal with the upcoming movie depicting the early portion of the war, where stuff like our current firearms would still be readily available. But in the trailer, full fledged T-800 infiltrators are already prowling around and not one single futuristic weapon has been shown or fired in the trailer.
  19. I'm looking for the chance to see Macross Frontier... hell, even Macross Zero, in official releases here in the United States. I know the legal problems, but what's happened? Nothing. Absolutely NOTHING. I try to buy official stuff whenever possible, but again, nothing. No official English subs of anything past SDF:M. So again... there's nothing, absolutely nothing.
  20. Heheh... Speedracer. I knew that one was going to bomb harder than wave after wave of B-52's doing carpet bombing sorties
  21. To be fair, Twilight just hit not that long ago. Underworld's already had 2 released movies. (Daydreams a bit on Kate Beckinsale in that skin tight outfight) If a 3rd one is due soon, it's been in the works long before Twilight released and became a hit. I'm really surprised Twilight did this well, TBH.
  22. Good good good!
  23. There's no point in supporting BW if they're not doing anything for fans on our end of the Pacific.
  24. I was surprised to hear SF4 will be hitting the PC also. My PC is pretty beefy, so I'll actually get SF4 for it. A fighting game on my computer. That's a first
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