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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. Nah, that's going to be the DVD/Blu-Ray edition that comes out 1 year after the first discs hit for customer purchase. Think Star Wars, though only on a much smaller scale
  2. Exactly, more conflict tossed in here and there. Let's face it, exploration and diplomacy is good, but if practically an entire season is focused on it, there isn't any sort of "edge" for these powerful navies. TNG was great but I yearned for more battles. You get glimpses on rare occasions, and always wanted more. Just not enough of it. Voyager? Yawn. DS9? I watched it when it first came out but drifted away. BORING. However, towards the last 2 seasons, when the Dominion popped up, it got more interesting. The Dominion War FINALLY provided the show a strong backdrop of events. You finally see more fleet actions. You finally see the TNG-era Federation not be a bunch of pu**ies for once... maybe because someone had to repeatedly kick them in the nuts for that The TOS/TMP era timeline? Conflicts were a dime a dozen. The Klingons ARE extremely aggressive. The Romulans, as always, being sneaky and aggressive. And the Federation never backed down from a fight, heck, it dived into it at the drop of a hat, i.e. the whole Organian incident where the Klingons and Federation were about to dive face first into each other in a huge war, and Kirk was GAME for it. Only the Organians prevented the conflict, otherwise, Starfleet's best crew, best captain, and flagship of the fleet weren't doing anything to prevent a war. Heck, Kirk's mission was to entice the Organians to allow Starfleet to use their planet for critical strategic reasons for WHEN (not *if*) conflict broke out. Not to mention Starfleet's female crewmen wore less.
  3. Shark Attack THREE + The GREATEST MOVIE LINE EVAR!!! (Not for the easily offended)
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if the next movie will have some classical Federation vs Klingon fighting. Or Federation vs Romulan fighting. Or maybe a big 3-way . The great thing with the TOS/TMP era is that there was so much fighting going on that it's a rich possibility of seeing warships go at it. None of that TNG-era "Let's-Offend-No One-Feel-Good" nature BS.
  5. The latest of FM games have not made it to US shores but they make a d**n FPS out of the franchise? And people wonder why I do my gaming almost completely on a PC these days
  6. Hilarious link. Makes you scratch your head about this flick.
  7. I finally saw this movie last night. I'm a fan of TOS, and thought this movie was quite entertaining for a "reboot" while still trying to acknowledge its roots. And as we all know, Star Trek has alot of things you have to acknowledge, especially in regards to TOS/TMP characters. Very curious to see where they take this franchise and cast.
  8. The franchise could really use a sequel truer to the .
  9. 1) You can poke holes in that plot all day. The basic idea of using Marcus to unwittingly lure J.Connor to Skynet was a great idea, but the trap that was sprung was lame. Yes, the T-800 was great, but this trap was sprung in an area dominated by Skynet. You'd THINK that Skynet would swarm in the whole facility with T-600's or whatever once John Connor was isolated in the building. Or, as you said, give the T-800 a gun. 2) Kyle Reese thingie... I wondered how Skynet learned of Reese's importance. It was NEVER stated to anyone outside the Connors. Not even the friendly T-800 in T2 knew about Reese being John's Father. 3) No humanoid sized Plasma weaponry were shown in TSalvation. The only thing we see is from the Harvester (and personally, the idea of a Harvester is idiotic, but that's just me. I blame "Bayformers" for that). The T-600's used miniguns, maybe even a Grenade Launcher (the one that pursued Marcus and Kyle in L.A.). 4) T3 introduced the idea of Hydrogen fuel cells for the Terminators, not nuclear. TSalvation I think is taking off with it. Not sure if T2 stated the power sources for the Terminators.
  10. Remembering scenes like that from T1 & T2, I was expecting T3 to be about the future war full of scenes like these. That didn't happen. When TS was coming about, I was overjoyed to hear it was about the future war itself, but was disappointed that the fighting didn't look or feel like the scenes from T1 & T2. Even the TV series had a better feel for the Resistance being more desperate and underground, trying to keep out of Skynet's eyes and ears.
  11. The only reason I can think of them showing the T-800 "toying around" with Connor is just an extended way to show how superior the 800 is compared to the 600. Impervious to conventional firearms (most types), strong (a given), agile, deceptive, and relentless. A chance to show in the movie how it contrasts to the powerful but clumsy juggernaut of the 600 series. Otherwise, as you said, Connor would have been dead the first time the 800 actually got a hold of him. In T1, the crippled Terminator needed maybe a few more inches to crush the life out of Sarah until the press came down. In T2, the T-1000 needed a few more seconds to get past Sarah and cut apart John if it wasn't for the timely return of the 800. In TSCC, there was no toying around with human targets. A quick shot or a simple, crushing grab to kill the target. Speaking of slaughtering, old to T1 & T2's future war scenes
  12. Ingrams for sure, sometimes regular M16. Can't recall if he rolled with 2 Ingrams
  13. In the movie I can't recall hearing how long the fighting's been going on. But from the way people are reacting to the Machines, Resistance or not, they're not so surprised by them anymore. Weaknesses to the 600 series are made known. The Resistance has active and decent surveillance on Skynet's positions and movements. They know where her strongpoints are, i.e. North of LA and into San Francisco to name a region. It leads me to believe that the fighting has been going a while.
  14. I loved his character in V I was always wondering what kind of explosive trick does he have this time? He had fun in that role.
  15. Sarah's plot lines usually weren't as good as the others also (IMO). She did have some great ones, the best I thought was that episode where she's terribly injured from that gunshot wound to the leg after visiting that desert research facility. Her interaction with the doctor and her delusions of speaking to Kyle Reese was great in that episode. But we all know alot of people were looking at the interaction between John and Cameron. It also surprised me that BAG (Brian Austin Greene) had a character that I actually liked more as his screentime increased. I loved it since it was the Connors' living link to Kyle Reese. A very big deal since John never met Kyle, and that Derek was already an experienced soldier in the Resistance. I doubt it's going to happen. The main actors are already looking at, if not already signed onto other projects.
  16. Saw TS today. It was ok, but I think it could've been more. Just some comments, especially the depiction of the war... - The strengths of the Resistance and Skynet seems way off. + + - I seriously questioned the reason why there even is a Harvester unit in the Machine lineup. For the resources it takes to make one, you could have how many regular units made? The larger number of Terminators could be used to surround a target area. 600's could close in and kill / capture what's needed. Not like buildings will stop them for long, so they can rip through them. Not like you can hide long since the machines have all the time in the world to look for you. You'd have HK's hovering about for spotting and picking off anything that gets out of the 600's perimiter. . But I'm getting too tactical I guess. As for the movie, there's quite a bit of jumping back and forth in scenes early in the movie between Marcus and Connor. It was a bit annoying since you couldn't devote enough time to explore both characters. I can understand the splitting in the latter part of the movie to rescue Reese, but early on, it was bothersome. You also don't really get into Blair Williams and into Kate Brewster's character too much. Disappointing, especially for Kate. There's quite a bit of pretty important characters that aren't fleshed out. T1 and T2 had an edge in fewer characters, and were able to keep tighter focus and showing more interaction between them. Salvation had many named characters, so it felt "diluted". The next movie needs some tweaks and refocus. The Resistance needs to look beat and worn down, like mankind's back is to the wall in fighting Skynet. Maybe improved weapons from Skynet will change that. We need to see the Machines in force, not in small numbers. Take a look at the strength of Skynet's forces compared to the Resistance in the flashback scenes in T1 and T2. Even the TV series got it right in a smaller scale and in feel, but TS missed that. Also, refocus on Connor, let Bale do his thing and earn what surely is a big paycheck he's getting. There's still some existing characters that could use some screentime and fleshing out.
  17. I'm willing to give the movie the benefit of the doubt. I'll see it, but not on opening night.
  18. Early reviews are really, really split.
  19. I saw the TSalvation game at Best Buy today. All the alarms in my head went on, warning me of "Cheap Movie-To-Game" products. I've always been wary of games based off of movies. They usually tend to disappoint. Also, something I was digging around for was the TSalvation soundtrack. I didn't find it on shelves today, but I looked online. I have the CD soundtracks for both T1 and T2 (and I prefer the original). I wanted to hear Salvation's take on Terminator, most especially the Terminator theme itself. Surprisingly, from what I've read online, there is NO version of the Terminator theme, period. No using of the original theme, no revision of said theme. It just isn't in the Soundtrack at all. Brad Fiedel's Terminator theme is one of the identifying marks of the franchise, and I'm disappointed that it isn't even present in the Soundtrack. Maybe it'll be in the movie itself? Hopefully, but something that is closely identified with the franchise not present at all in the title soundtrack is annoying. It's like seeing a Star Wars or Star Trek show that doesn't use their trademark opening themes. Like watching a Superman movie without John William's theme for the superhero. Like watching an Indiana Jones movie without his title theme.
  20. Fallout 3 is a great game but it didn't quite capture the feel of the older games. Anyways, since someone brought up the Fallout Trilogy games having hit the street, it seems to have done surprisingly well as a package. Maybe because of old fans seeing this trilogy again and snagging it up since their originals are long gone. Maybe new fans due to Fallout 3 want to see what the dealio was with the older games. Maybe both.
  21. Ah, Lunar. Spent alot of good playtime with Silver Star and Eternal Blue on my trusty 'ol Sega CD back in the day.
  22. Well, as long as the sequels get us the chance to see the Phased Plasma Rifles in the 40 watt range.
  23. Oh come on, I thought everyone was liking their Valk toys to get SMALLER now, i.e. the new 1/60s (1/48 rules still)
  24. George "The Flanneled One" Lucas does get one big break though: He gave us Star Wars, and for me, the Original Trilogy. I can get by some of the idiotic hijinks and Ewoks from RotJ, if it meant I still got ANH and ESB.
  25. To show my happiness of a big Tomcat coming our way:
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