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Everything posted by Warmaker

  1. It just hit public beta, so at least it's not finalized. When I come back from the holidays I intend to give it a whirl. From what I gather on their website, they only recently got alot more attention, so hopefully that motivates the mod team to crank it up
  2. I remember the TMNT arcade game, a classic side-scrolling-beat-em-up! Get with some others for some 4 player mayhem!
  3. I'm willing to be forgiving to the original BTech creators if they had no artistic talent (or couldn't afford it) at the beginning. But still... those initial designs were not awe-inspiring, even for the 80s
  4. Star Wars Mod + COD4 = Star Wars: Galactic Warfare Something that came to my attention a few weeks ago. Looking forward to seeing further development. Too bad Lucasarts doesn't do good Star Wars FPS anymore.
  5. Falcons + CFT definitely is "different" for me. I'm just used to the sleeker non-CFT versions.
  6. I'm going to have to do the latter. Haven't worked on anything the size of this beast, so it's going to take a while. Anything to get rid of those spots.
  7. I haven't really followed dicast sites, just enough from a while back when news of the JSI tomcat was up and coming to be sold on those preproduction shots. So I was a bit behind on the times. I'm a model builder myself, and went out of my way to get one of these premade Tomcats. Reading around more, some say I'd have to do some repainting, which I'm highly annoyed about. I payed good money for this thing to be prebuilt and prepainted. No problems putting the sections together myself, but the paint leaves something to be desired. And repainting spots for a toy this size and the sheer amount of spots involved angers me just thinking about it. I bought from BadCat, so I'll have to look again on their return policy but I have the gut feeling it will not be to my liking. And shipping this damn thing off won't be cheap either, so I'm in a lose-lose situation. Looks my 1/32 Tamiya Tomcat reigns supreme on my shelf still.
  8. D*****!!!! I didn't see that vid until last night. The spots on that Tomcat are atrocious! Who the hell in JSI's production thought the US Navy decided to adopt WWII Luftwaffe camo schemes? If I would've known the paint job would look... like *THAT*, I'd never buy it. The earlier sample pictures sold me, inaccuracies and all, just to have a huge Tomcat in a Jolly Rogers scheme, but screwed the paint job to hell and back. Those dark grey splotches are AWFUL, just like the old Kotobukiniya Star Wars Sandtroopers' first runs. Like some idiot had a bottle of dark grey paint, dipped cotton balls in it, and started dabbing every panel they could find. That is NOT how weathering is done, especially something that costs as much as this beast does. I can't go back on it now... the thing is on its way. The best thing I can possibly hope for is that JSI noticed the idiotic paint job and fixed it early on. Hopefully with my Tomcat included. But right now I'm really, really pissed about forking out good money for a piss-poor paint job. UNSAT
  9. Regarding the recovery of dead in TS, Reese did go into that a little. Something along the lines of: "You know what the difference is between us and the machines? We come back back and bury our dead. No one will bury you." It'd be dangerous though to come back for the dead, since Skynet would likely be watching for it and if it knows it's a habit for humans. Still, there's examples of it happening historically of units going through alot of trouble to recover dead and wounded.
  10. Finally got around to ordering one of those beasts. My Tomcat collection will grow soon
  11. Street Fighter Alpha 2 Live Action
  12. Well, a sequel IS in the works for the Terminator franchise. I'm willing to forgive McG if he does the Future War properly. + MORE machines. I griped about this alot for TS. How many T-600s did we get to see in any single frame of the movie? The big tank-thingies were extremely rare. The only good thing was that they liked to show off the flying HK's. + More of Skynet hunting and eradicating humans. More stuff like in T1, where Reese's flashback of their hideout being infiltrated and attacked by a T-800 who pulled out a BFG. + T-800s doing their thing. Either in regular combat models or what they were designed for: Doing infiltrations. + Show off that mechanized assault of Skynet. Scores of machines moving in on discovered human concentrations. + Machine efficiency: The machines shouldn't be toying with their targets. They kill as quickly and efficiently as possible. Shooting preferably, but if a machine needs to get in close, it shouldn't waste time by tossing the target around or whatever. The Terminators in T1 and T2 (goodguy or not) did NOT f**k around when fighting. As soon as it got it's hand on you, you were DEAD, i.e. your beating heart in it's hand after grabbing you. + Less humans running around. I mean, this Future War is set after a nuclear apocalypse, right? + Take away the lavish equipment of the Resistance. Enough helos to do a heliborne assault, A-10s regularly flying the skies, scores of Resistance troops, and the Resistance acting without a worry about being detected by Skynet = Me being a Sad Panda. + Go ahead and show more of those extermination and labor camps. + I would like sum Phased Plasma Rifles, plz. Simply put, the Resistance and mankind NEED to look and feel desperate. If there's going to be 3 of these newer Terminator movies, then let this 2nd one be the "Empire Strikes Back" where the badguys kick serious tail. Skynet needs to be shown as that clever, efficient, and relentless opponent. I know I linked to this earlier in the thread but it needs to be brought up. In TS, there was no misery, hunger, desperation shown anywhere in that flick. Not like the first 2 minutes of this .
  13. It also makes me think about that douche from Karate Kid
  14. I was thinking about that too. I'm willing to accept the fact that TNG+ era tech far outpaced this movie's era. The weapons on that mining ship were a bit on the "heavy side." I don't see how a futuristic, lightly armed and defended miner can hold up to admittedly old, but still dedicated warships. Especially 47 Klingon warships. It would have been a better sell if Nero was a Warbird captain. I can see one of those Rommie dreadnoughts dishing alot of hurt in the TOS era, since the Warbird was immensely powerful in the TNG era. Maybe using one of those Valdore warbirds from Nemesis. As far as the Klingons using old ships in the TNG era, they certainly did. D7, K'Vorts, Birds of Prey, etc. were still in service. Especially K'Vorts and Birds of Prey, since you see them quite frequently in TNG / DS9. The "guts" of the warships may have aged and became obsolete over time, but the hulls are still good to go. The ships undergo refits / upgrades for their systems, slap it together, and get sent out again. But their classes are downgraded. A battlecruiser in the TOS era still in service and upgraded in the TNG era is downgraded to maybe a light cruiser or destroyer, since the ships did get bigger by the time of TNG. The Federation does this also, but the Klingons are quite good in milking every bit they can out of their warships. Anyways, a fun site to dig into as far as warships in ST goes: DITL Your upgraded tanker would be sunk by a German U-Boat
  15. Because nobody in that franchise deserves a beating in different times than Biff does
  16. Coming home for Thanksgiving, I showed my sis the BD version of this flick. As an old fan of ST since watching those TOS reruns on TV in the 80s, I was pleased with the homages made to TOS while still forging out it's own way. - Kirk's confidence, a bit of that bravado that makes him the best captain in all of ST shows (and any other officer that disagrees gets a knee to the gut and a double overhand strike to the back). The actor I think had fun with that. - Vulcan rage is nice to see on rare occasions. - For as much as I watched ST, I never knew how McCoy got the nickname "Bones." Thought it was work related - Seeing new actors / actresses doing the roles of the classic characters. It'll be fun to hear McCoy spout his classic lines of disbelief when asked to do something terribly difficult. Scotty got numerous lines in. Sulu got to do his swordplay. I almost totally forgot his fencing segment in TOS. Will be great to see them do more with additional screentime. - Revised sound effects from TOS, like the torpedo launches. - Shipboard uniforms! New yet still old school! Though I still miss the uniforms introduced with TWOK. - Red uniforms are still bad luck in the new ST. Chief Engineer Olson proudly joins the ranks of the courageous Red Shirts! I knew this guy was toast the moment he appeared onscreen! - End credits having a new version of TOS opening theme. I look forward in a sequel(s?) with the potential for conflict with the Romulans and Klingons! This era of ST wasn't like the TNG era with major alliances (i.e. Federation-Klingon). The Feds, Klingons, and Rommies should be at each other's throats at the drop of a hat in this era. Even Kirk's lines at the end of the movie to show mercy for Nero was an indicator. It was in the hopes of having better relations with the Romulans was his reasoning, and Spock of all people said that now isn't the time: the chance for peace with a powerful rival be damned! This MOFO was GOING TO DIE! If getting sucked into a black hole wasn't enough, Kirk helps out by having the Enterprise finish the ship off with all weapons, incl Photons.
  17. Drifting OT but: Who'd win? Mel Gibson's William Wallace or Russel Crowe's Maximus?
  18. Shiroikaze, funny you mention loading up MW1 again, because I did exactly that also. Installed on my PC, patched it up, went to town. Quickly went through the SP campaign, because I can't bring myself to go multiplayer before finishing the SP campaign. Call it a habit from my days of playing Rainbow 6 and Rogue Spear back in the late 90s and 2000 Anyways, it had been a LOOONNG time since I played COD4 MW1. New rig and all, gotta unlock all the stuff again. Right now sitting on Sergeant and a few unlocks. In most FPS, I prefer assault rifles, but MW has alot of MOUT / dense terrain maps. I use heavily an MP-5 or my recently unlocked M4. The one edge MW1 and now MW2 have over other FPS (console and PC) is the attachment system. I don't care much for the perks, but I really love the idea on customizing your weapon / "Create A Class" system. MW2 from what I understand now allows 2 attachments to a weapon. I really wish more developers would adopt that basic idea for their future titles, but I haven't seen it materialize yet. So, these are the current FPS installed on my computer: BF2 (still after all these years), BF2142, Operation Flashpoint 2, and a comeback for COD4 MW. That's nothing. How about Mongol Horse Archer Cavalry? They ride around, keep shooting you up, never allow you to get close. But when you don't want to fight anymore, they come charging right up your a**!
  19. Wasn't too fond of this movie's version of the Enterprise, but I still enjoyed this flick quite a bit. Love the homages. Bought the BD with no hesitation.
  20. I remember building a 1/72 model of one of those as a kid. Very unique appearance.
  21. The tower itself was so-so for me. The fade portion I despised.
  22. You must have been crankin' in serious hours there I rolled a new toon, a Mage. Having access to a PC Mage, Wynn, and Morrigan = EZ Mode. Nothing that 1 heal and a handful of nukes to wipe anything out. A bit boring, but then I prefer having some more melee'ers around, but they get swarmed too easily and get killed quickly by bosses. Still haven't found a use for Rogues other than for lockpicking. Backstabbing doesn't impress me. Nothing that a 2H weapon can't do, and they can sometimes stun targets. Bow / Crossbow attacks are pathetically weak. It feels like ranged attacks by Zevram and Leiliana are so weak that I never notice any contributions from them. And Tanks in this game, compared to any other game that uses the term or gameplay style, are woefully weak. Alistair holds up like a sickly mouse trying to stop a bulldozer.
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