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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Except that the VF-27 is from the Galaxy fleet, hence the Galaxy logo on it.
  2. Like you said she hasn't had much screen time, anything is possible, it could happen.
  3. Oh I'm not brave enough to start that kind of discussion. I'm a follower, not a leader . It doesn't bother me either way though. I haven't said much on the VF-27, but after seeing everything from everyone I have to say insignia's don't lie. It is a NUNS plane, and being from Galaxy makes sense... now if we only know what exactly the VF-27 is, lol... as I used to say (not that anyone here would know) "Terribly Mysterious."
  4. Well it seems that this topic about the VF-19 vs the VF-171 will never die, but it seems there is always someone who didn't see the other debates on it. I am personally done, myself believing the 19 to be in service elsewhere as aging hardware, and the 171 being the cheap stopgap. Whether 25 was meant to replace the 19 or it's competing with the 27 or that is all just speculation now. There, the paraphrased version of what most people seem to think, and my belief on it as well. Edit: Yay, I am no longer Cannon Fodder... so now I must go swab the deck on a old carrier ship design... why do I have the feeling that's no better?
  5. Couldn't it have been moved to Anime or Science Fiction? I think the topic had some merit (coming from the guy who helped start it ).
  6. He's the Doctor, he'll make it happen.
  7. Well, at least we'd have some interesting song filled episodes of Doctor Who then . I bet the Sonic Screwdriver would make a Vajra cringe, lol.
  8. Except we want to see the series last a long time. The Doctor shows up, we say bye to the Vajra and then we no longer have an enemy for our heroes to fight. However seeing the Doctor fight the Vajra would indeed be very awesome!
  9. I'm willing to except a VF is larger than a Zentradi, I'm just going off what I've seen, but you raise many good points so there it is. Hmm.. specs for that Q-Rea would be nice...
  10. What about when Hikaru first entered a Zentradi ship in episode 6 I believe it was, before the Daedalus attack. He was standing right in front of a random Zentran soldier who looked the same height as the VF-1J. I guess he was also tall?
  11. It was episode 2 on tonight on Sci-fi, they showed ep.1 last week, but I can't seem to find if they are showing 3 or 4, they aren't listed for next week as far as Comcast tells me. Oh well, I've seen it before, the dub that is. I've never actually given myself the chance to see the subbed version of M+. Maybe someday, but there are other things I'm more likely to getting to watching first and I didn't have any qualms with the dub. Of course I can't say I like it better since it's the only version I've seen, I'm just saying from where I'm standing, it seemed ok.
  12. Despite some of the questions it could raise, I think you have a very valid theory there junior. Hmm.. we shall see in time indeed.
  13. I would think a 1/60 valk would make more sense because a valkyrie is supposed to be the same size as a macronized Zentraedi.... whatever mode it is in.
  14. I started downloading Gattai alongside GG, but now both are slow as hell... maybe I should just stick to one at a time, finish gg before Gattai.
  15. Would be an interesting bit, but I'm not one who knows much how to do gifs like that. However if anyone wants to do that for me to use as an avatar, that's be cool.
  16. I'm just doing gg for now, I'll get gattai later and keep the better of the two. However as to my earlier statement on the download speed, it seems to be going back and forth, one minute it is going at 30 kb/s or so, then over 100 later, then back down to 30, so who knows when this will be done for me....
  17. I noticed that commentary too, interesting as Gattai is usually the one out with it first. I am more used to Gattai so I would start downloading that.. but it has no seeders because it just posted, and I've been downloading the GG one... however another problem, I don't know if I can play the matroska file... so I might just need to get Gattai.... I'll finish the GG download and then see if it works.. if not then by that time Gattai should have a decent number of seeders. My download time on the GG sub is better than earlier, but it didn't seem like a huge increase that you apparently had Nexx. Oh well, we shall see soon enough. Edit: I stand corrected, I just had a massive speed increase on the GG download, so I guess very soon we shall see how good this version is. I am under an hour to go now.
  18. It's telling me about 5 hours to download at this rate.. I'm so used to getting these episodes after there is a good amount of seeds, makes me wonder if I should just go for it later or not. Hmm.. I'm seeing no increase, hopefully mine will speed up as well.
  19. That's the one I saw, so it is a sub then. I haven't heard of GG before, is that Gattai or someone new? I was downloading it, but it's gonna take awhile, practically no seeders.
  20. There is a new torrent on TokyoToko for episode 7 that is listed as anime rather than raw or not english, but I can't tell if it is a sub or not. I'll download it to see, unless someone can tell me, just search Macross Frontier on TokyoTokoshan, should be the newest entry. Note, it is a Matroska file.
  21. I went ahead and screen capped that shot for you actually, it seems obvious here there is no wrap around.
  22. Actually I was doing my self ceremonial go through of the episode of the week making my personal screen shots for whatever I deem them useful for (mostly pretty mecha pictures that get used for wallpapers), and you can get a better screen of that same cockpit area in Alto's VF (when he's taking off from Quarter) but it shows more.. and it would seem you are right, there doesn't seem to be any wrap around... unless it exists but was turned off. I don't know why they'd get rid of a system like that.
  23. Well if you think about it they are in space, so it could be there is wrap around imaging... but it's just too dark to tell.
  24. That sounds the same as the converted FLV file that I got. It's better than the original flv file, but not perfect either. I started the shinsen download, got 1/4 the wa done and then stopped. Ironically it was going at 400 kb/s with no seeders, just peers... but it's stopped now, so I paused it, I'll finish it tomorrow hopefully. I was able to view part of the episode with what I downloaded though, and it seems to be quite good resolution, so once this is done, I can really watch the episode (for the 3rd time in a different quality). Now I patiently wait for subs. On a side note, this episode totally rocked! I won't bother spelling it out as everyone already has said what I would say.. so to paraphrade, I agree.
  25. I can't imagine how I could be led to believe that truthfully, despite all that I have read about M7... I seriously don't think it could be that bad, it just sounds like it might not be my cup of tea, like the VF-17/171. I've known people like that in the past though, people that are destined to make everyone hate something because they don't like and therefor ruin it for everyone, I know exactly what kind of person that is.
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