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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. This episode was pretty much a filler, but I can let it go. It did show us that
  2. Found it on Keyhole, am watching now, thanks Morpheus. EDIT: Thanks to Wolfx too, I forgot you provided the program, I'm getting people mixed up, lol.
  3. Both, those the destroids may be later model Cheyenne, it's hard to tell.
  4. Like I said, there should be versions for both so everyone has something they can enjoy, and screen shots from the PS3 version can be used for non Playstation owners like me to goggle at, lol.
  5. I would imagine if you found it you would have remembered which one it was .
  6. I am currently downloading all the subs from Shinsen for the past Macross Frontier episodes. Shinsen has always had the best subs IMO. I think what I'll do now is just download raws when they come out, get the Gattai .ass files to see the subs quicker since they tend to come out earlier than others, then when Shinsen rolls their version out I will download them to replace the Gattai .ass files, and then I'll keep the raws around for posterity and screen capping (which I do mainly as a hobby and mech/engineering lover). I'm thinking of burning DVDs with the Shinsen subs as well, they are definitely worth it, can anyone tell me do most DVD players play burned DVDs well or is there a way to check to make sure mine can? Also is DVD-R or DVD-RW better?
  7. I agree with you on the CG, but most likely if from Japan, it will be either PS3 or Wii as they are made by Japanese companies (Sony and Nintendo respectively), but Xbox 360 is from Microsoft. However to tell you the truth I think they could do well with a Wii game. Wii has done very well and its control innovations have made game play radically different and interesting. A system where you pilot a valkyrie with the Wiimote and Nunchuck as if they were the flight controls might be kind of cool. I've seen in the show transforming the VF seems to be done by toggling the throttle stick into either an upright or sideways position depending on what mode your going to, that motion with a button combination (so your not accidentally transforming when moving the controller sideways without noticing) would be be interesting I think. Granted any game on the PS3 will have the advantage of better graphics, so much like is the case with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed each version has it's high points, good graphics for PS3 and innovative but fun control system for Wii. Now my reasoning for thinking of a good way to make a game for the Wii is a bit biased as I am indeed a Wii user. It totally rocks.
  8. Dude... calm down, I was joking, hence the winking smiley at the end. I have no problem with that picture at all, it is cute. I can quite obviously tell she only appears to be a child, it is obvious that mentally she is still an adult. I guess I can see how it can seem I was being negative considering others thought negatively about the picture, but I was just saying that because I knew it was going to stir up such talk, and it did. In essence I was making fun of the negative reaction that can be found from the picture. So udesii (Mandalorian: calm down)
  9. So, no one here knows which one on the program is the channel that airs Macross Frontier? Because I being a non Japanese speaking person would like to know.
  10. Well, once I find them I'll do that, probably available on the microsoft site (am using Vista on the computer I've been saving stuff too, I have another computer with XP though).
  11. I think people are forgetting the super packs have the same 'shoulder pieces' that the armor pack does, and on the armor pack those carry micro missiles. I think it is safe to assume the ones on the super do too, but maybe less than the armor. I think the same goes for the chest piece. In my opinion I don't think the leg armor from the super pack has any more additional missiles like the armor pack clearly does. I think Graham's theory on the missile ports in the super pack boosters makes some sense, so I can believe some are there. However there is another thing to think about, the VF-25 can have missiles that aren't from the super pack. Although we haven't seen or have any idea where the VF-25 is storing it's missiles (apart from some theories) when it has no pack on, I believe is must have some somewhere (probably small missiles though).
  12. Either that or they are standard missiles from the VF-25 itself, but again, no one really knows where Messiah is hiding its missiles.
  13. Well I think she is too young for any of that, but I don't know the age restrictions in Japan.. let alone in the Frontier Colony Fleet. However seeing as she is too big for him in her adult form... perhaps one has to comprise as best they can.
  14. No, it's only assumption because of the purple stone thing, Brera has one is his hair and Bilrer has his ring. Unless there is another reason people have been linking them.
  15. Well, I may have heard it before, but I can't remember what it sounds like off the top of my head (at this moment I haven't taken the time to listen to all the above listed stuff). I know of course what DYRL is, I just don't remember if I've heard to the song before. I still haven't gotten around to actually watching DYRL too... I came into Macross officially only about a year ago (I've mentioned before elsewhere that I am indeed one of those Robotech transfers). I've only watched Macross Plus, Macross II (like most I didn't care for it), Macross Zero, and of course all of the Frontier episodes so far. As for SDF Macross itself, I've only really seen the Robotech version of it (yes I know, not as good as the original), and it's on my to do list for sometime in the future, find a way to see the original SDF Macross and DYRL.
  16. I don't know if the Super pack has any additional beam cannons aside from the wing root beam cannons on the VF-25. Although no VF-25 w/ super pack has been seen firing any micro missiles or such like the ones form the armored pack, I believe it has the chest and shoulder missile packs, but obviously not the leg ones as the armor is different. It is also possible there are less missiles in the super packs chest and shoulders compared to the armored pack. This is all excluding the missiles the VF-25 supposedly carries as standard (even if we can't decide where it's hiding it's missiles).
  17. Thanks, hmm.. the songs when saved on my computer don't show the Japanese characters.. apparently my computer doesn't support those characters... but I see them fine in Firefox on this page and others... does anyone know anything I can download so I can see the characters correctly? Now that I know the songs names I need to figure out which ones are which, lol... well 'My Boyfriend is a Pilot' will be easy, I know that one as I've heard it many times before,... but I seem to only have part 1, is part 2 just a different verison?
  18. This is a little old now, but besides the 2 What 'bout my star's and Infinity, I don't know what the other songs are called. Can anyone tell me, if they don't have an english name then does anyone know the romaji name for them (as in english characters)?
  19. Ah, well the thing is.... um... what was I talking about again?
  20. You know, I was wondering this when I first saw ep.7 but nobody brought it up. In episode 1 we see Sheryl using a holo-suit, hence why her clothes seem to always be changing on stage, they are holographic. However in ep.7, when she goes to take a break, you can see her actually taking off the clothes she had on, but earlier they were changing as if she was wearing the holo-suit. Then she physically puts on a dress, which then later changes into something else when she starts Infinity. The holo-suit made that perfectly understandable, but now I can't tell if the holograms are working with her real clothes or if someone made a mistake when they did all that.
  21. It was at the end of the ep.5 actually, and it was not specified what it was, but it appears to be non-variable, just a scout ship I believe.
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