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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. I doubt anyone was unclear but more importantly that news dropped a couple weeks back and was linked above a couple times. It's only known it's a short ahead of the Delta movie. I imagine like the shorts with Pixar movies.
  2. Based on this my guess is Delta is tearing down the Siegfried's and rebuilding them into a new custom (with new name perhaps?) That is more fit for some unknown new mission parameter in the time of the movie.
  3. No that happened, but the teaser for the new movie clearly has her in a new 31, with modifications like seen above. It's likely not 5 minutes after the first one ended after all.
  4. I made some comments in the other thread before reading here.. I'll discard those as again Seto provides a better set of points. We did see a Delta 06 in green coloring in the teaser so that could be Bogue in this. We also saw Mirage was sporting a new variant with these wing tips though.. perhaps all of the Delta Flight Valks are now instead of the FSW versions from before.
  5. Fascinating... a new variant of the production type.... We know a 31B exists but it's probably just a two seater A... C is called for.. so.. hard to say what it'd be... it's more than the mission pod that's different too.
  6. As usual Seto will give the details cause he has them all so neatly available. I will say it's not unlike his explanation earlier of the beam cannons but in bomb form basically. There is also a second type of reaction weapon called a pair-annihilation weapon (I think introduced in M7 and is the reaction weapon in Frontier and later until dimensional weapons become the real doomsday devices) that are basically OTech antimatter warheads. There is something I think that is particular about them beyond just having antimatter on board though but I can't recall what.. in fact I kinda am interested in seeing what Seto has on that too.
  7. Of course Seto covered the logistical reasons when I covered operational lol. Talk about flanking a topic lol.
  8. I suspect the square cube law would disappoint you a bit heh. Increasing the size of anything causes the mass to increase exponentially. You'd get more volume for sure but you'd also be a lot heavier and the power requirements would be substantially larger to move that mass, let alone operating a massively scaled up cannon which would require energy I'm not sure an appropriately sized power source for that kind of ship could operate. Just running the fold drive would need a charge longer than Macross Frontier's entire fleet I bet. Ironically at that scale having non-giant soldiers would be better for mass savings lol. Of course the problems Seto outlined would still exist too. I think if you want to maximize troops, the easiest solution is more ships.. which might be why the Zentradi field fleets with so damn many actually.
  9. It's just a short so I wouldn't call it double bill. Probably like those shorts Pixar does before theatrical releases. As for the rest, the image is just artwork and doesn't really imply anything to me about time setting.
  10. Fair point, I did see that on a Facebook group so it was questionable at best. I do kinda hope they go that route though.
  11. Oh? I saw on Facebook someone said it was going to streaming, Netflix Japan and something else instead of theaters.. which.. given situations.. makes a lot of sense. Might even get us fansubs faster...
  12. It was a guess ultimately. I'm not sure where else they might come from.
  13. The last one gives me an Uta Macross card vibe but I can't be sure, maybe they all are. Though seems like something that might have been in the movies possibly too.
  14. The show tends to gloss over how it all happened, but you do see Ray give reports to Max at times about Basara's efforts. Basara himself is barely aware of this and really.. doesn't even care as long as he gets to fly and sing to random attackers, lol. Fact is, if he didn't have Max's support... Basara would not be able to do any of that, even if he did have his own VF. Max could put a stop to it. The fact Max doesn't read anyone else into it including his own special forces units like Diamond Force.. is a bit hard to explain though.
  15. So long as the gravity generators don't fly out of the ship lol.
  16. This is a disconnect of understanding what the product of fusion reactions actually is. Nuclear fusion doesn't turn matter into energy, at least not fully. In fact it mostly just transforms matter while releasing a good chunk of energy as radiation (mostly heat but some other types too depending on the inputs). For hydrogen fusion the result is mostly helium, heat, and a lot of stray neutrons.* So in atmosphere that heat is used in inlet air and mixed with reaction products, in space, they ramp up the fusion cycle and it's all reaction products which burns through the fuel at a tremendous rate. Fwiw there is a means to fully convert matter to energy, pair-annihilation. This is when an atom and it's opposite charge anti-particles interact and destroy each other. Thus is what the more advanced reaction weapons do. Antimatter is really hard to make though so it's best saved for specific use cases. *(actually this is oversimplified, I'm really describing deuterium and tritium fusion which are both hydrogen isotopes, straight hydrogen fusion does happen in stars as part of a cycle though, so two hydrogen atoms fused actually causes deuterium but it's incredibly hard to do that alone)
  17. That is the warning lol. Though orange smoke is another tell. Though if it's already reacting there are other concerns too... Explosive ones. Oh yeah, Egress is a big deal. I feel sorry for that guy for sure. Media never talks about how damaging ejection seats are on the body either. It varies from plane and service but if I recall AF pilots could only eject three times before the damage to their spine from it disqualified them from flying again.
  18. When I worked on F-16 engines, there was a procedure to make sure the jet was safe to be near before going to it to do work on the engine or even to download data from the engine computer. One of the steps was checking a small window near the emergency power unit which uses hydrazine. If it is orange you're good, if it is black, then there was a leak and you've already been exposed... Surprise! Luckily for that, though as you noted prior the reasons for safe handling are very important lol.
  19. I'm a former Air Force jet engine maintainer (not wholly unrelated to the work the crew chief above did but I was more focused on the engines than the whole plane) and I've seen stuff like that sadly... It's a big deal for QA and such if safety was so bad something like that happened. Ideally the system is fully safed properly so there is no danger but mistakes do happened. I'd be more worried what they were hit with lol. Cause of it is anything like hydrozine.. they might be dead heh.
  20. That had the luxury of blowing up. Messer's plane in the Delta series now... Yuck... Atleast he stepped out of it in the movie, though he still bled everywhere... Then again Windermere took the plane from there for a bit so.. Guess they cleaned it when they added the Lil Drakkons?
  21. It's a mix honestly. What you say (that they told you) is accurate, but Ancient Humanity in the Halo backstory and modern Humanity are distinct enough to be considered about as different as Protoculture and Humanity in Macross. They have matching genetics of course, but because of the aforementioned reversion the original society and culture was basically erased (and then the Halos removed any traces save for what the Librarian indexed that became modern Humanity later). The thing with the Forerunner is, they were colossal jerks in their time exactly as you say, but after they realized they could not defeat the Flood conventionally a notable segment of them has a heel-face turn and realized they screwed up and sought to give a future Humanity post-firing a chance to succeed where they failed. Now there were some Forerunner who had different ideas about that.. and that's how you get Halo 4.... I'll give you that one, I hadn't considered they might have ulterior motives for their practices before their dangerous tech got away from them. I suppose that offers some insight in why so much of their crap is hidden and not just completely decommissioned (provided they had any time to remove their muddy footprints before they died out), if it was indeed meant to benefit them later at the expense of indigenous life. I'd still argue they are better stewards than the Ancients even so, lol.
  22. I dunno, I mean yeah they also left behind weapons of ultimate destruction anyone could accidentally trigger but the Forerunners were at least trying to give future life in the galaxy a chance, they just weren't around to decommission their stuff. The Ancients just littered doomsday devices everywhere and yeeted off to the next plane of existence to act like cosmic jerks. In an attempt to not get too off topic though, I suppose that makes the Protoculture closer to Halo's example since they cared enough to try, however futile it might have been. When it comes to setting an example for later species such as humanity, that's something, and the humans of Macross at least on an organizational level are quickly learning some things are better left buried... Or detonated into a singularity just to be sure.
  23. The Protoculture are basically a treatise on bad ideas that seemed good at the time until they got overzealous. Still they at least seemed to care a little about what people did after they were gone and avoiding repeats (even if they weren't very successful at that). Thus I'd say they are still better than the ultimate Neglectful Precursors in fiction, The Ancients from Stargate, lol.
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