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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. I loved that MisaForever, heheh. I have supported Klan Klan since this thread started, but now I want to be considered a full time member as well, I shall join in updating my sig! After all, my avatar is the VF-25G, it kind of fits.
  2. Indeed, I love this transformation system, it makes a lot of sense. Although it ends up putting the cockpit of the fighter as the ass of the battroid, . Hmm I can't remember, but even before SDF-1 was under human control, when it was ASS-1 wasn't it some type of prototype or have a prototype fold system? I thought I saw that somewhere, but maybe it was something else.
  3. Not only does Alto's VF get damaged again, this is technically a new VF because his old one blew up (Gilliam is flying his old plane in the afterlife now at least).
  4. I always wondered if their small form was literally a clone body or not, apparently it may be.. however this chamber seems to just convert her to energy and rematerializes her as a giant. And it is obvious about Mikhail, he is a super trekkie and just is wearing Spock ears!
  5. Fade Rathnik They all all the same thing, just different names for extra dimensions being used for superluminal travel. mikeszekely Your close to the Okuda method, but his method which he created around the TNG times gets really complicated. I don't want to bother describing it and besides this is a Macross forum, not much of a place for Trek talk (well unless it is taken to the Anime and Sci-fi forum). March Sounds like you from what I can gather, TOS was when they didn't have any explanation for warp drive. Back then it was just a fancy name for a reason they can travel faster than light and go so many places, but it inspired generations to come. Every trekkie loves TOS, but I happen to be one that likes them all (except for Star Trek V, that was bad.... and the Voyager episode Threshold... that just didn't happen, it is too wrong.....)
  6. Azrael just declared the 12 hours up. Actually I saw Bill C. made a couple of the G getting slapped, but I am more into beauty shots of my machines (it will be mine, muhahahaha!!!!).
  7. Well I loved this episode, may be my favorite yet. A mix of character intrigue and back story with good mecha action, Mikhail's VF-25G is my personal favorite of the Skull Squadron fighters. Blue was always my favorite color (Max is also a favorite of mine in any series) but I also like the sniper abilities. I hope the G variant is released in the DX line form Bandai (which hopefully will be looking better once the product is finished). I'm going to have fun screen capping this episode for my picture library, I think I'll be having a new avatar of the 25G to replace my current one soon. I thought they did the animation in this ep very well indeed I seriously can't wait for subs on this one, I want to understand everything along with the superficial coolness that this episode was.
  8. Yes you are entitled to your opinion, and I have no problem with that, Trek means a lot to me as it is what inspired me to want to be an Astronautical Engineer. Don't get me wrong though, I don't see Trek being any more accurate than any other Sci-fi... that's why they call it Science Fiction. Parts of Science Fiction becomes Science Fact every day though, not to say that anything major from Star Trek has become real specifically, I'm just saying it is a window to possibilities. The show isn't trying to base itself on what we know to be true now (obviously) but what might be possible. I'd have to imagine in 300 years we might have a different understanding of science than we do now, and thats how you need to look at it, not with the idea of science as we have today but how it might change based on discoveries and innovations. Apart from that, you are absolutely right, not much in Star Trek has any basis in science as we know it, it is still science fiction. As for warp, I the only theories I know on Star Trek warp are the Alcubierre drive and the 'Okuda drive' which is supposedly the in universe explanation by Michael Okuda, who designed a lot of the stuff for TNG. There probably are many revisions, but your version sounds like a revision of the Alcubierre concept I've read about. However, it matters not, the issue is behind us. Let us move on to Macross-stuff. Onto the fold, indeed then if the compendium says it that must be how it works in the Macross Universe, I was giving my idea how it worked based on modern day wormhole theory. So on that note, the Trek discussion is closed and I think we can only speculate on the fold faults until they give a better explanation in the universe. And just so I can annoy you (even if it doesn't I can have fun with it): Live Long and Prosper .
  9. When you put it that way, yeah they are all similar. However when dealing with manipulating the fabric of space time, you need to be specific and when you get into the specifics on how things work like I like to spend my time doing, you start seeing the differences. Bacon-space, sounds very tasty.
  10. I see Fold faults as like dead space areas, meaning an area of realspace we can travel through in sublight, but SD space doesn't exist there, so you can't create a fold. I was assuming Super Dimensional space to not be a realm like hyperspace but just a name of sorts to the dimension or dimensions being used to create a wormhole, as the theoretical real life wormholes supposedly only exist because of extra dimensions (for the record I subscribe to M Theory which postulates at least 11 dimensions, so I do believe in more than the known 4 dimensions). However as Mr March said, apparently there is an offical explanation for space fold from the Compendium, I didn't know that. I rather like the idea of folding space more, but if that is the official in universe explanation, then so be it.
  11. You should be ashamed at yourself for saying you hate Trek Mr March, such blasphemy. I've met your misconception far too often. You have misread how warp drive in Star Trek works. You just explained Alcubierre drive, which was a theory Mexican scientist Miguel Alcubierre came up with as a possible way of how warp drive works in Star Trek. The In-universe explanation, while no more achievable by todays standards is very different than Alcubierre's theory. If you want me to explain how the in universe warp drive works in Star Trek (as designed by Michael Okuda), I will, but I have a feeling not everyone cares to read that (I'm not getting out of it, if you want to hear it I'll list it out, in that excruciating way I do sometimes). Subspace is more important in the in-universe theory than the Alcubierre drive which doesn't necessarily mention subspace at all, just stretching space around the ship, but in Star Trek subspace doesn't really follow your idea of 'convenient space' although I agree with you that the hyperdrive in Star Wars and B5 does utilize your idea of 'convenient space.' Actually Alcubierre drive doesn't really use convenient space as you describe it, just the ship riding in between the forward space being contracted and the behind space expanded which acts like a spatial rubber band the ship is riding on, hence it is space moving and not the ship, therefor bypassing special relativity supposedly (it is important to remember it is theory). The way I was understanding your meaning of convenient space is that other dimensional space where light conveniently travels at a faster rate so you can also go faster there, or as in B5 the universe is conveniently smaller in this space so you can again go farther. While Alcubierre requires you to manipulate space which probably uses other dimension stuff to do so, I don't believe you are in another space. The in universe warp drive however does put you in subspace, but not in the same way I believe as it is explained how the ship moves, but this post is long enough as it is, so if you wish me to go over how Michael Okuda explains warp drive in Star Trek, I will, but I'm going to cut this post off now.
  12. Macross Frontier takes place after everything else. It is listed as a sequel to Macross 7, but not necessarily related to it.
  13. I would think the mystery behind space folding isn't so grandiose. We have to remember that the term 'space fold' isn't something Macross made up, it is an actual term used to describe how a wormhole works in modern physics. I believe all a space fold is is simple... folding space, and then a tunnel is made breaching through that folded space to the other side, hence the gate affect in Frontier, and the tunnel effect whilst in fold. Think of space as a flat plain, like a piece of paper. If you were to walk from once side of the paper to the other, the length is simply the same as the length of the paper. If you fold the paper a number of times (using an accordion like folding or just folding in half), then the distance to walk from one side to the other is shorter. So there is two parts I believe, the actual folding of space then getting across the fold itself, which is much faster than just flying through the long abyss of space. Like I've said in other threads such as the sci-fi in Macross thread where I talked about folding there as well (and nuclear engines), this is the kind of thing I do, I get to the bottom of how things work in sci-fi because I want to know what may be possible, even if it is all theoretical now. Often it will seem like these things are simply plot magic just to tell a story, but you'd be surprised how much work that writers put into trying to make the science work, even if it ends up only as theory. I can't say for fact the writers for Macross have done this though, but it sounds like it. There are so many ideas for FTL in Sci-fi from Warp drive, to Hyperspace, to space folding a.k.a. artificially generated wormholes. All of them rely on the existance of extra dimensions we can't perceive, but many theories like String and M theory say there are other dimensions we don't see, and Einstein's work has postulated the existance of natural wormholes (however random and un-travelable those ones are). However I believe that apart form warp drive from Star Trek, the idea of space folding from Macross seems one of the more plausible ideas of Space Travel that humanity might one day have (in contrast to the hyperdrive of Babylon 5 and Star Wars, which are different but operate on similar principles). As to why how the entering and exiting of the fold appears different in each series, well it shouldn't matter, but I'd say animators prerogative.
  14. Technically (for U.S. peoples like me anyway) it airs tomorrow morning, which is Thursday night/Early Friday morning for Japan. As for Macross, I actually know there are a lot of differences, but I just haven't gotten around to seeing the "true version."
  15. Well I don't want everything, but if you'll be having a library of all the stuff I can choose from I'm sure it will be worth the wait. Mostly what I want is DYRL since I still have yet to see it, and Macross Plus Movie edition (I've seen Plus many times, but not the movie version). I might also look into watching the original SDFM since I still have only seen the Robotech version of Macross (aside from some obvious differences it seems to live up to it fairly well from what I've seen). However I know places where I can watch SDFM w/o downloading (such as SurfTheChannel), but having a copy may be good.
  16. Out of curiosity, the iMacross thread only links to rapidshare right, or does it have links to torrent downloads too? I only ask because it looks like it's only rapidshare and I want to make sure.
  17. I too am put off by Rapidshare, I don't want to have to buy an account to be able to download something quickly, but the alternative isn't very useful, especially when something is split into that many parts. That's why I like torrents, but they can be difficult to find on sites that you can trust (like the anime torrent sites we use to get Macross Frontier currently that are linked to in the episode discussion threads). I got the idea by the description that rapget just makes it easier to do the downloads, but not necessarily bypassing the limit if you don't have a paid account. I could be wrong, and if so then I'll try it out, but until I know I am just using rapidshare for smaller things since I'm not going to buy an account.
  18. Actually I can believe easily that he may turn out to be related to Ranka and be a survivor of the 117th research fleet. However that doesn't necessarily mean she knows him.
  19. I believe that is where the band then got their name. As for the Ranka knowing Brera, I'm sticking to the idea she doesn't and her saying "You.." was something like "You... know that song??"
  20. Well, the only plot forwarding was the Brera scene, but I don't think Ranka necessarily knew him already. To me it seemed more like "Hey, that guy is playing the song only I know, what the deculture is up with that??"
  21. I think that is only because Leon got the show pulled, and just used the Sheryl special as a cover. Leon seems to have a real problem with Ranka, first he stops her from winning Miss Macross, and now this. I'll bet it has to do with the circumstances of the attack on the 117th Research fleet, and Brera may reveal more info as well.
  22. In that case you did very well with that cleanup process, it looks like a new image rather than an existing one. Very nice.
  23. Continuing the chain on quoting you. Both the other two are technically right. Plasma is the fourth state of matter after Solid, Liquid, and Gas. You heat Solid, it goes to liquid, more heat, you get gas, even more heat, you get plasma. Technically fire is a type of plasma. Thermonuclear is a word used to describe a certain type of nuclear reactor, specifically one which not only fissions but fuses material (though in the future we should have pure fusion without fission, which is a lot safer and gives more power). The reactor most likely fuses hydrogen into helium or something to that extent and the resulting fusion creates immense energy which powers the valk. At the same time the heat from the reaction heats up air that is collected inside the valks engines. By super heating the air, which is in a gas state, the particles will move faster and will become what is known as plasma. The plasma will then be thrust out the back of the engine by path of least resistance most likely, plasma is very energetic, it needs somewhere to go and in a close engine the best way to go is out the exhaust port, same thing on any conventional rocket. As for refueling, in an atmosphere the valkyrie will always have air it can suck it, heat up and thrust out for propulsion, so it doesn't run out of "engine fuel" technically. However it can run out of reactor fuel which is the afore mentioned hydrogen or whatever element that is being fused in the reactor to create the energy/heat that is turning the air into plasma in the first place, and also what is powering the valkyrie. This really isn't that much of a problem though, you can get a lot of energy and heat from fusing small amounts of hydrogen, and you can carry a large enough supply on board the reactors probably to last you a good long while, so you could probably fly the valk in an atmosphere for a very long time. In space, things are different. The Reactor fuel bit is the same, with the hydrogen or some such fusible material. However you can't suck in air for propellant as there is none. In this case valks probably have an extra on board supply of some type of inert gas that can be heated up into plasma to be used for propulsion. The difference between this system and conventional jet engines is one of energy, power, and safety. Nuclear reactors provide so much more energy (in the common form of electricity) than burning fossil fuels like gas, and that means more power. It is also cleaner for the most part. The only unclean part is the byproduct of radiation which is abundant from nuclear fission, but in fusion there is very little to no noticeable radiation as a result. The downside is even nuclear reactors can't be fool proof. Instead of sitting on a gas fueled turbine that could malfunction and explode in a big cloud, you are now sitting on a nuclear furnace that if malfunctions, could result in what we know as a nuclear bomb. The chance of the nuclear reactor malfunctioning and causing a chain reaction resulting in a nuke is not much, and is much more highly unlikely with fusion that fission but it is possible, however still much safer that the current jet engines. Anyway, there is my short version of how a supposed thermonuclear reaction engine works... yes, that's the short version. Remember kids, science is fun.
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