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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. It didn't outright tell everyone it was a protoculture remnant but it is pretty obvious it was. Also in the beginning of Ep.8 of Frontier the voice over information guy talks about Protoculture and the Birdman/AFOS is shown. EDIT: Gubaba beat me by 'that' much! lol.
  2. I was expecting KlanForever, he never seemed that interested in the other two...
  3. And everyone is going crazy about loli Klan Klan and Mikhail.... Shin did disappear with Sara (theoretically it was her and the bird man that guided him away, possibly into a fold). Mao was the only one left to guess what had happened to them really because the UN people just went hush hush on it after it was all over, especially since there was no evidence that anymore more happened than a freak skirmish between the UN and Anti-UN almost a year after the war ended. Roy probably wondered what happened to Shin, but he would have gone with the cover up most likely. Also of course Mao did get a blood transfusion from the AFOS body, who knows what effects that could have had later, considering Sheryl's odd blood type I can easily see her being a descendant. Ranka is harder to pin down. I don't want to say they all are related as that seems a little to perfect, but her being related to Brera seems logical at this point. This whole episode has left me wanting to watch Macross Zero all the way through again so I'm going to have to download the last 4 episodes since I only have the first on hand, but I did enjoy it so it will be a treat. Also I'd like to propose a theory, but it's not necessarily a theory for the plot of Frontier (there is a thread for that), it is a theory on the production of it. It seems with all Frontier has in common with Zero and this last episode especially that Frontier seems to be a tying knots up show while still keeping its own aspects in. What I mean is, a lot of people wondered about the ending of Zero, it had a lot of mystical and unexplained stuff and it seems some of those things might possibly get explained in Frontier. I have to wonder if Kawamori did that on purpose and that is why Zero seems to end on an open note, maybe he planned to answer the questions from Zero with a story taking place almost 50 years later in the form of Frontier while at the same time providing yet another Macross story for everyone to enjoy. Think about it, Zero came out 5 years ago or so, I think Frontier could have at least been at the conception stage then. So I can easily see a lot of things being related here.
  4. I don't think Kronnang posting that here is wrong, it is fanart of a character from Frontier and the topic is called Fanart from Frontier. He was just saying for reference that he posted it once before, the fact that the thread is closed was a side note.
  5. I think if Brera is going to to do the Terminator thing for Ranka he's more likely to say "Come with me if you want to live."
  6. Yes but if the fold drive was damaged in that fight... well I would think it isn't easy to find parts to fix an internal fold booster when that isn't very common for fighters to have.
  7. Yes.... and I think the shoulder pads fold onto the arms which are behind the gun in the ventral fighter view so you can't see them very well. It is also possible the white spots face the fighter when folded in so you wouldn't see them anyway.
  8. *sigh* I don't see the aesthetic turnoffs any of you do, but then again I think like an engineer. I know the model is designed to be transformable and that means the fighter mode has to be built for that purpose and not to just be a fighter. The way I see it, sometimes we don't like things being ugly but the way things are designed every part and the shape of every curve has a purpose (now I know this is just a model and not something real, but I think this still fits) so from an engineering perspective if to make it work means it will have to look ugly (or slightly misshapen from what we expect a perfect fighter to look like nowadays) then it is going to look ugly (or slightly misshapen). However in that light I can understand why you then want a non-transformable, you want the pretty fighter that may or may not be able to be done with the ability to transform. So the only way to have that pretty fighter is to make it non-transformable. I should have thought of that earlier, I am frankly appalled at myself that I didn't understand why you'd want an only fighter mode. However that is why I am only currently a student of aerospace engineering and not actually an engineer yet.
  9. I agree. On another note I was sure the transformation was the same, seems to be true. I like that big gun, but definitely not good if Brera is going to be dogfighting Alto, make he'll get another gun? I really like that wrist/shield blade thing the VF-27 has, I was originally hoping for something like that on the VF-25, but hey got a tradition handle knife instead.
  10. I didn't care for the Chichiro sub of ep.9 but I may get this just so I know sooner what all was going on, but I might wait until there is more seeds. However I will definitely replace it with AiA once out, they are the best non-Shinsen sub group now that Gattai is gone (and they were getting very good with Frontier when they stopped). Still waiting ever so patiently for Shinsen sub of ep.7.
  11. I guess then it does go in hand with the newer cockpit styling where you can transform by manipulating the throttle stick instead of hitting another switch. Thanks.
  12. I wouldn't say he Frenched them, Sheryl kissed Alto actually, and the Ranka kiss was part of the movie where Alto was "Shin's" stunt double.
  13. Yeah it's pretty good, I tend to overdo it sometimes, nice to know it helped. Here is my question which may be quite newbish knowing me. I know what HOTAS stands for (Hands on Throttle and Stick) but for what exactly is it used? This recent talk about cockpit operations made me think of that, I assume it is related.
  14. We all have trouble with M7 on the inside. After all we have speakers on Valkyries but sound can't exist in the vacuum of space, it's outrageous, I have to do something about it! But... there is nothing I can do, so I guess I just have to develop some suspended disbelief.
  15. I knew it! It is never who you expect, tee-hee.
  16. I just watched the Raw... woah, this episode was really well done. Can't wait for subs, must find out what they were saying!!!
  17. And for that reason I kind of hope the old UNS is gone for good. However if it turns out in the end Frontier won't go international then I wouldn't mind any story with the old UNS showing up.
  18. Hmm, I agree Mr March I like that idea, and it makes a lot of sense really. If so perhaps the reason we see a glow is because it's the same amount of power going into the knife that goes into the armor. The blade then could be even stronger than the armor of a valkyrie.
  19. Well it is just an idea, he's not really saying that is what he thinks will happen, just an idea of what he thinks it could be. I myself don't have much for a theory yet.
  20. Waiting patiently for raw. Until then I will say I did like Macross Zero, but it seems a little too mystical at times, not that that is a problem though. It could be worse *coughsongenergycough*. I can see why some people might not like Zero but I think the plot makes more sense that Macross 7, but that is just me. Mac7 really isn't my kind of show in the end (but I will still probably get around to watching it all just so I can say I've seen it).
  21. I think I see where you are coming from wolfx. I'm no mod of course, but I'd like to give an opinion since I was there and saw the image. I believe the point the mods and such are trying to get across is we must understand that while some people, or some cultures may find something such as that to be perfectly normal or ok, there are some whether it be an individual or a culture that will find something like that offensive or wrong. I'm not really speaking for myself though, I'm looking at the bigger picture. I am a born and raised American, but I in fact had no problem with the image at all, but I can see why some people might. My actual comment on the image itself was just a light hearted and joking "Ewwww " which didn't really mean anything, it was just what popped into my head first. It didn't disgust me at all, hence the emoticon used to show I was joking. Thing is though, that is just my opinion. There were posts in there of people saying they thought the image was wrong and that is just their belief. So in light of that, it's probably best to keep away from things even some people might not like. As for my opinion on what the image was actually supposed to be showing, well I thought of it a couple ways before I really decided what it was supposed to be showing. In the end I saw it as being designed for comedic purposes and that took out anything that might have made in disturbing to me. However I can see why people might think it was some disturbing shot of Mikhail doing something wrong as he is also shown with the blood on him, the first thing that makes one think of isn't always innocent. However I can also see how it is simply showing Klan reaching puberty and Mikhail was just in the wrong place at the wrong time (or something to that effect).
  22. Perhaps she'll do a duet with Basara who is only there because he got kicked off of City 7 due to his hair being too big.
  23. I once gave an explanation on how Thermonuclear reaction engines would work in theory, but it was pretty lengthy, also the compendium has its own explanation which indicates more than just nuclear fusion is going on in the engines. Basically from what I have to go on, the nuclear engines use nuclear fusion (most likely a form of fusion rather than fission, safer and better energy, it is the 'future' after all) to heat up an inert gas into a plasma form to create thrust. In atmosphere, the gas being heated up is just the air collected in the engine from the intakes, but it space the valkyrie uses a supply of an on board gas, most likely hydrogen. This is the same concept for future nuclear rockets that may be used to go to Mars, with nuclear reactors heating up hydrogen to plasma which becomes the exhaust. Vernier Thrusters are just smaller versions of the Reaction Control System thrusters (or RCS thrusters for short), what the fighter uses to turn and control its attitude in space, whereas in an atmosphere is using it's wings and stabilizers to manipulate air flow across them to turn. Since there is no air in space it turns with RCS and vernier thrusters, but the main propulsion is always from the Thermonuclear reaction engines, its just a difference of where the gas being heated is coming from.
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