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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. My hero , I was noticing all the lines and stuff on that too but I didn't know if it was worth my time bringing it up because I figured no one would listen anyway. It's good to know someone agrees.
  2. He may be busy, but if you wish you need to find a way to space fold into an alternate universe and then use a Stargate the rest of the way to meet up with him. Watch out for Vajra during the fold fault crossings... and Goa'uld once in the other universe.
  3. As my big Jaffa friend would say: "Indeed."
  4. Calm down MisaForever! It's ok, it is a mecha show, it is bound to happen. Lets put a cap on this topic anyway, it has served its purpose. As for that bit about moving the limbs you made a good point d3v so I'd agree, but I'd assume you wouldn't need a special system to just move the limbs so I still don't know if that is what IVCS is. No matter though, the topic is basically moot since there is no official explanation.
  5. Correction, Overtechnology (thought modern would actually cut it in this case).
  6. The cockpit seat rotates 90 degrees and the canopy seems to holographically become a screen. This was what I always assumed at least, most of the controls are basically the same from before just reoriented.
  7. Of course it does depend on whether you have traditional vertical stabilizers or not, without them yaw vectoring is much more useful. Case and point the VF-27 does not have Vertical Stabilizers. The VF-25 does have vertical stabilizers so it probably didn't bother with yaw vectoring. Also both the 27 and 25 are used mostly in space anyway so at that point it is just operational preference, for the VF-27's spec ops role the yaw vectoring is allowing more maneuverability where the VF-25 uses RCS/Vernier thrusters for those kinds of turns in space and its role as an all purpose fighter means it doesn't need that specific system really. As for the 17/171 if they can do pitch vectoring then they can do roll vectoring, it is just a case of vectoring each engine in the opposite direction on the pitch axis depending on which way you want to roll (this in combination with vernier thrusters).
  8. I agree with AcroRay as well, people just don't seem to understand we aren't always being shown the final product. I believe it is because they don't have patience and expect the first thing they see to be the finished product so they can decide whether to continue waiting, well not often is there luxury to know how it will turn out in the end until we get to the end.
  9. Possible but debatable, in space moving the limbs won't do much for you though if you aren't giving off any exhaust. In atmosphere it could help though.
  10. Ah I see, I was simply misunderstanding the meaning of 3 dimensional as including yaw which would allow it to cover all 3 dimensions of course since technically pitch and roll only covers two. When I thought 3D thrust vectoring I was thinking pitch and roll but not yaw. For that the engines don't have to vector side to side, just one moves up and the other moves down and you have a roll. If you mean the 22, and by legacy the 27 can thrust vector their engines side to side then I understand what you mean (which would mean they can thrust vector on pitch, yaw, and roll axis whereas others are just pitch and roll). Truthfully though besides for use in space flight I don't see much point to thrust vectoring on the yaw axis when you can roll and pitch for turning in an atmosphere (which is less air resistant), in space though yaw axis vectoring would be very useful. Well officially there is no explanation on what the IVCS actually does there is only guess and speculation. I figured it worked in all modes but I can see why one would think it is a battroid only thing since it was derived from the Q-Raus which are battroid-esque. Also again it depends on whether you are talking about space flight or atmospheric flight. There is no friction or gravity(sort of) in space so inertia is already a little wonky from what we are used to on a planetary level.
  11. Eh I don't really care, I'm going to save up for the DX anyway, the models just might be a cheaper way for me to get a different VF-25. I'm not looking to this for the sake of a model really. However that is not the point for which Excillon is going. I don't like to judge anything by past experience because people and even companies change. For all we know this could turn out really well and it may be one of the first times for Bandai to do that. Than again you may turn out right. That is why we don't want to judge now, we judge later when we know for sure. Still prototype pics for even this anyway. Same goes for the DX, the first prototype pics everyone was screaming how terrible it was going to be, some people like me and others defended it saying we don't know it will turn out like this prototype and no one listened. Then some new images came out showing more recent prototype pictures that were much better with the biggest problems fixed, we all said told ya so and the complainers stopped whining as much. Like I said none of this means I think this model will turn out perfect, it would very well be a piece of crap, but I don't like saying that now before it's done and released, lets wait and find out.
  12. Yeah, I can't spare that much and like I said I'm still in the Standard Definition age, no big HDTV in my home yet and certainly no Blu-Ray players.
  13. I would think 3 dimensional thrust vectoring is more common in newer valks, the YF-19 and most likely VF-19 had 3D thrust vectoring too I believe. What I mean is that in ep.7 at least when you see the VF-27 move it looks as if it is making really sharp and quick turns which makes me think of the IVCS.
  14. The one on the site that they just added is the firefighter Destroid, I don't think they've put any info on Quarter Pounder's Ground Pounders.
  15. Aye, there is something foul in the state of Macross. 27 being based on the 22 would explain why it looks like it might be using an Inertia Vector Control system, but it doesn't look much like the 22, must be in abilities and role as special ops which I agree with you all on that it definitely fits that bill.
  16. They didn't necessarily say they are reanimating old VFs, they just might go through the history of all the Valks with older shots... don't get me wrong I really hope they reanimate all the VFs with new CGI like those screens which I agree with all are so beautiful!!! I want bigger pictures of those. I agree with Gubaba, I have a feeling somehow this will eventually find its way to Youtube or some such thing. Although I'd like to see it legitimately I don't have the money to be ordering DVDs and I don't do Blu-Ray right now anyway.
  17. Well that is what I mean, it is almost clichéd now, lets see something unexpected or at least new and interesting.
  18. There you go, we even have that. However he would have to be careful, Fire Bomber music may make him try to fly again but instead use guitar controls thus worsening his injury since he shouldn't fly and also the guitar controls will just cause him pain because of the pointlessness of it all.
  19. In the news thread I was making guesses about the concept art showing a VF-25S in Alto's colors with what seems to be an armor pack like what Ozma uses but with a BF beam gun. I at first theorized maybe Alto would get an armored pack option like Ozma later on (the beam gun could be something new introduced since they seem to kill these bugs easier), and d3v suggested since it was an S unit perhaps it is hinting that Ozma may go the route of Roy Fokker and Alto takes the mantle Hikaru style. I then said this as a response: I think it is a valid possibility and IMO would make for an interesting but darker story idea.
  20. I kind of hope Ozma doesn't die though, it just seems that it would be pushing the homage envelope a bit. I know this series is already different and I like the homages thus far but I don't want it to go the same way the first show did. Have some things be different. Perhaps Alto is for some reason upgraded to the S unit (hence why it has an armor pack, it seems designed for the S unit) but not just because Ozma might have died. However I am open to the idea (and I suppose this should/could go in the plot theories thread) of perhaps Ozma getting injured enough that he can't fly anymore, but he still lives, that could add a lot to character development as he would feel he is no longer able to protect the people he cares about and he has to get through this personal crisis (I think I will post this in the theory thread).
  21. Hikaru is a good pilot of course, but I think Vermillions good track record probably stems more from Max, who is the best pilot of them all (at least IMO, but I think most would agree), besides Roy at the very least.
  22. No it is well known that sometime before Frontier the government was reorganized into the New United Nations, they said UN Spacy in Plus and I believe in 7 too, though I wouldn't be the one to know for sure. If the kite was there, it was UNS, NUNS has that crescent shaped logo.
  23. Agreed, I think it was an early concept for the armored pack, but the large gun idea was dropped, or maybe we will eventually see it as an add on to the armor pack. By the colors maybe they also plan to give Alto the option of an armored pack instead of just Super.
  24. Good wording, I didn't like that debate, I was in the camp saying it was more like the 19, but they both are like the 19. It is just position of the cockpit that is the same as the 19, the swing hinges on the 25/27 are much like those of the SV-51. To me the VF-27 is reminiscent of the SV-51 in a couple of ways. However the VF-27 and 25 are exactly the same in transformation save for the wings, that is for sure.
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