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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Not likely as the preview shows Alto flying in atmosphere with no FAST packs. I bet he dumps them like we've seen them do before they go into an environment (Although I don't know if the Vajra ship was an environment as they were still wearing X-Gear spacesuits).
  2. I see, so it isn't just my iso/rom (whatever it is called for PS1 emulators) that does that, I just figured my file was faulty but there are actual defective games then? I suppose somewhere there must be an iso or rom that isn't defective as well, but I haven't found it.
  3. Much like the Space Shuttle (yes it has more discernible wings, but trust me it is a brick). However I agree, the armored VF-25 probably cannot use fighter mode in atmosphere, but we know if can fly using Gerwalk as there was once a lengthy discussion about whether or not it had the thrust power to fly with all that mass (and yes we all agreed it does and it can just fine). I bet the regular Super Pack could probably be flown in atmosphere in fighter mode, but the indication I get is that since the super pack increases speed it is probably too powerful which is why it is only used in space (much like other FAST packs in Macross, not counting the atmospheric specific ones for the VF-11).
  4. Well it seems to me I was incorrect, I think maybe L.A.I. is fixing up the VF-27. However it makes since kind of if you think about it. In ep.10 Agent G (Grace most likely at this point) gave Leon all the data he/she had on the VF-27 and we know that that person is Brera's superior so unless G withheld some information he/she might have given all of it to Leon. Perhaps besides the information, in exchange for the mysterious purple crystals, Leon has arranged for the 27 to get repairs when necessary.
  5. I also have a copy of VF-X2 that locks up before the ending, it sucks (I assume your talking rom/iso for PSX emulater as I am) do you know any good version to get, I'd like to be able to actually see it end and unlock the stuff you can unlock from beating it. On topic though, that explanation of VF-X2 is pretty accurate. I believe Critical Path was secretly in league with the head UN officer (the one that turned out to be the real bad guy). I think the idea was that Critical Path supplies the missile lock-on jammer they developed and then the UN guy (I'm calling him that) will use this advantage to stage a coup in the UN for some purpose of his own. It is most likely the reason you were fighting Critical Path was plausible deniability on the UN Guy's part but it is possible the real higher ups in the UN wanted them tracked down as well. Anyway it would seem Black Rainbow figured out what was going on and they sort of attempted a preemptive coup since they didn't have evidence I guess and that is why they were originally seen as the bad guys. Like mikeszekely said from there your leader defects to them and if you do so as well you help defeat the corrupt UN Guy, destroy Macross 13 and save the day. Note if you chose not to join your leader then you fight him, you stay with UN Guy and eventually kill your old leader only to learn he was right all along and you are a total dickweed (hence why it is bad ending).
  6. Indeed, when I have the means to get the ones I want, that is the VF-1 and 25, I plan to make sure I'm getting the right ones. I'd like durability but I think the chunky monkeys are a little too chunky. I think those 1/60s from Yamato are looking quite good, and they will be recent so the QC might not be bad. The upshot to not having the money at the time is I can wait and see if they will turn out good so I know for sure. The VF-25 rolled out new prototype pics recently that is proving (as I suspected) that it is looking very good, and is set for a price of 12600 Yen (roughly $115). Although I've never made a habit of paying over $100 for anything in my collection (of stuff), these would be worthwhile investments I believe.
  7. Yeah the VF-25S does look a little strange, but if you think about it, 11 eps in and we have not seen Ozma's VF-25S onscreen even once without a super or armor pack. The closest we got to seeing his valk without any armor is when he dumped his boosters from his super pack in ep. 3, but he still had the rest on. My ultimate plan is to get either the VF-25S or F (haven't decided but I'm leaning to S) and a Super pack when those come out. Despite the fact that the S is so commonly seen with the armor pack, I prefer the look of the super pack a lot more overall. However maybe someday I could get the armor set as well... it's all money issue to me.
  8. Well I've seen the raw now and I thought this was a pretty good episode as far as story and characters are concerned.
  9. Nice call making 1 and 5 the same thing, heheh. Yeah that is the biggest problem for me, money and there isn't much of it. Room to display isn't a problem, I display other models and figures I have, just no Macross... yet. I have no significant other in my life right now (to my dismay, but enough on that), so it isn't a factor for this. I've never been a completist, that can be proven by seeing my Transformers collection. I am a huge TF fan, but I have probably no more that 15 figures total (all from assorted lines). At least for TF, and probably how I will go about Macross is I don't go collecting all or a lot, just what I truly desire and want to have. As such some of the things in my TF collection I knew I needed to have include Movie Optimus Prime, Masterpiece Optimus Prime (I don't have the MP-04 trailer though), and Masterpiece Starscream (I can say I own something Kawamori designed). So after going through that list it seems mostly a combination of lack of money and that I don't feel I need to have a complete set at all. However I know I need to have a few Valkyies someday, like I said a VF-1 and a VF-25 are my goals for now (I might go for a YF-19 someday, and maybe a YF-21... depends). The Valkyies of Macross represent a lot of the best engineering ideas I've seen for a fighter jet platform (I've mentioned before I am an Aerospace Engineering student) so it is hard for me to not want them for just that reason, Macross being such a fantastic series only compliments that.
  10. Maybe it is just me thinking this since I don't own any Valks now, but I can't see why I'd want so many of the same type. What I mean if if I get a VF-1, I'm more likely to get a VF-1S Roy or a VF-1J Max (or VF-1A Max from DYRL) and then I'd be good on the VF-1. I can't imagine why I'd want to spend all the money on so many of them when the difference is head and color for the most part. However.. I can see me wanting to get more than one VF-25 when that comes out because I like the S, F, and G (don't care for the RVF though) so that will be a decision. Maybe it is because I am low budget and know I'd never be able to get more than one for a long while. Either way it is on my list to get a good VF-1 and a VF-25 when that line is released, looks like the Yamato 1/60 VF-1 line is what I'll go with sometime in the future.
  11. I want a bigger picture of what Morpheus posted, some of that is line art I've seen before but some like the one of the leg looks new to me.
  12. While all true I'd say it was a pretty successful suicide attempt as he died. It was an unsuccessful attempt at taking the SDF-1 and its crew with him.
  13. Oh yeah, she is Basara's accomplice when he goes to Frontier for his farewell tour as he prepares to venture off into parts unknown. However she loses her voice and Basara gets rid of her to try and seduce Ranka instead however Ozma fights back with his Fire Bomber Tribute band and they have a jam session to end the conflict. In the end no one wins but we all die a little inside.
  14. Someone in that situation could make a special Macross World multiplayer game for all members with the game to join and see which of us is the supreme. I of course don't have PS3, but I think that would still be sweet if it happened (come to think of it I do have a friend with a PS3).
  15. He hasn't yet? He's had an extra week to do that already and I think he may have... I don't want to go page surfing for it though. I think I recall something from him though. EDIT: Yeah, he did one already.
  16. Sounds like you want a VF-1S (Roy Focker version) with Super or Strike Parts, I'll leave it to others to recommend scale as I don't actually own any Valks of my own (I wish, me poor).
  17. I too think DS would be a good port, as I have that and not a PSP... which I don't want to have to buy but this game looks so good! Wii can also work for me, you can guess I am a Nintendo user so I tend to vote for those (No way in hell am I buying a PS3, way too expensive for me... PSP could be done I suppose but I don't want to do it).
  18. Ah, it looks so good now I want a PSP, but I can't afford. I could save money for one and this game but I am saving for when the 1/60 DX VF-25 comes out (yes I believe it will turn out well). Hmm.. well maybe I'll just end up playing it late.
  19. Ah I never noticed those outboard missile launchers on the wings, good catch. Looks like our count without the wing missiles at 184 or so remains correct as far as it seems, good to see those screen shots I got you were helpful.
  20. No, nothing is ever known again on what happened to Megaroad-01 or Hikaru and Misa. As for 7... just read the past 2 or 3 pages, it isn't much since the last person to ask about it was right before you.
  21. Indeed, if they are landing on a carrier on an ocean and miss the Valk can survive in water just fine. It will simply switch to Gerwalk, fly out of the water and if landing on the carrier deck in Gerwalk is really out of the question then it flies up, transformers to fighter and tries again.
  22. We can only hope. However this is great news for me, now that Shinsen has all up to ep. 10 I can burn my second MacF DVD, kawaii!
  23. "That'll do pig, that'll do." - Peter Griffin to 'Girl-Chris'(Meg).
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