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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. The VF-25F Battroid is 15.59 meters including head lasers. That would make the battroid model approx. 0.216527 meters which translates to 21.65 centimeters approximately. If you want your measurements in standard then that's around 8.52 inches. By the numbers also if anyone is curious, the 1/60 DX toy would be approximately 25.98 centimeters tall and 10.23 inches or so.
  2. I don't think the Zentradi are necessarily big in the whole plot. Bringing them back was sort of a fan service I think. Also we've seen Zentradi culture before (Fleet of the Strongest Women for example). As for the Presidents line about Zentradi, he probably just doesn't like them as much and as his adviser Leon was telling him to watch what he says. We all know that slightest misspoken word can be the end of a politician's career. As for why the President doesn't like Zentradi, well he seems fair aged, he could have been around when the Zentradi completely wiped humanity off the face of the Earth. Some things are hard to forgive.
  3. Ok, I can't take this. Lets get everything straight here people. The SDF-1 was never destroyed, at all, never. It was damaged badly at the end of Macross but refitted and sat in that lake fine for at least 31 years up to the time of Mac+ which is the last time we saw it since it wasn't shown in Macross 7. The events in VF-X2 do have the rebel UN guys taking over the Macross but they are defeated and the Macross is fine and nothing happened to it, the ship that was destroyed in the game was the Macross 13 which is a New Macross class vessel. Completely different. Now, hopefully everyone knows the truth about SDF-1 now. It was never destroyed unless something happened to it after the events of Mac7 (I assume they would have said if it was lost or destroyed in Mac7 so I think anything that happened was after) and before MacF. Hopefully no one will be confused now about the SDF-1 now that I've straighten this up (not much chance of that though). Now we can continue to guess why the WTF-1 is there, we just have to remember if it is the SDF-1 then something just happened after 2040 (or 2050 if you count VF-X2 like I do) to make it end up there or there is a serious retcon (I hope not). I just want everyone to know the SDF-1 was perfectly fine the last we saw it.
  4. Oh, I thought I saw somewhere that these toys did have some die-cast in them though. I've been monitoring this figs with others in the toys forum for a while, but maybe I just can't remember.
  5. So your guessing it will be like a story telling us how the WTF-1 got there but the main characters still won't know, just we will. That is kind of like in Avatar The Last Airbender when they had the 'Appa's Lost Days' story where we saw what happened to him while he was lost but none of the main characters know about any of that, just the viewers.
  6. To me it just seems to be either laziness in they didn't bother animating those borders or the fact that the times we don't see the borders were earlier episodes so it could be that those borders were all supposed to be there (animation retcon?).
  7. That's what I was thinking of, now SMS doesn't have to pay for yet another gunpod. If it isn't the valkyries Alto has been carelessly using it is the gunpods. to me it makes a bit more sense to have it stored on the leg instead of the arm like past valks have done. Easier to reach on the leg. However storing on the arm works better for transformation, don't have to move it.
  8. These toys do have die-cast in them but I don't know if that is what super alloy means necessarily.
  9. Actually Ozma is more likely going to die having been shot by 3 Q-Reas he didn't see like Shin said, but while he is watching a video of a live Fire Bomber concert. (Truthfully I'm hoping Ozma will survive the series, I don't want to be doing carbon copy plot lines with the original Macross show).
  10. I like this theory actually, makes a good deal of sense. No one can explain away the WTF-1 for now and that might have nothing to do with the original plan. With your theory I'm more willing to go with a secret black-ops section of NUNS (with Grace and Brera as it's main staff) and they are working in the interest of NUNS in this case to help it assert its role like you said. This sounds very Section 31 to me but that is why I like it. (For those who don't know Section 31 was a secret illegal organization in Star Trek DS9 that worked in the interests of the Federation by protecting it from threats even the Federation didn't know existed. They basically pulled strings and did numerous things to safeguard the government without it knowing).
  11. For the record, I see your avatar as Sheryl staring into the sunset, so it does work. That problem happened to me for a while, before I changed to this pic of the VF-25G I had a different one of the G and at first it looked to me like it didn't change but in my controls it did. Eventually my avatar on my posts showed the updated picture. If refreshing the page doesn't work, close out your browser and come back and check. If not then maybe restart computer but I don't think you'll need to go that far, mine just took a little while.
  12. Yes, you are correct. I didn't notice that first so I went to check and it is true. So now we know what the VF-25 battroid can do with its gun when it's not using it. Also, I have pictures to show what Sumdumgai is saying. Gunpod circled in red. This shouldn't need spoiler tag anymore as the episode aired over 24 hours ago. However if I am supposed to have something like that I'm sure someone will let me know.
  13. I believe it was Grace letting him know what Alto was up to. That is how they caught him so fast. I got that impression anyway, it seemed he was talking to an informant of some type.
  14. Agreed, the way I always knew it was that SDF-2 was designed to be exactly like the SDF-1 but bigger, however when the Zentradi attacked the project was halted. After the rain of death and the decision to spread humanity across the stars it was redesigned and made into the Megaroad-01. There was never a completed second Macross class vessel (or if there was and this thing on Gallia 4 is one then we never knew about it). On another note, MisaForlorn, is your changing of avatar just so people will forget about how you so quickly ditched your love of Misa for Klan Klan? You can't run away from your feelings.
  15. Yeah, I can tell it is still a prototype even though these are the first colored prototypes of the DX. I have so far not been disappointed. I am remembering back to the earlier prototype pics we saw of this thing and there were so many people convinced that we were seeing the final product just because we were seeing something. Even now with colored models of the toy we still aren't seeing the final version (probably not even done with that yet since it is for November release). Heheh, patience is a virtue.
  16. I was thinking, maybe this is some copy of the Macross that was created somehow and ended up on Gallia 4, so the original may still be on Earth. I am suggesting here it isn't a copy humans made but just somehow happened (as in something yet to be explained or understood). It's a possibility anyway. However I am kind of liking the twist idea that it is the Earth's Macross that randomly ended up there.
  17. No I didn't watch ep. 13 because I lack the time travel capability to go to next week in order to watch it.
  18. You see when two Fast Packs love each other very much... I'll stop there, you get the idea.
  19. Well why do you think she likes valkyrie shaped backpacks eh? It's because she feels complete with that plane on her back.
  20. Who keeps saying these things, it wasn't the Macross that got hijacked in VF-X2, it was the Macross 13. Which was promptly blown to bits.
  21. It makes perfect sense really, Ranka was just a sub system on a Fast pack booster when the Vajra came and the V-type infection turned her into a 1/4 zentran human hybrid that Ozma had to save now this his Fast packs are useless since part of them turned into a person.
  22. Well that would explain the ears.
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