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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Probably depends on when you are asking that. I don't know if we know who is head of the Spacy as of 2067 but it seems around 2059 Kim Kabirov had the title of Commander of the NUNS. As in one of the original Bridge Bunnies. Plus everything Seto said (kinda surprised he didn't mention Kim, though Commander of NUNS admittedly is a really vague title).
  2. That part isn't entirely inaccurate though to be perfectly honest.
  3. I dunno.. the preorder for Hayate's AX already passed so you might not need to worry about one of them at least lol.
  4. From what I recall cloning and some genetic engineering was used to beef up human population mostly for the emigration projects but after a bit (I think in the 2020s) genetic diseases started appearing as a result and by then they had enough numbers so they decided to put an end to the practice since they could continue the traditional way.
  5. Thanks for this, might be a bit pricier than some of the others will be on preorder day but skipping the madness and being up super early is worth it I think. Made my order.
  6. Actually maybe that's it... Maybe they cut the Siegfried's and gathered the fold quartz together to make a YF-29 and thus have to drop down to the 31AX model for standard use while they set up one super unit?
  7. Yeah but that was like the 2nd time Hayate had ever flown. That's a really low bar lol. I like Mirage a lot, but kinda because she's not the archetypical Jenius and would have to work harder for any skill, which so far she has proven she does not possess innately. There is a lot of potential character depth to explore there.... Not that Delta actually explores that much character depth in anyone. She might be the poster child for "the enemy of being good is being perfect." I.e. she tries too hard to live up to a legacy of amazing pilots that she can barely break even.
  8. It's common in sci-fi amusingly. TVTropes calls this the 'Neglectful Precursors' phenomena. They weren't necessarily bad people, but they had their own issues and when they ended up leaving this plane or died out they just left all their crap behind to be someone else's problem. The Protoculture aren't innocent but they are far from the worst. At least they had the forethought to put some warnings and traps in place for the worst things. They don't compare to the utter neglectful ineptitude of the Ancients from Stargate, who not only have the gall to leave Galaxy destroying devices lying around that are easy to operate and use.. they aren't even technically dead! They are 'Ascended' to energy being and fully aware of everything going on still. They just don't give a crap anymore cause they're jerks.
  9. It's the latter, the Zentradi were designed to not know stuff like that and just use stuff made for them by the factory satellites. After the Protoculture were gone that stuff kept working making new stuff based on existing designs. Nothing changed or upgraded, just got replaced.
  10. From what I've heard from March on discord and Facebook he is planning the Delta section to come out soonish. He's been stalled by a lack of proper line art or something. Still eager to see that site of yours Seto, lol. I of all people can respect the job keeping one busy though.
  11. I wasn't aware 2 weeks of inactivity constituted a revival over just another post lol. Guess it's subjective.
  12. Honestly, watch it all. Good and bad. Most of what is either is subjective. Delta and 7 do have some objective flaws but both have things to like too. I will admit Delta was a big missed opportunity though. You gain little from avoiding things that don't actually hurt you though. It's not like the good parts of Macross are lesser after you see it lol. MII is worth it too. It's a different timeline but I finally just saw the whole thing myself and.. I dunno why I took so long, it's pretty good.
  13. If 06 is Bogue.. it could be part of a treaty arrangement and Windermere is providing fold quartz to Xaos... cause they did kinda lose a war... badly. Also Windermere doesn't have much other bargaining power with it's sorry economy.. might as well trade in Fold Quartz. Question is, is NUNG overseeing that or is Xaos skirting laws? .... Again....
  14. I feel ya on the supers in the show thus far, and the armored indeed. No bueno. I like how these are laid out more though, seems a bit more like the VF-25 Supers. I didn't notice the name placement until it was brought up recently but I admit I wouldn't have known that's what it says on the tail without being told first. So not just you lol.
  15. Frankly I like these colors more, and the new supers are much better.. I might actually get one now. (I have a 31F and 31A but no supers or armors).
  16. I like it.. is this Arad though? His colors are more muted.
  17. Considering this is intentional, no I'd say you aren't, lol.
  18. The helpful answer is, yes it's ok to not like something in the franchise even if a lot of others like it. In fact it's not considered that big a deal in Japan either. I don't understand your reason too even though I personally do like it. Though it isn't my favorite.
  19. Only Flashback 2012 is on there available in the west right now. You might be looking at a bootleg channel with the name "Macross" that's been circulating lately. It's all fansubs (and not always good ones even) on there. So not official.
  20. Duration? Like how long do they wear or display them? They wear what they need until they need to change I expect. If it's a virtual outfit as we know they do in concerts I expect.. they keep them active until they change it. I highly doubt there is a time limit.
  21. Seto beat me by a few seconds, lol. I was gonna say the same thing about how the lildrakens are mounted. It requires an extra piece if I recall.
  22. The wing tips always did fold as such for transformation but the mounting is different for sure. I like this better cause it looks more in like with the centroid than before and more stable like the VF-25 was.
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