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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. *PSST*, it isn't the size of the pic, it is the file size that is too big... and it actually tells me I can't upload it because it is too big.
  2. Dude to needed to see the post I made after the one you quoted, I never thought Bandai couldn't do it. I was just pointing out that they could easily get tips from someone else if they needed help, but I know they don't.
  3. Ranka attack is good, but I was looking for mecha goodness. However that pic is over 300 kb and the avatar settings won't accept something larger than 200 kb.. so it is too big I guess. Unless you can shorten it, I didn't really want the actual stabbing of Temjin anyway, I was more or less just looking for the VF-25F pulling the knife and charging (I'll still save the whole thing though so I have it, it is cool). Thanks either way Shun. EDIT: Nvm that Shun I forgot I can link to it if I upload it somewhere else so I did that. Thanks again.
  4. Actually I didn't mean during SW1, that would be just stupid.. why wouldn't they have helped in the war? No I meant after SW1, or even after Mac+.
  5. 3 animated gifs of Ranka causing Zents to gush out and no one has made that gif of the VF-25F pulling it's knife and charging at Temjin yet... Well hopefully my restating of that will help a bit.
  6. I wasn't thinking of the Megaroad ships as other first gen. When I heard first gen I though of other Macross class ships, that is battle cruisers like SDF-1 and not Megaroad, that may or may not have existed whether we knew about them or not. That is all I was saying. I think it still may be more likely to be the original Macross, but who knows.
  7. I don't think they're bad, I've liked Bandai for years. I think they'll be find on the transforming aspect, but if they really did need help the people at Takara are pretty good at it by now, but I think they're good.
  8. I can't prove this but I too thought the Valks used fly-by-wire systems so maybe he had an emergency kill switch to switch to some sort of manual control for getting down. However I have my doubts even of that, it seems unlikely you could manually control such an aircraft like that. I think Alto got lucky with his landing that the air guided him down gently.
  9. Makes perfect sense to me actually. He refers to revisionist history. It all depends on who is telling the story and how it is being told.
  10. Perhaps Bandai can get transforming tips from Takara, they've been dealing with Transforming toys for almost 25 years now. The best and biggest ones are really complex sometimes and even the small ones are not half back most of the time (depends on which line of TFs though). Of course a Valkyrie is very different from a TF however it is not like they haven't crossed paths before (there are still some Macross-ignorant TF fans that wonder why Jetfire's transformation is so nice and makes him still look cooler than the original Starscream).
  11. I actually do like SMS and the story intrigue it lends to Frontier. So far nothing has been bad about Frontier for me. I was just saying it is kind of sad to see a military force go from being so good to being so inept, even if it is just the hero syndrome with the heroes being a PMC.
  12. Something I thought about while reading March's post. While they said in Macross that the New United Nation Government (NUNG) was formed after SW1, they didn't say the military was then being called the New United Nations Spacey (NUNS), and in fact continued to use United Nations Spacey (UNS) up through Macross 7. Now in Frontier they are calling it NUNS, showing something changed. Perhaps our wondering about how they said it was New in Macross version how it seems only new now was a misconception because we were viewing NUNG and NUNS as the same thing when one is the government and the other in the military. As for the role of NUNS in Frontier, I have noticed and am a little displeased with how incompetent they seem to be now. In Macross, Mac+, and from what I have seen and read about of Mac7 the UNS was a pretty capable force and did a good job (mostly due to the good personnel they had such as Isamu, Max, etc.) but the NUNS can't seem to do anything on their own without calling in SMS to save them. I liked how well the UNS did it's job. For whatever reason they changed to NUNS, it obviously had an impact on their effectiveness.
  13. Can't steal an idea that wasn't proposed previously can you? Still waiting for someone to make the gif though, I'm sure someone will come through. Mikhail was kind of creeped out by how well LAI can make their stuff, it was a good moment. Off topic, but I hope sometime soon we get to see Ozma's VF-25S without any extra armor, it hasn't been shown as such at all in the series so far and we are half way through.
  14. I too noticed the blue trails early on but I just took it to be a new type of missile which uses something else to propel it perhaps. As for atmosphere, eh who knows.
  15. [stuckuprichvoice]Yesss... this Macross II is quite below my league, I wouldn't be caught dead associating with it and those mongrel VF-2SS. My elite Macross membership may cover sound forces and throttle jockeys who can fly with guitars, but I draw the line at this far fetched Marduk war.[/stuckuprichvoice] JK . Actually I don't really have a problem with Macross II, but I admittedly didn't like it that much. Also I haven't even seen more than 1 episode of Macross 7, so I can't really compare that anyway.
  16. Wow, lol. I found myself laughing into submission on that one. Good catch.
  17. Since animated gifs are going around, can someone make me an animated gif from ep.12 of when Alto pulled his knife and charged at Temjin that I could use for an avatar (it can be sized anyway I guess though since that will resize). Kind of goes against my string of using VF-25G avatars but I want something different and I liked that part.
  18. Actually that is something I posted in the theories thread over in Movies and TV. Perhaps Ozma gets injured badly but not killed. However he can not fly again and maybe not even walk or something. That could lead to a lot of character drama for him as he tried to deal with this. Then Alto can get his Valk without him being dead. As for the toy, I am leaning to get Ozma's more than Alto but only if I can get Super parts for Ozma (the armor pack is nice but I like the super more). If they only make the armor pack for Ozma then I'll probably get Alto to get the Super pack. I like you have a tendency to go with darker color schemes, also I'm a sucker for the S type Valk.
  19. Also something to consider. The proposed SDF-2 that became Megaroad-01 was supposed to be almost 3 times larger than the SDF-1, but the WTF-1 looks about the same size as the SDF-1 to me. I still think it is the Macross and some really crazy s**t happened to get it there.
  20. No episode, we are joking about stupid ways Ozma could die.
  21. Except that it is GG that said First Generation. Chihiro just said the first Macross.
  22. I know the story quite well thank you. However you do what you want, it doesn't bother me.
  23. That's from the Chihiro sub though, you should see what it says in the GG sub, it is different. "A First GENERATION Macross unexpectedly appears. When that majestic figures awakens once again, Alto will witness the fate of the planet. Next Time: Memory of Global. Resound through the Galaxy, O song of Tumult!" See, that makes it sound different. Now I am under the impression it is the original Macross, but I am just saying this is why we are discussing this. Also I'm not saying any sub is more correct, I'm just saying, the difference in wording is what has us wondering.
  24. Thing is there has been debate on whether it is saying first Macross ship or first generation of Macross class ships. That is why we are discussing and debunking beliefs of other Macros class ships that don't exist. By using a Sherlock Holmes and eliminating all other possibilities, we are back to the fact that we can only conclude it to be the original Macross (unless there was a second we didn't know about, but in that case we can't determine that).
  25. Unless a new one was built between 2040 and 2059 and that is what WTF-1 is. However that is speculation. By all official data Gubaba is correct there.
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