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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. You have a point, they may attach him to SMS since NUNS has command over the PMC during their state of emergency, I wasn't thinking of that. However it isn't likely even then that he would get inducted into Skull Squadron, more likely he will fly with Skull Squadron. This especially due to the tensions and proverbial bad blood between them. However he will probably just explain it as him following orders and he was not to let SMS do certain things under any circumstances. How he explains nearly killing Klan is hard though, unless he uses the "I knew she would be fine because my precision cybernetic aiming was sure to not mortally wound her." Agreed people, give Ozma a chance, why do you want him to die just because he Skull Squadron leader? He doesn't even act like Roy to other characters. I think he will survive the series myself, but I am open to the possibility of him getting severely injured and still survive. If he were to die I agree Michel is most likely to make leader because of seniority. Alto would have to be promoted from Warrant Officer to Lieutenant (I don't even know if there is a rank in between but I'm not getting into rankings again) for the chance I think since Michel is a Lieutenant but Michel has still been there longer.
  2. Gerwalk Fun from ep.14 It is an odd shot, but it looks nice. This is after he jettisoned the boosters, right before he opens a hold in the ship with his missiles.
  3. Well unless they explain the other method I'm sticking to folding. The Vajra are definitely folding because it looks exactly the same as the folding of everyone else.
  4. Not likely on Brera joining Skull Squadron considering it is part of SMS which is a PMC. Brera is a commissioned officer in the New United Nations Spacy with the rank of Major and flying the most advanced valkyrie ever made (by the looks). I don't think NUNS would let him keep the 27 if he went and joined SMS over NUNS.
  5. I think he was referring to fighter pilots mostly, Macross always shows civilians dying. As for the people on the ships, we have to assume they are always taking hits, even in the extremely one sided ep.7 battle (on SMSs side there) we know there were NUNS fighters off in the distance with other ships but we didn't see much of them or how well we did. Point is we should be seeing if they are getting blown up or not. It is important to see that your not invincible and if it is the enemy winning in a one sided match then they have to lose something too.
  6. Course that Diamond Force should be using VF-22s now. Even if VF-171 became the standard valk for NUNS I don't see why they'd trade in the VF-22 for that.
  7. Actually you have a very good point. Every time it is one side pounding the other and never do both sides get casualties... except for Gilliam, and Raramia. However as far as cannon fodder goes though, it is either Vajra being super strong and killing all the NUNS and maybe one or two SMS or it is SMS domination Vajra and out of nowhere NUNS has a super cool Diamond Force they never used before that pin-point barrier punches the lights out of bugs.
  8. So Ranka is trying to off Ozma with the Pineapple Salad instead of Cathy?
  9. It really doesn't matter in the end as the armor pack was designed to be most commonly used for space where the the stabilizers being up or down wouldn't make a difference. I've got a good screen cap of Alto's armor gerwalk, after he lost the boosters but it still looks nice. I need to upload it before I can show it though but March will probably like it. As for the odd stare when you think like an engineer as I do you can easily see machines (especially jets) as sexy.
  10. It is not exactly a beer can, but we got the homage anyway.
  11. Agreed, some gerwalk modes make me ask why? but the VF-1 never did, and I just can't find much to not like about the Messiah except maybe the lack of internal missiles... but I can live with that because it allows it to maintain it's sexy figure. *waits for people to state at him oddly*
  12. Only if the pilot takes a bite of the steak will be be vaporized after collapsing. Love the attention to detail in that recipe. Now we all know what to do if we wish to... take care of anyone. Good thing the person making the salad seems to suffer no harm from it.
  13. Many of us have already concluding that Ranka is most likely a hybrid Zentran/Human/Vajra/Fast pack. As for Battle 25, I expect we'll see it, but probably last episode or something. Saving the best for last ya know? I was saying in another thread wouldn't it be awesome if in the last episode the Macross 7 battle fleet showed up to support Frontier fleet and Battle 7 and Battle 25 fought side by side, and we got Max and Millia in CG VF-22s. This of course without Basara and Sound Force, even though the Vajra are affected by song in some form I have serious doubts the Vajra will be the main enemy in the final battle. Of course that will never happen but I can dream.
  14. A Pineapple salad is a fruit salad, no vegetables. A standard salad is healthy for you but doesn't taste as good as a fruit one. That is why fruit salads can be dangerous, especially pineapples. I should write a book on the dangers of fruit and mixing them into salad formats. Chapter 1: Never eat Raspberries (tasty, but deadly).
  15. No, I don't want Basara or Sound Force to show up. I don't expect the final battle in the last episode will be against Vajra so I don't know if they'll want musicians but there will probably be singing. However Basara can stay with City 7 where people will listen to his song. I am just talking about Battle 7 and it's carrier group giving Frontier support.
  16. That is what I'd want the most. All this is also why I will probably not buy it at first release. If I am going to have to buy the whole thing to get the armor and super parts then I'll wait till the first set and do that.
  17. Not much chance of that, but a VF-19 maybe. Is anyone else hoping that in the huge battle that will most certainly happen in the last episode that Macross 7 fleet shows up to lend support and we get to see Max and Millia in CG VF-22s? Or am I dreaming to big?
  18. I said this in the episode topic too, but it will go here as well. MAACHIIIDAA PUNNNCH!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. MAACHIIIDAAA PUNNNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I think they dropped it after ep.10.
  21. Irrelevant, the information is there so it is not a spoiler. Who doesn't watch next ep. previews? Or why wouldn't they?
  22. Agreed, instantaneous isn't the right word IMO.
  23. Ha! Good old Max and his need to have eyes on that monitor at all times.
  24. That'll do pig, that'll do.... just having fun. Actually I am in complete agreement with you on that paragraph, I love the details like that, but sometimes the how is important to me too. Also I don't see Fold travel and unoriginal, actually I like it a lot and at times (at least as how I see it working) makes more sense than warp drive to me. I don't actually give the benefit of the doubt to many FTL ideas from shows or movies. All the various forms of hyperspace such as that in Star Wars and others are ok for that work of fiction but I don't generally give it much afterthought because I don't care for it. However I really like fold travel in Macross, and in one of my story ideas I use a modified form of space folding for the main FTL (it isn't as much the same as it is different really). I still don't know if I'm going to write this story into a book, but I'd like to, I just don't think I will because I don't finish these types of things, lol. If you keep plugging your next site update like a sly business man I will..... well just have to check it out..... oh who am I kidding I was going to do that anyway.
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