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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. So... Anyone know when these actually ship? I just see December 2021.. and well.. here we are! Just would like an idea of what days to expect.
  2. More like she was found useful by Grace for the Galaxy plans. Maybe the V type infection wouldn't work as well on a cyborg. Though they did need to sell her as an idol elsewhere where cybernetics wasn't allowed so some of it is that.
  3. This thread exists for this kind of thing. There is never anything bad about being thirsty for information and wanting to know stuff. Especially when we have the fountain of information that is Seto lol. You're fine I think.
  4. Most Interesting...
  5. Everything from Macross II up to Zettai Live yes. Just got announced and done this past week.
  6. I agree but I'm not about to discount the quality of the rest just cause it's not Minmay music. I love SDFM and DYRL too but aside from a couple songs the majority of Macross music I like is from later stuff. So I'm happy.
  7. I know, their reaction is like saying "You aced the test yeah but it's only a 95/100".
  8. It's pretty common these days with dubs of shows with a lot of songs in them. I see it a lot. Though I would be fine with just subtitle releases for Macross shows.
  9. Macross II music was part of the release too. All that wasn't was SDFM and DYRL music, exactly in line with the agreement thus far.
  10. We knew it was coming after all. God I don't have room for all the stuff...
  11. Yeah that's mostly true of me too. I remember the 31A. All those failed NY orders... I got mine through CDJapan though. Still sits on my top shelf.
  12. In general I don't base roughly $300 purchases on whether there is a neat scene in a movie I can't even see yet. It's very much design and the character in general that is what draws me.
  13. I think my confirmation emails from them said it's all EMS shipping. Though now that I say that I can't find clear wording on my order.
  14. Pretty sure there's Hayate, Mirage, Arad, Chuck, and Delta 06 which is likely Bogue (in green colors). Though I think I saw Bogue also had a red Sv-262 so I'm not sure (I have not seen the movie and avoided spoilers thus far). Anyway yeah no Messer or any AX in his black colors.
  15. That implies it would be good at all. I'm thinking not.
  16. For the security of not doing pre-order madness I think it's fair. I ordered Hayate at Luna and I'm thinking of getting Mirage too now before the price inflates.
  17. I've been avoiding spoilers and actually trying to wait so I have no direct comments on the movie itself.. but it seems this has become more and more noticeable in Macross lately. Hell even Frontier, which I love and still think is great, is largely a lot of SDFM references. It helps that they are largely superficial and it still has it's own plot and story that is actually good. Delta has the problem that it can't seem to uphold it's own story and apparently needs to bring in nostalgia factors just to placate fans. This reeks of similar problems in other IPs lately, though for the sake of everyone's sanity I won't specifically call out any here.
  18. That or is an Sv-262 Kai Fire Drakkon flown by Basara, lol.
  19. Yeah if anything it looks more like the Thunderbolt starfury from Babylon 5.
  20. That was such a fun read, and really provides a lot of insight into the technological changes over time in the decades we so quickly skip through in the different Macross entries, not to mention a virtually apocalyptic war effectively destroying civilization we know before that along with all the information of the age. Feel free to do more of this anytime lol.
  21. That was honestly one of the most intriguing stories I've heard from this franchise. Thanks a ton Seto for sharing that for us. Things like this are why I'm so eager to see your site one day, if only you had the time to devote (though I fully understand being busy). I think the best part of the story for me, even though it doesn't have all the usual traits of a classical Macross story (namely music used to overcome conflict and a love triangle, which being a short story makes sense), it still isn't a gritty Gundam style war drama that it feels like some fans want. It's not about a desperate war glorifying violence and strife, it's about the NUN Spacey doing what it does best to save lives. The fighting was just a means to that end. Really hammers home the excellence of the NUNS that we have lost sight of with recent series focus on PMC groups. These people are the real deal.
  22. It's a dub flub, it's supposed to be Shinsei Industries, and is in the sub. In English the script must have been messed up cause he just says Industries.
  23. I think she was 16 in the show, 18 in the movie.. same as Max.. not a clever fact but.. that's still the truth.
  24. I'd bet this is on point. Toei does the same with their Tokusatsu youtube channel, it's pumping out classic shows from across the genre, including lesser known Metal Heroes shows and the much more locally famous Kamen Rider franchise. No Super Sentai there though, likely cause Shout Factory seems to have a licensing deal now. Toei has also been hammering down on fansubbers lately too. Still it tells me that plus Seto's note on Gundam gives an idea of how Japanese media companies seem willing to use Youtube as a viable source of international release aside traditional international licenses. I for one am all for it, but I am a bit biased I suppose lol.
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