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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. If you really don't know I think you need to pay more attention. I believe "Yack Deculture" translates to something like "What Deculture." The Yack Deculture edition of episode 1 of Frontier in specific is the entire Episode 1 with all the parts form Deculture edition and the broadcast edition all put together from the new DVD releases. 1.22G is.... well it means the file is 1.22 Gigabytes... That shouldn't have been that hard.
  2. They were seen in ep.7 as well. I just assumed other pilots from Galaxy who are probably also cybernetically augmented.
  3. The book is a monthly subscription to Train Otaku Life, the biggest resource for all your Train collecting needs.
  4. Ever the optimist. I bet he is still waiting for Klan to show up at his door step, at which point MisaForNaught will lose all control of his bodily functions. That would be a funny scene. In all seriousness though I too hope that one day it does get licensed here... just as long as it isn't under the name Robotech.
  5. And I just finished viewing with subs. That made a lot more sense. Apparently they don't need any older methods of transmitting music anymore (such as open Zentrandi communications or speaker pods and sound boosters), apparently Aimo emits tiny fold waves somehow... I don't get that much. And we now have a name for the purple crystals, Fold Quartz! However despite Bilra telling this to Alto, we still don't know anymore more about it. It seems very clear Bilra told Alto a lot of stuff that we have yet to be told though, I hope we won't have to wait long.
  6. It is called "Welcome to my Fan Club Night" by Sherly/May'n. It is on OST 1.
  7. I didn't think pets were illegal, just that tampering with wild animals is against and ecological law.
  8. It's not even what is depicted in that third pic but I am suddenly thinking about an teenage non-chibi Klan going to an all Meltran school. Weird.
  9. Like I said, I am content. I think it has been 12 hours so the spoiler time should be done... I'll wait for Azrael to give the offical announcement of that though.
  10. Well the biggest TV in my house is about 27 inches, and none of the ones we have are HD. In fact, none of them are even flat screens. They aren't exactly the newest TVs around but that is because the money doesn't exist for me to have the latest stuff. However I don't really care. Like I said I am content with what I have. I would definitely get better if given the means but I don't need to go out of my way for it. As for the episode, once being able to watch it in better quality I was able to enjoy it more. There is still a lot I don't get which I need subs for, so I wait for those.
  11. There are some design aesthetics that do hearken to the 51, true. The gunpod is like that because it is actually an energy converging beam gun. It also has a rapid fire mode but it is still energy based rather than projectile like normal gunpods. The holographic cybernetic piloting interface seems reminiscent of the YF-21's BDI system but more advanced. Also the 27 moves at speeds a normal human can't handle so only cybernetically augmented pilots like Brera can fly it.
  12. Well not everyone has HD TVs in the 37 inch or higher range. Give me a large sack of money and then we'll talk about proper viewing capability. Until then I'm content with my computer's LCD monitor which gives me a pretty clear picture, and in the end that is all for which I ask.
  13. I understood the size differences when they were said but seeing a picture detailing the difference is always very helpful to see how much bigger it really is. Though I didn't have that much trouble in the end.
  14. I thought MBS was the first broadcast... I never was able to figure it out... I usually just wait for an HD raw whenever it happens.
  15. More like if the YF-24 and the VF-22 had kids. Seeing as the VF-25 has a wing structure different form the YF-24 but the one on the VF-27 is nearly identical to the 24 expect that it adds the wing engines. The general outline of the 27 has been said to take from the VF-22 including the use of 3 dimensional thrust vectoring. I'd say the transformation mechanics that the YF-24 has (and thus what the VF-25 and VF-27 have) being derived from both the SV-51 and the YF-19 and the fact that it is purple like Nora's plane is the only thing really linking the 27 to the SV-51.
  16. Finally, now I can watch this correctly. In 1280x720 HD goodness. I think this will allow me to enjoy it more.
  17. I watched the veoh and I had to vote neutral on this one. Maybe I'll like it better when I can see it in better resolution and with subs so I can understand it more. Aside from that decent episode.
  18. I too prefer HD raws as I can do 1280x720 without resizing but I will watch it on Veoh if I have to. I just get a better one later for screen caps or what not. I have to wonder though how it got to Veoh before any torrent site, usually it is the other way around and everything on Veoh is uploaded from people with the torrents.
  19. What makes you think you can sick Klan on me? Klan loves me.
  20. I took screen shots from the Movie and OVA ep.2 respectively. They are not subbed by the same people from the looks so there could be discrepancy. However that is unlikely and the images seem to speak for themselves. Image from Movie Image from OVA ep.2 Seems pretty conclusive. Sorry Sulendil, looks like you need to start prepping that steak. For what it's worth, I thought you were right.
  21. No Raws yet? This is unusual... reminds me of when ep.7 aired and there was no one giving us raws until the TBS airing.
  22. Who is complaining, not that I am likely to look into it (I doubt I'd be able to find it if I were) but I don't have a problem with it.
  23. I know what you mean, for a split second I thought they may be VF-0s but I wasn't sure, then I was thinking maybe it was just the Sheryl and Ranka 25s.
  24. Eh.. it was bound to happen sooner or later...
  25. I get the feeling that was more of an extended trailer really. It was completely awesome. I did see the VF-19 and 22 in there (or were they the YF-19 and 21?) but no transforming for them. I think there is definitely more than this.
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