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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Fair enough, I didn't actually read the first post, just looked at the pictures. None the less I made my choice.
  2. I think Raisin Bran is not that bad actually but I know what you mean... I like Cap'n Crunch as well. You know, actually when I watched Robotech, before I converted to Macross, the only thing I thought was good about the music was the opening song. Aside from that I didn't care about the music at all, and I especially didn't see it as playing that important of a role. Matter of fact I hated Minmay, thought she was the most annoying. In Macross I like the music and I can see how important it is to everything, and for some reason here Minmei isn't nearly as annoying to me, I can tolerate her a lot more in Macross. Of course we all agree Minmei's robotech songs were pretty bad I think.
  3. I admitted I saw Robotech first, but I still like all the Macross music overall, including the opening. It isn't the MA-KU-ROSS thing that gets me, it is the other parts actually. Especially with translation and you know what he is saying, I like those parts. Especially the part of the song when the Macross is shown firing it's cannon in carrier mode (which is a great shot btw because it never actually does that in the show).
  4. I could probably learn computer drafting abilities in my trade to effectively design things but drawing ability would be very helpful. I did a psedo-Valk design based off a MiG once. It actually wasn't designed to be a Macross valkyrie but it was inspired by them for something else so I was adding gerwalks. However I was putting less emphasis on gerwalks for these because they were supposed to be technologically lacking in that department compared to Macross valkyries. Long story really. Canards on the chest, reminds me of the VF-9, except that is wings on the chest. I don't much care for the VF-9, but canards on the chest will probably look better than the main wings. Ideas on how to make these work? You mean design wise or as in how to make them fly? I figure you mean the first but I'm just curious. I like to look at all aspects sometimes. Yeah, valks need gerwalks really, it's kind of a staple. I once did a concept for a movie Jetfire, long before any information about TF2 came out. Ironically after extensive mental retooling (meaning I was changing the design in my head, I do that a lot) the jet mode ended up looking close to an SR-71, and now Jetfire is supposed to be in Revenge of the Fallen as an SR-71. Perhaps I have ESP, lol. Of course that has never been explicitly confirmed beyond an SR-71 transformer being in the movie, no official source said it was Jetfire, people are just hoping.
  5. The Macross 13 was cool, even though it was on the enemy side and got blown up. It is still a carrier technically. I voted for Saratoga II though, I like that design more than the 3 listed.
  6. Of which are you in favor? Your sentence implies you like the RT theme then you go on with the Macross lyrics, or is that sarcasm?
  7. BOMBAA! But seriously, I also started with Robotech. Mind you I only ever watched the Macross Saga because that was the only part that looked good and I was in love with the VF-1 when I first saw a picture of it (imagine what happen when I saw the stuff from Plus and 7), so it was somewhat destiny that I'd eventually find the real Macross and re-devote myself to that. I watched Japanese anime before Robotech or Macross so it was easy for me to like Japanese music and when I first heard the Macross theme song play out I was mesmerized. Now whenever I hear the Robotech theme it doesn't do anything for me anymore, it did once, but no more.
  8. Ooh, I like that, a 1/5000 scale Battle Frontier like the SDF-1 had... well actually that was pretty small, maybe a bigger scale, I don't know what but I'd like to have a Battle Frontier toy. You had your chance, she is mine now, Muahahaha!!!
  9. Molto bene! Thanks very much Whispo.
  10. Hold it... quoted for reference. You want a virtual Sheryl program instead of Macro Klan??? You can resize the hologram of macro Klan to your specifications probably. I am surprised you want Sheryl... well if that is the case I'm taking Klan, called it!
  11. Impressive design.... I am an Aerospace Engineering student so this is the kind of thing that really gets me going. I love seeing people designing their own things, their ideas and all that. It is an unusual shape for a Valkyrie but I like it, a lot of though went into this. I say more pics, some gerwalk as well. Keep up the work, this is good stuff. If I had any drawing ability I would be posting a lot of my own designs (I actually have not done a Valkyrie concept of my own, but I have hundreds of other things). I may do a Valkyrie concept now, but most of my stuff has been locked away in my head. I just can't draw well enough. Ironic isn't it, the guy that is studying to be an engineer has trouble with drawing... I'll have to get better at it at some point. I'm not too bad with technical 2D drawings actually but I cannot do three dimensional drawings if my life depended on it. I mostly design space craft from small transports to large battle cruisers and everything in between but it doesn't mean much if I can't articulate it into a visual medium I suppose. Well anyway you are doing good with this one, looking forward to seeing something more.
  12. Technically she didn't make the apples, she just carved them into animals.
  13. LMAO, I love that scene. I am watching the original Macross for the first time and I am on ep.30 so I can't wait to see that again. I saw it in Robotech version of course and I thought it was funny even then. I don't know if the Zentradi says anything like in the RT version but it is still one of my favorite moments.
  14. Hey, can you make me one from ep. 17? I've been trying to request this one lately but most people were busy, which isn't a problem, but if you are doing it than I'll ask. It is when Ozma slices at a Vajra with his knife, shoots it with lasers then chases it and kills it by throwing the Vajra's own leg at it, followed up by his heroic 'Enka' stance in front of the explosion. I've tried to make this one myself but the file size always ends up around 2 MB and I think that is too big, you may be more knowledgeable about this stuff than I. If that is too big then the part where Ozma kills the Vajra with it's leg and the explosion will do, but I hope you can get the whole thing. I don't remember the timing off the top of me head but I'll look it up, however I do have a video clip I made of that part of the episode so if you want I can upload that and let you see that, it is basically what I am looking for directly from the episode.
  15. The table with the apples suddenly appearing is a bug, but the bit with Luca was a flashback to episode 3, I remember thinking that when watching the raw.
  16. Or maybe Max was just showing off because he's like that. Granted this means Exedol also showed off in Fleet of the Strongest Women, transforming the ship just to purposely misfire.
  17. Naw, it's more like.... KLAN Heheh, .
  18. The solar power wouldn't do for propulsion you are right. And since Nuclear propulsion is so efficient anyway why not let it power you at the same time. However having solar panels or sails that can be deployed in emergencies when it needs power (like saw if the legs are blown off) is a possibility.
  19. Just finished watching Raw... OMG!!! This episode was frickin' awesome!!! Waiting for Subs to go more in depth on all the stuff that happened this week. DECULCHAA!!
  20. Good catch, that does look like an NMC in Storm Attacker mode. I think there is hope yet for seeing Battle 25 in action. Though I had hope, but I think it may be limited to the final battle.
  21. The cars are most likely replicas or reconditioned units. It is apparent by the sounds they make that they don't use internal combustion engines anymore (thank goodness).
  22. The focus of this episode is Ozma coming to terms of Ranka growing up and becoming independant and how he is learning to let go and not be so protective, even though he will always be there for her. The whole point is he would go to death's door and back to make sure Ranka is safe. Also he didn't want her in harms way be having Frontier use her singing to fight the Vajra which is why he makes a big display of fighting them off without music (not including 'Try Again' in the background).
  23. Would it be noticeable? I'm not sure really but how many potential Meltrans are there here?
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