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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Your answer is in the 5 or so posts before this one really. Those 20 or so pages must have blurred together nicely as you were reading all that.
  2. Correct on Battlestar Galactica. The BSG acronym didn't become popular for Galactica until the new series I believe, so it isn't surprising a lot of people don't know what it is referring to, especially if they haven't seen the show. It does all depend on the purpose of the song and scene as dreamweaver said, but Fire Bomber has many types of songs and not all are upbeat. They probably have the biggest assemblage of songs so far out of all the Macross music stars. Totsugeki Love Heart is a good fast paced song but if you want something slow and mellow go with My Soul for You.
  3. Give her some Klingon forehead ridges and that name would work. I agree though, this is wrong.
  4. Tigh's job is to shout "What the Frak!" and get drunk. So that works with me. Though really all of them will probably be saying "What the frak!" because they are suddenly hearing Japanese music. It is interesting your doing this crossover because many times in the past I have wondered about the universe of BSG and thought how similar it seems to Macross in some respects and then I think, wouldn't it be interesting if the Galactica fleet got to Earth it was Earth post SW1. The universe is infinite so Galactica and the Cylons could have easily been jumping around everywhere and never encountered a single Zentradi, Earth Colony ship, SA remnant, or Vajra the whole time. Then there is the similarities between the jump system and fold travel (well the way I see fold travel, which isn't necessarily by Compendium standards).
  5. BOMBAA! Specifically I'd go with Totsugeki Love Heart, that is my favorite Fire Bomber song. It depends on what impact you want the music to have. Each of these artists did different things with their music, it was just along the same lines. Minmei might work for the first time heard or Basara's music can overwhelm them while sounding really awesome, or with Sheryl/Ranka who are entertaining to listen.
  6. Master Dex

    Yamato Prices

    They are probably worth the prices charged when they are fixed versions, i.e. no breaking shoulders and stuff that seems to happen on a lot of first releases. Though I hear the new 1/60 VF-1s are pretty good for first release. I'm not the best resource though as I don't own any valks, but someday I will have more money and I will get the ones I want... someday.
  7. I have a built up library of all the episodes Raw and subbed and I can make video clips so if you ever need quick stuff from any episode (including screen shots as I am good at those) then I can help there. In the future to save hard drive space I may end up taking away the raws but for now I keep everything (I may just get an external hard drive to put everything in).
  8. I think this is because what we see on Brera in cockpit is VR. We've seen he is in a traditional looking cockpit briefly when he was hit in ep.13 and it quickly showed Brera was in a normal looking cockpit with a suit and all that for a split second. I think Brera is jacked in like the Matrix almost like the dock controllers in Zion during Matrix Reloaded, sitting in the chairs but controlling the functions in a VR control room. So I bet Brera in the actual cockpit has a 'fold shadow' as I am calling it but we don't see it in his digital cockpit.
  9. I originally saw it as a good avatar because it was sort of a bad ass moment for Ozma. The guns and the nukes don't work so he rips the bugs arm off and kills him with it. However it is funny as well.
  10. That is a point, despite Japanese standards in the future after Earth and humanity was nearly decimated, no matter how well they got back on track later with Zentradi assistance and cloning their ideals may have changed. Mao being older than the man very well may not matter.
  11. That's not a bad idea. Those as Jenius said before me Mao would be considered old for Ranzou. Still though it would solve the love triangle the way Star Wars did it, one of the girls is the heroes sister, lol. It also wouldn't bother me because I have been rooting for Alto and Sheryl. Not that I don't like Ranka, she's great, I just can't see her and Alto together.
  12. I thought episode 4 said it was the 12th Frontier Miss Macross? Which would mean it was launched in 2047 assuming they did a Miss Macross every year since launch.
  13. More than likely considering Macross 7 was gold in Japan. Like I said on that though I would love to see Battle 7 assisting Frontier but I don't think it will actually happen. I'd also like to see Max in a VF-22 in Frontier but I doubt that as well. It would detract from the characters of this show and would be superfluous in that they needed the stars of the older shows to pull off an ending. These people need to do their own show and I believe they can.
  14. From what I can see there were only 2 Fire Bomber songs played in this episode.... There are like 50 Fire Bomber songs in total (I don't know how many in actuality) and I believe there must be a time in M7 where they played at least 2 or 3 songs in an episode. Hell I think the first episode (the only one I've seen) had 3.... Planet Dance at the concert, I think there was another one at the concert before the battle and Totsugeki Love Heart during the battle I think. I'm not entirely sure.
  15. Besides the fact that was Quarter as was pointed out, Battle 7 has nothing to do with this show. The only NMC in Frontier is Battle Frontier itself. I don't see why Battle 7 would randomly show up (Actually I'd love to see Battle 7 show up as reinforcements in the final battle, Battle Frontier and Battle 7 side by side would be legendary, but I doubt it will happen).
  16. Good consistency then. The 'Fold Shadows' are kind of like the double vision thing but they don't go back and forth, they just stay there. I'd actually find that a little creepy if I were seeing that.
  17. Kl... MisaForever, is anyone original a member of the Clan of Klan now a member of K.L.A.N.? I still have my sig saying I support her after all, just saying.
  18. I just watched the GG sub, and after having seen the episode while knowing what they are saying I still say this was a really good episode. It moved the plot along in that Frontier finally did something by getting away from where the Vajra kept attacking them (and finally leaving that frakking gas giant that they've been orbiting since ep.1!) even though we all believe the Vajra are not the true evil. That is Grace's title now more than ever. Ozma is in denial that Brera could be Ranka's real brother but it would seem obvious even to him I would think. It seems next episode is a character episode with no Vajra. That makes sense as the whole point of the fold was to get away from the Vajra. They are hoping now that the Vajra won't be able to follow them since they killed all the attackers with the Macross Cannon (about damn time, now we need some transformation!) before folding. Of course there is that little situation with those hatching eggs somewhere on Frontier and that... whatever it is at the end of the episode. Probably gonna bring the Vajra back, but I have a good feeling at least in the last episode the Vajra will be on our side against the real enemy, which will presumably be Galaxy. I am looking forward to Battle Frontier vs. Battle Galaxy, Super Dimension Fight of the Century! I feel incredibly sorry for Sheryl man... she will come back, she will survive! As for the new opening, I like Lion, sounds good to me. I can't wait for OST 2 (October right?) to come out, there has been a lot of stuff since OST 1. I like Northern Cross a lot as well. This is just a side note really, but something I found interesting with during folds you see the charged particles passing through the ship and everyone has those 'fold shadows' (I just made up that term, fan copyright!). Odd I don't remember seeing those in ep.6 or 7, at that time I thought maybe it was a special thing from ep.1 Deculture, but now it seems to be a normal thing. In retrospect though we didn't really see the people during the fold between ep.6 and 7 really. I think the effect is cool though, kind of the modern day version of that double vision effect you saw on people during folding in SDF Macross. I don't know if any effect was used in Macross 7 since I haven't seen it.
  19. Never dream of it. I'd like to see more Frontier as well, but we must be wary that the plot may fail to hold that long. I just want to see a good story, regardless of episode count. After series end there will probably be some movie and even if not Frontier, some OVA between now and 5 years is very likely.
  20. I wasn't going to bring that up... partially because I never did figure out what that is. Regardless the odd fact that each series is the whole 6x6 and 7x7 would be interesting (if ignoring Encore). However though, Macross was supposed to be shorter initially. I mean sure it did air 36 episode but it isn't like it planned to do this whole square thing. Or may it did but it is reworking it. At 25 episodes Frontier is 5x5, thus making it 5 through 7. It doesn't make much sense to do it like that instead of going to 8 but it fits. This being if you don't count Deculture edition of course which makes the whole thing 26.
  21. I think that was supposed to be a flashback in that scene though...
  22. You can barely see them in the avatar (the boobs that is)... As for Gubaba's episode number logic, remember that for Macross 7 there was technically 52 episodes. Even if those last 3 aren't really related to the main story, Encore is still part of the show proper.
  23. Well SDF-1's bridge was never meant to be the head of a giant robot. The NMC carriers were designed to transform initially, whereas the SDF-1 wasn't. This despite an odd modular block system that seems to serve no purpose besides rerouting power to the main cannon and happens to make the ship look humanoid.
  24. I would think you'd like Dr. Chibi-Klan from ep.18 (it was sort of a pun but not that much, if that doesn't make sense don't worry about it). Or something from ep.17 with her school uniform and all that.
  25. GG sub is out! Also the script file on their site is out as well.
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