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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. In that light you could say why do they bother making any valkyries in colors other than the hero ones we've seen throughout the run, such as Focker Yellow, Hikaru Red, so on and so forth. Although color is probably not the reason as Gamlin was flying Milia's VF-1J in Macross 7 ans he still got shot down where she wouldn't. So why so they give valks to all these people who aren't main characters? It what we've been calling the cannon fodder background characters, they are everyone and pilot Destroids and well as Valkyries. However I agree with you Destroid would seem to be more heavily armored since they can't transform or fly (for the most part), so it is a wonder that CF Destroids go down as easily as CF valks.
  2. As for G's hurting them in these high speed manuvers... well while they've never mentioned it in Macross I don't think it hurts to assume that there is some technology like an inertia canceler or damper. Yes it sounds Star Trek because they use the term more than anyone but a lot of Sci-fi stuff uses inertia canceling technologies so they can have their ships do crazy things without having to find a reason for all the people not being piles of blood on the walls and floors of the ship. It would seem at times Macross doesn't have this kind of thing, especially in M+ movie edition but it may and Guld crazy maneuver there was too much even for the technology as he had to out do a very advanced machine AI.
  3. I'll look into getting that ep.1 scene for you Whispo, I haven't looked into my software problem but hopefully it was a random glitch. I am just now downloading the first HD raw for 20 and haven't seen the ep yet or read anything in the ep.20 topic but the way people are talking here it sounds pretty good... hmm, depending on what I see I may have a request as well... but it depends. EDIT: Gah, just realize I misread the listing on the torrent site, there is no HD raw for 20 yet.. guess I'll be waiting some more... I don't do HorribleRaws...
  4. This talk of fold bombs and such reminds me Star Wars did have a FTL weapon of sorts, but only in the expanded universe, not the movies. It was called the Galaxy Gun and it fired a projectile that went into hyperspace (and was pretty fast as well) and then is left hyperspace when it got to it's target, which was usually a planet as it was designed to be a planet killer like many things in Star Wars. When it left hyperspace it hit the planet with great speed coming out and with what the projectile had aboard created a chain reaction of explosions about as or more powerful than many megaton nuclear explosions that swept over the entire planet until there was nothing left living. I can't remember how it kept up all the explosions and this is really only a broad explanation. With this though the gun itself can stay at one point and target planets anywhere. If I recall correctly it was one of Tarkin's pet projects aside from the Sun Crusher (which isn't as amazing as it sounds) and the various Death Star work he was involved in (and died on), but I know that Palpatine's clone used it some number of years after Return of the Jedi.. I believed R2-D2 destroyed the Galaxy Gun by crashing Palpatine's really big ship into it (R2 survived though). R2 is by far the coolest character in the entire Star Wars universe. Anyway, enough of that, back to Macross. I just thought I'd bring that up since we were talking about weapons that utilize FTL technologies.
  5. Ok you may have that point but don't assume I haven't seen the show in ages. Matter of fact I just watched the original series for the first time in it's original format (that is japanese with subs) very recently. I wasn't thinking of any specific episodes when I made that comment is all, I was thinking in a broad spectrum. Matter of fact when I thought of music saving the say in each series for Macross I pictures the Battle of the Bodol Zer Main fleet above Earth in ep. 27, yes it isn't the final episode but I think it counts for that. And I agree with Gubaba. Although I will have to admit when I first read a broad description of Macross 7 and how so much more involved the singers were in the story than in the other stuff I didn't like the idea, but now watching the show I don't have any problem with it. It is like Basara often says: I just didn't get it, but now I do. I was blind but now I can see how and why important song is to everything in Macross.
  6. I was thinking of series only really, but that is a good point.
  7. To add to that, Pegasus doesn't have retractable flight pods because it probably has a later and better model of the FTL engine.
  8. Are we to assume then that pineapples can in fact drain spiritia?
  9. Forget the Catgirls, your always going on about the catgirls. If it is bad to put real physics into anime isn't it worse to assume you can hurt fictional anime feline-girl hybrid? I'm just saying . Wolfx They never said but after we've seen the VF-25 does in fact have pinpoint barriers and the way the pin point barrier punch was animated on the VF-171 it is all but obvious that that knife is enhanced by a pin point barrier.
  10. I think you misunderstood Gubaba. What they meant was that if Frontier ended with BFG's saving everyone it would be original, implying that all the previous series had everyone being saved by a pop idol, Minmay included.
  11. My likely too, saved.
  12. Or maybe this show will do something original and not the same thing any of the other series have done. Just a thought.
  13. Dude that is creepy, I am definitely going to read your fanfic. That's some good stuff. I assume that was Sharon Apple there.. what could she be doing with Supervision Army ships I wonder, I guess I'll have to wait and see.
  14. Agreed, the target may have moved by the time the weapon gets there. Then you waste your shot. Something that can seek out targets far away and fold to them maybe but then it is close to AI and we know how the people of both Macross and BSG feel about AI.
  15. I'm on a Fire Bomber streak because I am now in the process of watching Macross 7 for the first time, and actually enjoying it a bit (it helps that I like the music), but the story doesn't bother me as much as I thought it might. Watch the episode counter in my sig, it gradually goes up as I watch more, I am 15 episodes in right now and like 200 episodes to go (or so it seems).
  16. Ok then, meanwhile hopefully I'll have this problem figured out for whenever something else is needed. I don't think it is anything big though.
  17. I'm just going to go ahead and clip that video from the episode, I bet Whispo will find it useful for that. EDIT: I seem to be having trouble with my video editing software, Whispo if you need the scene for timmystyle's gif I'll try and get it to you when I can, I just have to figure out what is causing a problem with my clipping the video from the episode.
  18. That would be a good thing to remember. However he is right about that, this place is rather friendly to newcomers. I first joined here just so I could have full access to the forums and lurk but I joined in on discussions eventually and became a part of this community rather quickly.
  19. I have read that is indeed the age of consent but from what I know it isn't common for that to be put to use so early on (as far as I know only in hentai is that really done). I don't know if 13 year old girls go out with older men often or not. I am not Japanese nor do I live in Japan or ever have, so I cannot claim to really know anything. However I have read that is the consent age there. I can only assume how things work beyond that and based on about what I've read.
  20. If he had to ram the bridge with something he's just use his VF-25 because you know they'll give him another one eventually.
  21. And don't take your eyes off that monitor!
  22. That may be the same quality of the movie I have, heheh. But, yeah it is still good, thanks man.
  23. Even at 13 in Japanese society this isn't really that bad of a thing. The age of consent in Japan is 13 so at the very least it is legal. Who knows how far that relationship really went. Of course the shows take place in space and are not necessarily directly related to Japan, but since they are Japanese made shows this is why we are seeing older men with teenage women so often. If it were made in America the show wouldn't be doing anything time same I doubt. Either way, this doesn't bother. Though it is an interesting bit of information.
  24. Subs appearing wouldn't bother me all that much really. However on that topic assuming you have a nice quality version of Macross Plus, I'd like to have the part where we first see Isamu transform the YF-19 from Fighter to Battroid (it is right after he draws the Dino bird in the sky) and although going faster than Basara's transformation in the gif before it is an interesting angle on it. I know this is in the movie because that is where I noticed it but it may be in the OVA version too, I just can't remember because it has been a while since I've seen the OVA. Thing is I don't want this in avatar size as I am content with what I have so perhaps you can make me a large version like you have been doing for my friend Mr March (I'm sure he would probably find it interesting as well). The size of it isn't a big deal for me as long as it isn't bigger than 1280x720 but I don't think that will be a problem . I actually have the M+ movie but it is of a rather low quality, it is hard to find good quality of the older Macross stuff these days (without buying them on DVD that is), and I don't want to use rapidshare (well I don't want to pay and the free service would take months to download anything of worth).
  25. Some people are beyond help, mm hmm.
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