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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. The shoulders look just like the CGI model to me. I guess I'm just not good at finding the flaws in everything. Still, looks really great. I want to know when the Michel valk will be released because if it isn't long after the Ozma release in November I might wait and get the Michel because I want that. However if it will be a while I might get Ozma... but then I need to know if the armor parts will be separate like the super. Decisions Decisions.
  2. It is supposed to have a woman's body. You have never heard of planes and ships called a she? The VF-25 has an elegance about it that doesn't work if it were trying to be representing a male body I think.
  3. Hmmm.. I like that Alto's super parts are speperate. I like more than Michael's valk with come with super parts. However I really want Ozma valk, I need to know more. I also want to know when 2nd wave Michael and Luca come out.
  4. I think he meant to put Plus in on that fourth item but forgot.
  5. I'm thinking of asking for one from any of the VF-25 or VF-27 moments in 21, they were really nice. However I don't have any specific idea for what I would want.
  6. Galaxy is Calling me comes before Dynamite. Dynamite is in 2047, GiCM takes place during the show run which was 2045-2046. I'd just want the show, Encore, Movie, and then Dynamite. I understood the finale of Zero... I understand that it is highly open ended, so it can mean almost anything, but I can understand that.
  7. I just finally watched the raw, waiting for subs still. I liked this episode a lot, pulled at the strings just as much as 20. I feel really sorry for Klan, I can't imagine what that feels like, hope I never will have to find out. There was a lot of mecha eye candy to see here, including Valkyrie Klan as I am calling her. I am guessing the Fast packs were modified to fit on flight suit areas and she controlled them differently, it doesn't need to be complicated or magic to work. I am going to be taking some screen shots of this episode for sure. I kind of understand Ranka's reason for leaving, but I'm not going to get involved in the whole Ranka or Alto hate thing that is going on. I easily understand Alto's reasoning for wanting to shoot Ai-kun on sight, Klan would definitely have done the same. True Alto needs to eventually realize that we can probably co-exist with the Vajra, but he just isn't read for that, they killed one of his best friends and many others. It will take time guys (by the end of the series specifically). Note: Edit: nevermind
  8. I suggest episode 1, that is where I started. I am only up to 24 now (see sig for continuing count), but I'm planning on just watching the whole 49 episodes first, then Encore, movie, and Dynamite.
  9. Looks like you have a few new profiles to make for M3, that Stampede VF-171 and Valkyrie Klan.
  10. Looks like a cross between the VF-22 and the VF-4, interesting.
  11. I like LowViz's idea, because I don't always bother to read people's pessimism speculation and I just want to see if there is any new info. However I like to give speculation sometimes as well.
  12. I think Sivil is more interested in Basara though, despite what Gigile wants.
  13. There was no reason for it to not be in Super packs. I just wouldn't fire those extra engines as it might be too much, especially with a 2000 ft limit in Island 1 (I haven't seen ep.21 yet so I don't know much).
  14. I always assumed the reason they disappeared and reappear in the Miclone chambers is because it was cloning a new and larger (or smaller) body and transferring their consciousness. Or something to that effect.
  15. Even though any gifs of the Battle Frontier transforming and firing the Macross cannon will all no doubt be above the size limit, I still would like to keep our deal on that. Perhaps in a large gif form since they will most likely not be avatars.
  16. That is why I've not preordered anything. I am waiting until it is out to see how it will work.
  17. He really doesn't pay much attention. It is a rather large flaw.
  18. Also something to remember, Komilia had strong bones due to being a Zentradi-Human hybrid so it stands to very good reason that Zentradi have even stronger bones.
  19. Well having all 4 engines with thrust vectoring certainly helps it make such tight turns in space. You don't lose speed in space as easily as in air due to absence of drag. To lose speed in space you have to point thrust in the opposite direction of you current momentum. Actually a 90 degree turn in space would be a little tricky if you didn't slow down before doing in because if you kept your forward momentum and then even with thrust vectoring started pushing yourself perpendicular to said momentum you'd end up making an arc instead of a 90 degree angle. One can assume though that while the 27 is using it's main engines to change its direction to the perpendicular the various vernier and RCS thrusters on the VF are slowing the crafts forward momentum in order to make a tighter turn. As for the VF-27's armor, I wasn't under any impression that it was anything different or more advanced than any other VF we've seen.
  20. Although that is my least favorite ST movie, that is a really good line.
  21. Who says I wasn't up to size specifications? I could be a Zentran or even just Macronized and none of you would know it. It seems I sparked a chain reaction, what fun!
  22. This coming from the man who completely forgot Misa when Klan entered his life and won't accept it despite everyone constantly reminding him. Also, Klan isn't single, she came running to me after Michel's death, .
  23. Sounding pretty good, like the back story.
  24. I was just sad at first, I accepted it long ago because the scene was great and the death was heroic. I honor him with the avatar as well. Pretty much I'm not upset about it but I am just proud of how Kawamori had him go out.
  25. I'm sure you'll find something equally Klan-tastic. I set mine as Michel's VF-25G from the ep.20 eyecatch, I figure it is appropriate and pays homage to his heroic death.
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