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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. If forum rules allow I would very much appreciate a copy of the game. If it is through torrent though I may not be able to recieve for a while (a month or so) since my college's internet blocks torrents (they download at a trickle) and it will be a month at least before I go home again. If another means of getting it then there shouldn't be a problem though. It would probably make everything easier (and less expensive), I assume you mean what you'd give me is already set to go. I was thinking an old fat however after looking up used prices the difference between the two is only about $10 in some places. Do you think it makes a difference? I was just going to go with the cheapest.
  2. Well perhaps it isn't as hard, the video seems to make it easy if your using ARMAX, and since I found that for about $45 and the swapmagic thing was $40, I can see me just going for ARMAX since the video made it look simpler enough. I can get a PS2 easily enough I've seen and I have some credit with gamestop so a used one wouldn't run me much. So after free mcboot is installed all I would have to do is then achieve a copy of SDF Macross and then convert it from a CD to a DVD in order for the modded PS2 to play it? I saw you provided a link for that so I bet I could figure it out. I am just making sure that that would be all I needed to do after free mcboot is installed and all that. I notice you mentioned the program plays backups but you aren't sure on imports... does that mean having a copy of the game might not be the best way to go or am I not understanding what a backup is in this case?
  3. Not likely I know anyone in person who has ever modded a PS2 so no luck for me there. I wouldn't be against getting ARMAX since I don't know enough about PS2s to go about opening them up and all that, especially since it doesn't seem to cost much more than the swapmagic sets there. Also I am not entirely sure I understand what you did differently than the method with ARMAX, I understand you had something on these swapmagic cds and you had to manually switch it out for another cd but I don't quite get how this does the same job as the ARMAX which from the video is just used to run the free mcboot installer from the flash drive. I'm just not video game hardware savvy I guess. Another thing I am fuzzy on is what free mcboot does that allows you to play japanese games. I know the ARMAX can let you play other region DVDs but if that includes games then I don't see why free mcboot is even needed. Times like this I like the simplicity of Nintendo, had the game been on gamecube I could just pop in a freeloader disc and swap it with the game. Alas things aren't as simple for Sony it seems.
  4. Hmm... sounds like too much trouble to play one game... especially since I'd have to actually get a PS2 (granted they aren't that expensive now). All in all this seems expensive as well as difficult. I really would like to play this game though. Sounds like the simplest solution is getting a Japanese PS2... but I have doubts that that is any easier for some reason... EDIT: Well I actually looked at the video you linked too and truthfully I have to say that doesn't look too difficult. I can get a PS2 for as low as $59 used, and flash drives aren't hard to come by. However I am curious as to how much ARMAX costs because I might want to try another method like yours if it is too pricey. To elaborate on your method of installation, what is the swapmagic cd and why did you burn things onto a cd instead of using a flash drive?
  5. I was intrigued by the idea of modding a PS2 to play Japanese games but I looked at those two things you mentioned and I have no idea what the hell is going on with those things or how they would help me do anything. Mostly the first one, I just couldn't understand anything people were talking about related to free mcboot.. as for the other, just sounds like some kind of save file utility and that helps me not. I don't know that much about all this stuff at all.. I am just curious if there was a way I could play that one game.. but it looks like a Japanese PS2 might be the simplest solution... even though I don't like that idea.
  6. I wasn't meaning to insinuate that everything the PC did was derived from the Vajra or anything, I was just pointing out that it shows officially the connection between the AFOS and the Vajra since they have similar symbols. The Protoculture modeled the AFOS on the Vajra, that is all I was saying.
  7. Not to revive dead topics but my new question fits here I think. You have been talking about stuff like this but not in a way I can understand unfortunatly. Is it at least possible for a PS3 (well I don't have one but a friend owns an 80GB PS3, I know there are differences between PS3 versions) to play japanese PS2 games? I have a feeling they don't but I am curious because I never played that PS2 SDF Macross game and it just looks fantastic. I suppose I could always try to find a PS2 emulator otherwise, but I think that sounds very hard as PS2 is not that old yet and usually existing consoles don't have working emulators available online yet.
  8. Most likely a reference to what I was saying earlier that the Protoculture, in Grace's words, "feared, worshipped, and defied the Vajra to the point of imitating their form." At which point we saw an image of the AFOS/Birdman from Macross Zero, finally explaining the similarity between that and the Vajra. The Vajra came first, AFOS was just based on them.
  9. Yeah, I did notice, but it seems because of the sale you can select SAL shipping however they have not yet told me how much that is so I have to wait until it ships to find out how much I am paying in total for shipping. Or it could be they will force me to pay EMS regardless of the 50% off nature of the purchase. So I am hoping I get to pay SAL shipping rate since EMS is quite high, but if I have to pay EMS I will live with that... it is the American economy that is sucking right now.
  10. Well I took a leap, I decided I shouldn't wait to see if the sale is still going on in a week and I placed an order for a 1/48 Max... It is just too good to pass up and I have never had one of these before (and I hear nothing but good things about this line). I am officially going to be dirt poor for about a week now though because of this, lol.
  11. I was hoping no one would notice this since I am still struggling to decide on buying Max.. I never had a Yamato valk and I always wanted Max and this is too good to pass up at this price it seems. Also I need to wait until I get some more money in in a few days so I hope the sale doesn't end soon or they get sold out or I will hate myself for not acting faster.
  12. I thought I once had this problem but I have since decided it is fine and I was just looking at a bad angle at first (the neck might not have been fully extended correctly when I first transformed it also). As for using the right neck piece, well there are two collar pieces which to this day I am still curious about but I used the one that the instructions said to use so I should have the right one anyway. None the less it looks fine for me now.
  13. No I knew it was assured it would happen, I just wanted a time table estimate, so thanks for that. Also keep in mind I don't own any Yamato valks at all so I wouldn't have been the one to know which series had what in it. However I can guess that no series would pass over the valk belonging to the ace of the Macross himself.
  14. Question and I don't want to read the whole thread to find out. Is a VF-1J in Max's colors coming out in this 1/60 v2 scale and if so when? If it is too long I may just get a 1/48 Max with super parts instead (though I much more like the 1/60 scale, however 1/48 doesn't bother me at all ).
  15. I'd like to just take a moment and address this whole glossy look thing. I don't have either figure but personally I think shiny gloss look would be really cool. As for glossy looking unrealistic and nothing like the show, well... lets let the following images decide that.
  16. Something also still present in the model (granted I agree that is something you'd expect in a model more than a toy like the DX, but I felt it worth mentioning).
  17. In fact the model does*. Actually the model technically uses two pieces to hold the gunpod in fighter mode, one of which is the connector for the action stands if you choose to use one. However truth be told it doesn't bother me in the slightest (actually I kind of like how it looks) but I tend to be that guy that doesn't make a big deal about such small things (no offense to all those other people that really enjoy trying to have it their way). The model however has far more parts that are left sitting aside than the DX though, mostly due to the landing hear and the rear landing hear doors which have to be replaced with closed doors when not using the gear (or transforming it). So rarely is anything truthfully perfect transformation. I can't even remember now if Bandai actually was promoting these things as perfect transformation or if people just assumed that over time. * I will point out however that the pieces for holding the gunpod in fighter mode on the model are very different from that piece on the DX there. One attaches to the gunpod handle and fits between the arms, the other slides over the gunpod barrel and connects between and in front of the shoulders.
  18. I understood your purpose well enough, I'm good at that. However it is impossible to stop people from asking questions and talking, someone always wants to know something even if everyone else knows the answer already. We just need a page of facts that can quickly answer all this, like the FAQ we mentioned in the Newbie Questions thread which I believe is a great idea. As for the show opinions, I know you like those quite well, as you started the chain of "BOMBAA!!"s after Frontier ep.17, lol. That episode is what got me into Fire Bomber music as well, and thus able to enjoy Mac7. I actually have no real opinion on Macross II as I have never seen it all the way through (I have seen about a hour of the dub and was finding it wholly uninteresting) and since it resides in a parallel universe I don't see it being as important and therefor I don't think I need to see it. That is just me though, I like pretty much everything else in Macross.
  19. Are we just going to make this topic into TNG quoting and picture responses? Not that I mind, I could do that all day, but it is quite off topic at the same time.
  20. I second that. MisaForbidden has spoken blashphemy... BLASPHEMY I tell you!!! Then we will use the grappling hook cable from the VF-25G that allows the valkyrie to latch onto surfaces for a more stable and possibly hidden sniping position. Or if March prefers I can come up with something more unique . As for everything else, I pretty much agree with Gubaba... although I also agree with VFTF1 that it is sometimes a good thing for those like he and I who have found it within us to like Basara's character and the ending to Macross Zero (I like it, but I still don't understand it). However unlike VFTF1 I am more likely to think to myself "Ugh.. another person who can't want a show closely enough to realize the deeper characteristics of that character/ending" and from there I proceed to ignore their bashing and move on.
  21. Depends if the movie versions will be re-engineered at all. It is a possibility. VF-1 went form boxing gloves to detailed hands for a movie, who knows how the VF-25 could change. I am starting to wonder if I should wait on the VF-25G with fast packs to see what Bandai will do for the movie line (which there will surely be).
  22. Despite how slow the show can run, that would probably make it far worse because even on slow episodes that don't seem to move the plot the characters are still developing. As for using English Fire Bomber music... well they'd probably try that anyway, most dubbed Macross has had the music changed except for some.. I never saw the ADV Macross dub though so I don't know about that. I know the M+ dub was done by the Robotech people so it is entirely english. Also English Fire just sucks.
  23. These pictures confuse me, this won't be entirely unpainted right? I assume the unpainted pictures are prototype pics and in package will look more like the first pic (expect without panel lining and sticker/decals of course).
  24. I don't believe they are strictly searching for planets with protoculture ruins, just human sustaining planets. The Vajra homeworld doesn't likely have any protoculture ruins since Grace stated they existed even at the same time as the Protoculture (and that the PC feared and worshiped them to the extent of imitating their form, ala AFOS in Macross Zero).
  25. Might want to look into correcting the battroid chest there, the cockpit piece is supposed to go all the way into the chest and behind the front chest piece so the nose cone is only visible just behind the chest. Other than that it looks great.
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