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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. I think you are good as far as spoilers.. this is the episode 9 thread a week after airing after all, with no episode 10 yet. It's an interesting idea, though we know what happened to Windermere was likely their own fault. At the very least, we know they detonated a Dimensional weapon, blamed it on the NUNS, and it seems to be having a long term effect of some unknown type. The theory that they have damaged their ruins somehow is one I kind of like but it doesn't entirely explain everything yet.
  2. There's model kits for that. Yeah they aren't DX level sturdy but... still.
  3. Ah, fascinating... I had mistakenly believed it to be older. So Ex-Gear is just an addition to this or perhaps part of it I guess. Also fighters without Ex-gear must still use it but have different forms of seats and ejection systems (we know this is true of the Draken). The VF-27 counts though... clearly it was designed for cyborgs.
  4. You answered your own question, heh. Hamera is the right arm carrier yeah. Best we can guess though, it was deployed on a mission at the time of the attack. Fold Wave sure... but ISCs existed before fold quartz was a regular thing right? I guess they did that on earlier fighters with the fold carbon?
  5. Is there anywhere with translations of the master file books? I know Seto Kaiba on these forums does work with them but I'm not sure if there is any online translation.
  6. Probably just the crotch plate (from the under fuselage) not folded down correctly.
  7. I don't recall him saying anything about the Draken's legs in that interview..
  8. With respect to the SK interview, I had a laugh at how the only reason he isn't doing male singers again is because he doesn't think he can top Basara. Even the creator believes in the legend, lol.
  9. Nah, I bet they'll have Heinz song activate them remotely I bet so they can impede Delta Squadron by creating Var outbreaks there.EDIT Lol, Eko and I posted the same idea at the same time.
  10. There is also the fact we haven't seen them exiting fold except for episode one which gave no close up. It is not impossible they are carrying fold boosters and dropping them, then picking them up when they leave. Frontier showed modern boosters are reusable, unlike in 7 and Plus. That being said, the animation of their defold in episode 1 was unique. Blue and spiraly instead of the typical pinkish fold window. Maybe that is an indicator of something unique. If you ask me, I think they shouldn't have changed the space fold aesthetic in Frontier. I liked it better in the older shows with the blinking and that sound effect.
  11. It's not that strange really.. Battle Frontier was really underutilized in Frontier compared to how often Battle 7 was used in Macross 7. We didn't even see it transform until the last 2 episodes of Frontier. Now the movies gave it a lot more screen time. They also got it taken over by a mind controlled Vajra queen (instead of Battle Galaxy as in the show, which never even showed up... I always wondered if it was destroyed in the initial attack on the Galaxy Fleet in the movie).
  12. As in the New Macross class battleship connected to the Frontier fleet... it was called Battle Frontier.
  13. Considering they went through the effort to show Hayate's Battroid arm missing even in fighter mode, it would be disappointing if they did magic gunpods for the 171, worth rechecking. I assume you didn't mean Alto but Hayate... (both blue haired main characters anyway). If so, the VF-31's guns are stored in the forearms and just flip out. They do have a beam gunpod which is part of the backpack but can be detached and held.. though I don't recall that being used in the climax of this episode.
  14. That description makes me think that I'd be cool with Lady M as Myung... but only if Mikumo really is an android. She is something but I'm not sure what yet. Otherwise, still kinda betting on Mylene or it just being a case of SK being a Holy Trolling Head.
  15. Not that I know of, but it was the most recent, done for episode 8. I think it was Celia Rose that said it, but since Mr. March and EXO are also on the show and didn't dispute it I am left wondering.
  16. I heard it mentioned on the Delta recap show, but is Macross Delta really getting a mid-season break (as in becoming a split-cour show)? That's pretty unusual for Macross.
  17. VF-171 was a pared down variation to be more multipurpose so that in general just makes it less 'super.' The 17 was actually pretty good and only died rarely (poor Physica...). Diamond Force never transferred out of them in the show though. They flew them to the end. Gamlin is flying a VF-22 in Dynamite 7 though, suggesting an upgrade coinciding with Max and Millia's custom order 22s. The VF-19s in Macross 7 though were Emerald Force, a second ace unit that was pretty much introduced just to be a rival to Diamond Force and add drama (cause they tended to be jerks)... but realistically because having another squad with specialized VFs fighting the Varuta and Protodevlin was smart.
  18. EDIT: I realized after I wrote the stuff below we said the same thing. I thought you said you preferred Renewals. Nevermind, but I'll leave my text as was.I disagree.. The idea of renewals bugs me. To get a better product you either have to buy it twice or wait longer than necessary. That's just stupid. Renewals shouldn't be necessary if they just do the job right the first time. I'd rather wait for a good product to be made the first time than have to decide if I want to buy it again to get a better one.
  19. I'm thinking back to Emilia's transforming guitar gun from the Macross 7 movie now. That thing was awesome.
  20. It was Engrish in that she was mixing it with Japanese, but fair point either way. The opening is a good ensemble song.. but as is typical of Macross shows the opening is never included in the series as a regular song typically, despite being on the albums. Though admittedly the ending song appearing in episode 5 implies that may not always be the case and it could be coincidence. SDFM doesn't count really, but Seventh Moon was never sung in universe to my knowledge, nor was Triangler (even after it got a Sheryl/Ranka cover) or Lion (except for the Service Medley.. which might count). Silent Hacker was a Reina song, you can see her singing some lines in the sequence.
  21. Just watched. I was very happy with this episode. It had a little bit of everything a good Macross show normally has, except maybe some triangle work (I'm sure we'll get an episode more devoted to that in time). The engrish song was good, but I think Azrael has it right, the ensemble songs are the weakest point for Walkure so far. Individuals have been great though. Freyja's song was fantastic and fit the mood of the scene great. I also love the first in series use of the fold resonance system (not counting the second Frontier movie with the earlier fold wave version of course). It is like taking the idea of the sound boosters and kicking it up to another level by not just amplifying the song's fold signature but giving a direct effect to a specific target (in this case Hayate). I do have a concern though it might ultimately end up being used to give VFs abilities not physically possible before and we then will rely on the "it works by using fold super science" to explain potential breaks in newtons laws or thermodynamics. We aren't there yet really.. but I hope Kawamori doesn't go too nuts with the idea (otherwise it will just be another lambda driver ala FMP!) Oh Messer. I guess his open wound enabled the Var chemical to affect him, even though there has been signs of his weakness before. Definitely seems he has something in his past that may make him more susceptible. The song helped him but clearly he needs some more in depth treatment since it appears to be back by the end of the episode. I got the sense Keith was somewhat depressed Messer got Var'd, he couldn't get his proper fight. It is notable he stopped attacking Messer once he realized it. Roid clearly wants to see more of how Walkure affect the ruins compared to Heinz. I heavily suspect he will want to eventually kidnap Freyja to help in whatever his long term plan is. Meanwhile, he and Keith are going to have to hash out the details of this fight. Bouge, well he had it coming. He is being impetuous at best and he earned the spanking he got from Hayate. As for Arad's comment about Hayate... I'm still not sure if that was a weird translation or not.. I'm going to wait and see before assuming anything. Great action, good music, some character development for Freyja, a little for Hayate. Solid B+.
  22. Typically except for any holiday weekends.. most anime are straight aired (unless they are split cour as happens a lot lately, but Macross has never been done in this fashion.. yet anyway, but I expect we'd know that by now).
  23. Haven't seen anything yet.. but I can't help but read stuff people say. It usually doesn't ruin it for me either way. GG is reporting their subs might take a little longer. Works out for me since I'm out of town with a shoddy hotel wifi connection. By the time the subs are out I'll be home.
  24. That's true, and wing mounting does play a role too.. most dihedral wings are base mounted such as commercial airliners. Fighters are small enough that the mounting does little to affect it as much as how the wing is tilted. I really should have remembered that.. considering I just flew on a C-17, and will again shortly.
  25. The official term is anhedral tilt of the wings, which reduces stability but adds to maneuverability which is ideal for fighters (and is in fact something Mirage points out in mission 3). I work on F-16s in the USAF, the main wings are pretty straight (they might have a very slight tilt like David says, 1 degree is hard to see up close) but the elevators have a far more noticeable anhedral angle. The opposite of this is dihedral which just means upward tilt of course which provides extra stability by forcing the plane to not tilt over. It basically makes it really hard to roll and it as a result preferable for large planes (which the AF calls heavies).
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