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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. Not seen yet, but posting to report that GG says their Delta fansub will be delayed a day due to travel. There is much weeping for sure.
  2. All of what you said is pretty much good, but it is worth noting that the PS2 DYRL game expands upon the movie by showing the events of the initial attack on Earth (an animated opening exists even, though that might be from a different game). Either way, it clearly shows the Macross launching from Earth just as Zentradi attacks begin but unlike the show where it does the up to space and back down for a trick fold maneuver, it just immediately initiates fold close to ground, not to try to trick the Zentradi attackers, but because they just started mass orbital bombardment of Earth and it was the only chance they had. It is likely everything was done, tested, and working like you said, but the fold maneuver itself was still done under stress and likely wasn't supposed to shoot them off as far as it did. This also fits with the DYRL lore that Earth was basically wiped out once the Macross left, and likely Global and SDF-1 command knew for the most part since they had an 'official story' in place. EDIT: Found the video, it is from the Sega Saturn game apparently, but the PS2 one does have an opening level where you fight the first wave of attackers and ends with fold and mass bombardment.
  3. Yeah sometimes a high powered laser in the face is just lethal. Actually that is always true.
  4. Never knew that, heh... it does explain why the city in the movie looked so well put together and detailed, unlike the version in the show which was set up hastily and destroyed and rebuilt every other week. I'm told city being destroyed often builds character though.
  5. I wasn't disputing that (I've technically studied rocket science as part of my degree, heh). Actually though, and Seto will surely come by to confirm this with more technical language than I care to use now, in space VF engines propel via expelling the reaction products from the fusion process. This happens in air too but it is combined with inlet air to increase thrust and efficiently. According to Seto, who says this comes from Master File (so not 100% canon but still, more detailed than anything else) they just ramp up the fusion process in space to the point where the fusion reaction products are enough to achieve similar thrust. It's crazy inefficient but overtech apparently enables them to do it. It also means they only need to carry fuel for the reaction and not a ton of propellant. This makes sense cause to do the stuff they do in the show they'd need massive propellant tanks to hold it all. Yes we can call it anime magic... but if we have one good explanation... I just assume go with that.
  6. Ok, that makes sense. I guess the wing thrusters on the 27 are bigger than I recall (was not looking at any pics when writing that since I was on break from work, which is ironically, working on jet engines, lol). Though clearly they have a different nozzle setup instead of the specialized 'feet' nozzles in the legs. As for the 29. I figured it would have to be a different engine because the thruster is smaller enough than the leg sections that I just couldn't believe they'd be the same type. That's amazing their still chemical (hybrid will always make the most sense for their size. Pure liquid would require extra tank space and more plumbing, and solid of course can't throttle on demand or shut off). You are probably right that they have special fuels, likely with higher enthalpy, but there is a limit to that (then again.. we are talking about overtechnology...). I guess they should be chemical since they are discarded so easily. Reaction engines are probably expensive.
  7. So I recently got a DX YF-29B (thanks again Duymon) and I started to wonder something about the wing mounted boosters. This question can apply to the VF-27 as well: Since the wing boosters are not add on engines and are smaller than the main engines in the legs, do they actually have their own smaller reaction engines or do they just siphon heat from the main engines to superheat intake air? Now I already think that it is more likely they have smaller engines because 1. The wing boosters have no connection to the leg engines in Gerwalk or Battroid modes, and 2. It would make it less useful in space since it wouldn't add to thrust considering how reaction weapons are used in space (though since they can pivot that makes them useful for maneuvers). This opens up a side curiosity though: are the boosters on modern super packs (such as on the VF-25 and 31) using reaction engines? I know the VF-1's boosters were hybrid rockets but after 60 years I'm sure they use something more advanced.
  8. It is well past the spoiler statute of limitations now, you're ok. Anyway, typically a head laser, while not weak, is less damaging than a gunpod bullet. Also I'm pretty sure the VF-0 didn't have much in ECS because it didn't have the thermonuclear reaction engines to power it. There is some question on if ECS strengthens the canopy too. I'll defer to an expert there. The VF-31 does have ECS in all modes (ECS in Fighter mode is a relatively new thing made possible by a newer reaction engine design) but Messer was pushing his fighter more than usual and had already taken damage. He was flying, and even speaking like, this was the last confrontation he'd have with Keith one way or the other. I think Keith knew he could manage that kill with a precision laser shot, and knew he had the skill to pull it off.
  9. I should have just dropped this. http://cow.org/csi/
  10. I've always liked other Macross fans. I'll see myself out. Alternatively you could imagine I put on sunglasses there and the CSI Miami theme began playing.
  11. I think the covers that slid off to reveal the laser was the ear-things in fact.. which could make the emitter the eyes as stated. That is my current theory.
  12. Well episode 6 was in an asteroid thicket near a planet with var controlled pilots. They can certainly send the song to any area via fold transmission (as it were) but you are right the ruins are what make it a planetary attack for sure. As for main gun usage, I think they are trying to save such things as signs of big trouble nowadays. SDFM needed the main gun most battles because they were that outgunned (luckily they managed to spice it up with an occasional Daedalus Attack, which only backfired on them once, lol). Macross 7 didn't give us a Battle 7 transformation and gun firing until episode 17 I think it was.. but after that it happened nearly every week, and often with stock footage (one of 7's most notorious sins). Frontier on the other hand didn't show us a New Macross class cannon firing until episode 18, 2/3rds into the series, and it was done is cruiser mode. To wit when Battle Frontier finally did transform in the finale it never even got to fire its cannon (Battle Galaxy did, but it was not a full power shot I think. Though Battle Frontier countered with a Macross Attack to Galaxy's gut which made me squee, lol). Now the movies gave us a lot more Battle Frontier love in terms of transformation and cannon firings, but it seems clear the they are trying more now to limit the reliance on the Heavy Quantum Converging Beam cannons which can become easy win buttons. I bet we'll see Elysion fire it's big gun eventually.. but it may be a while.
  13. In fact if you look at the mecha section of the Macross Delta official site it shows seperate pics of each of the Draken with and without their add-on packs. You can clearly see there are strap on portions on the legs as well as having the lil Draken on the wings.
  14. That too, since we got NyanNyan FIRE!! ~ Totsugeki Planet Explosion out of it (Plus Virgin Story, but that one was just a Fire Bomber song). Seems the video of May'n and Fukuyama singing Totsugeki Love Heart isn't on youtube anymore. It was on May'n's own page I think at one point.. maybe studio wanted it taken down. Oh well, there are also videos of them and Megumi Nakajima doing the aforementioned song as well.
  15. It is funny to me when people compare this to Macross 7 as if 7 is universally considered a bad show. While it definitely is the black sheep of the franchise, that reputation is mostly put on by a subset of Macross fans. It wasn't perfect and had a lot of issues but it was a highly successful show when it aired, and has some of the best music. I grew to enjoy it after taking time to really find things to like in it. More importantly, that and the post this is replying to aren't really related to the DX Sv-262 figure and probably should be in the Movies and TV section instead... so... um... yeah head/nosecone lasers are pretty killer, as they can cause a bit of a Messy situation.... (I'm terrible I know).
  16. This is the full series bluray right? It has English subtitles for a reason so I'd hope it sells to America at least...
  17. I never really doubted this (at least after I learned I was wrong about the YF-29 and 30 having self-folding capability since I misunderstood their tech). I figure though if this was the first for that then they'd make a bigger case of it. Now there does exist a case for the 262 but I'm still skeptical.
  18. Nah... As this show is, there is a limit to how much Bomba you can sustain. Macross 7 played dangerous games with that limit, lol.
  19. It would be something of a retcon.. in Plus it was implied it was just his Zentradi nature that made him violent. It was common for first generation and some 2nd generation Zentradi after Space War 1 to not be adapting perfectly. It seems to be that by the time of Delta there are less and less overtly violent Zentradi (then again we have the Zentradi on Galia 4 in Frontier). I am convinced either way that Guld was not suffering any infection.. but merely a psychological issue.
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